
Love affair with a beast

Amelia almost died in an accident but was saved by a strange entity. surprisingly that entity is always near her. she recovered from the accident but little did she knew her life is never going to be same. she also discovers shocking facts about her past as she moves forward and also why does this stranger do not really feel as a stranger.

Luna011 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

The shooting of drama(1)


" huff.... huff....(pant)..." A Woman dressed in a long sleeveless white gown was lying on an old wooden bed. Her hair was a mess and she looked as if she has awoken from a very deep and long slumber.

" Aah... Ahh... My.. Head.. Huff.. Huff" she murmured while panting. Her head was feeling extremely heavy. 

"Aaahhhh... " she shouted as she felt sharp pain in her head. She continued panting. She was sweaty. Her heart was beating like crazy. She could hear thumping sound in her head. 

" what is going on ?" She questioned herself as she looked around the room with her half opened eyes. She was barely able to keep them open. 

While she was struggling to figure out what was going on, she suddenly struck by pain in her forehead again. She groaned in pain. She panted and held her forehead with her hands. She closed her eyes, breathed deeply and massaged her head a little to soothe the pain. 

As she felt a little relief, she tried to look around herself. The room she was in didn't seem very big. The lighting was dull but enough to help her at looking and figuring out her surrounding. 

She tried to stand up from the bed. For some reason her body was lightly shaking and her feet felt heavy to her. With her trembling legs she took a few steps. She was able to keep her eyes completely open now although She was still holding her head with her one hand.

As she was walking she could hear sound of chains clacking. She could not. Understand where the sound was coming from but it was definitely from somewhere near to her. 

She had only taken a few steps ahead when she fall down all of sudden. " Aahh.." The sound escaped from her lips in pain. She looked at her feet to find why she fall down. As she looked at her legs, her eyes widened in horror and surprise. She gulped as she saw her legs were wrapped around with a thick chain with a lock on it. She couldn't believe what she saw. She touched her legs and realized this is all true. Somebody put chains on her legs to keep her away from escaping. The chain's one end was tied to an end of bed which also had a lock on them. The chains were long but not long enough to get her near the door of that shabby room. Her movements were limited. 

" what... What is going on ?" She spoke in utter shock. She tried to remove those heavy chains from her legs but she was unable to. She tried again and kept on trying until her hands started to hurt. She was horrified. She couldn't help but think why would anyone do this to her. 

She tried various time but the result was same. Tears rolled down as she realized what kind of situation she is in. Never in her 26 year old life she had encountered something like this. 

Just then she heard the sound of footsteps getting near the door. 

" clomp... Clomp.. Tap.." And then it stopped and a man opened the door. He stood at doorsill, looking at the lady fallen onto the floor. Due to the sudden burst of light into the room, she covered her eyes with her hands. She tried to see the face of that man but couldn't due to light. 

That man glanced at her. He noticed a stain of blood on her gown on her knee area. She probably got a scratch when she had fallen down. She gulped as that man made his way to her. She tried to move back but couldn't due to pain and chains. The man got near her and bent down to her level. She still couldn't see his face clearly as light was coming from his back and hitting her straight in eyes. She squinted her eyes. 

She was scared. The man suddenly touched her cheek with his hand, causing her to flinch. That man wiped her tears with his thumbs. 

" Why do you always hurt yourself ?" That man gently spoke. 

A chill went through her spine as she recognized that voice. Her eyes widened and body started shivering in fear. She knew whose voice was this. She was so scared that she even forgot how to breathe. 

" J..Jack " the words escaped from her mouth. 

" (smirks)... Aww.. My baby recognized me." he said as he rubbed her cheek with his hand. 

She pulled her face away which made him very displeased. His smirk disappeared and he pulled her towards him. 

" you haven't changed even a bit my canary." He said as he stared at her. 

She tried to pull herself away but was not able to because he was pulling her even closer. 

" Heyy.. Why are you trembling so much ? Aren't you happy to see me." He said.

" ho.. How.. Did you escape from jail?" She asked with her trembling lips.

" (laughs) My canary, you are so naive. Did you seriously think that those walls are able to restrain me? (laughs even more). "

"but that is not important. What important is right now is that you tell me how should I deal with you? ' he said as he clenched her cheeks. 

" how could you call police on me.. On your husband.. Huh ... Didn't You know how much I loved you. " 

" you.. You love me. (pushes him away and stands up slowly) if you would've actually loved me. I wouldn't have to go through that hell. You love me (snickers and cries) people who really love someone they don't assault that person physically and emotionally. They never force themselves on that person. They don't drug them and kidnap them like you did." She said furiously. She was still shaking but that couldn't stop her from venting out her frustration.

" you don't love me..(cries) you never did. " 

Jack stood up . She was able to see his face clearly now. She looked at him in anger and disgust. 

" Jessica, how can you say that? Of course I love you very much..." Jack was going on and on but Jessica didn't Care. She just wanted to get out of there. 

She was looking around for something which she can use to escape without him noticing. Then suddenly her eyes fall on a heavy rock which she couldprobably use to get away. 

" how come I didn't notice this before ?" She thought.

She pushed him with all her might and knocked him down with the help of that rock. She got a little scratch in the process but she was able to free herself as she found the keys of the lock in his pocket. She took his phone and the cash he had, looked at him for last time and ran towards the door. 

As she got near the door, The Director shouted, "AND CUT". 

" perfect". Director said while giving thumbs up. 

That man stood up from ground and that lady came near and asked," Are you okay Steve ? I hope I didn't hit you too hard."

"ohh.. No, no I am fine. It stings a little though." That lady said. 

" I am so sorry about that. I tried to hit you as gently as possible." She said. 

" It's fine Amelia. I am tough." Steve said with a smile. 

" now shall we review the scene? " Steve said and Amelia nodded. 


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