
Episode 4

I was lying in my bed when I woke up. Maybe Pops picked me up last night and moved me here. We only live in a small hut and upon waking up, you can see everything here, even the small table where we always eat. The wooden door is open, a sign that Pops is already wide awake.

At the bottom of this hut is where my Pops makes his wine. The wine is made of apples and he ferments it by means of burying it in the ground for several months. After the said span, the wine is ready for drinking and it tastes so good. I also love drinking liquor but unfortunately, in my case, Pops will always scold me whenever he caught me drinking. I frowned. It is kind of unfair. He drinks wine like it is just an ordinary water. He never stopped drinking and you can always see him getting drunk. I have to hide whenever I want some because Pops won’t really allow me to.

I got up and prepared myself. I took my small crocheted bucket sling bag with some tassels designed it. I saw some food on the table, fried vegetables, a large fried fish, and a hot bun. It smelled nice and my stomach churned upon seeing it and I picked one. I started eating it as soon as I left the house. Upon stepping outside, I saw my Pops peacefully sleeping underneath the large apple tree near our house. As usual, he is holding his ancient liquor bottle. I darted towards him and lowered my body enough to meet his height. I snorted. His mouth is hanging open while snoring. I tried to wake him up by means of pulling his long white beard but took it off and I decided to just leave him alone. I smiled at him before I stand straight. I leave silently and immediately go to my favorite place, none other than the human world! I can finally eat some delicious food. I giggled when the image of pork belly and good wine entered my mind.

Unlike other Foxes, I wasn’t blessed with a complete family. But I am grateful that I have Pops in my life. It is absolutely better than nothing. Plus, he is a really great father figure. If you were to ask where my family is, Pops told me he just saw me outside his door together with the Celestine moon necklace where my name is engraved, Anastasia. I sighed softly. I am a wolf but I don’t consider myself as one since everyone abhors my race. Everyone is also afraid of wolves and I have no idea why. Hayy… I don’t know why; I never transform into one because Pops instructed me to never reveal my real identity to anyone. I am free to do anything, he never forbids me to do what I like, except for learning martial arts and going to the places he doesn’t want to mention.

Although he doesn’t want to, I always go into the human world without his permission. I always like to explore what they eat and what their world looks like. I always enjoy having some adventures alone. I have classes but ah-ah I don’t feel like going to. It’s too dull and boring. I’ll just fall asleep and the Foxes will just bully me. I pouted. I still need to find my savior, hoping I can see him there in the human world. I must find him!

I don’t let anyone see me sneaking into the portal. I broke off some leaves and used it to cover and camouflage myself. To be honest, there is an easy way to teleport in the human world. You just need to fly. Our place is located near other dimensions but unfortunately, I don’t know any spells to make myself fly. Others also have the natural ability to do so but me, ehh let us not just talk about it. I tried flying once but I only ended up hurting myself. I fell from the sky and landed in the river. So, the end game was I looked like a wet baby wolf. Hemp!

The portal to the human world looks enchanting. It is surrounded by a carpet of green centipede grass as well as vivid and picturesque flowers that made it too captivating. A formation of rocks can be found at the center, with a staircase that leads to the portal itself. A tall, massive form of a rock with an opening can be seen in the middle. Upon reaching it, a flow of magic can be felt. Numerous glittery and sparkling forms of light are also pleasingly floating around the portal.

On the way to the portal, I saw the long white-haired old man. The Guardian is playing xiangqi, a game of ancient chess, in the middle of the portal all by himself. He gently caressed his long beard while he is too occupied with thinking about what his next move will be. He seems to not notice my presence and I should continue being this silent.

I bite my lower lips. I climb up on the rock stars while both of my hands are holding the leaves sideward as I try to not make any noise. I am almost at the last step. However, I couldn’t see it because of my disguise and I tripped. I ended up falling to the ground which made me catch the attention of the guardian. I closed my eyes and stopped myself from getting annoyed. I am such a clumsy little woman!

“Aiyoo~ What are you doing? Trying to sneak in again?” the long white-haired old man asked me while still busy playing his chess.

I silently groaned. It pained me. It hurts. I put on a long face. “I’m…”

“Stand up,” he muttered while looking directly at me.

I pouted and sat properly on the ground. I shake my hands as well as both my elbows to remove the dust off me. “Come sit with me. Don’t you ever dare think of sneaking. How many times do I have to tell you to not go into the human world? It won’t do any good to you. It will only put yourself in harm.”

I immediately glanced at him and went near him using my knees. “Aiyaaa~ Master white hair, people in the human world are kind. And one more— I don’t use any magic to catch their attention since I don’t know how to. If I only know how to, I will not probably go here to visit the human world,” I whispered my last sentence while frowning. I am dissatisfied with everything.

“So, there’s nothing you can do but sugarcoat this old man just to get there, isn’t it?”