
Love affair with a beast

Amelia almost died in an accident but was saved by a strange entity. surprisingly that entity is always near her. she recovered from the accident but little did she knew her life is never going to be same. she also discovers shocking facts about her past as she moves forward and also why does this stranger do not really feel as a stranger.

Luna011 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Shooting of drama (2)

The next week 

All the crew members were busy working, setting the lights, preparing for the last scene of the drama " The dangerous love". 

" we will need more lights here ". 

" put them on safely."

" Everyone is working hard today". Amelia said. 

" No surprise to me, they are always extra excited at the last day". Steve who was standing next to her responded. 

" I guess " Amelia added. 


" I think we should go through the script once". Amelia suggested. 

" Sure but I am just gonna lay down anyway. I don't have any dialogues today". Steve said with a shrug.

" same here, I think I will have to run today. " Amelia said. 

" RUN, Are you sure, you can run in this dress in this FREEZING cold". Steve emphasized on freezing . 

Amelia was dressed in same sleeveless white gown from previous scene. She was wearing a parka over her dress to keep herself warm. They were currently in Sihlwald forest, Zurich. The grounds and trees were covered in snow so it was really freezing. 

" I think I can ". Amelia said.

Just then, they were summoned by Director. 

" Lights check, camera check, Amelia you ready ? " Director asked. 

She removed her parka and footwear. "Yes sir" she responded. 

" Great, Everyone at their positions". He ordered. 

" Lights, camera, Action". He said. 

(The last scene of drama

Jack was knocked down by that young lady. And she started running towards that door. Once she crossed the Doorsill, she didn't look back. She kept on running. She didn't know where she was going, what was her destination. Only thing she knew was that she has to run, she must run from here. She was barefoot, her hands and feet turned red due to cold but she didn't care. She was finally free from her toxic husband. She was running into a forest. The Trees were tall as giants. She was surrounded by them . The tears from her eyes, the shivering of her body couldn't stop no matter what. 

Going a little forward, she discovered a road. A car was coming towards her. She tried to ask them for help but she stumbled and injured her leg. Probably it was her luck but the man who appeared to be in his late forties saw her while driving. She was in terrible condition and he couldn't ignore that so he offered her help which she gladly accepted. She finally escaped from her husband.)

" CUT " Director shouted. 

Everyone gathered on the set. Amelia's manager put her in her parka and shoes. She immediately covered her with a warm blanket as well and offered her hot coffee. 

" Thanks Sasha ". Amelia said while accepting the coffee.

Sasha smiled in response. 

Everyone was smiling and congratulating on finishing the last scene of their drama," The Dangerous Love". 


" So.. Are you coming to the party ? " Steve asked.

Amelia who was sitting in her vanity said, " No. The only thing I can think of doing is to lie down on my bed and sleep for weeks. "

Steve slightly laughed.

" For WEEKS, looks like you are really tired this time. Otherwise I haven't ever seen you saying No to a party". Steve responded.

" I wish I could go but my feet are really sore. I cannot stand for even a minute. " Amelia said.

" I guess . It can't be helped. " Steve said.

Steve sighed.

" Anyways why don't you take Sasha along with you ? " Amelia said pointing at Sasha who was standing there shly gazing at Steve from the moment he entered the vanity. Her ears and cheeks were slightly blushed pinkish.

" What? Me.. " Sasha immediately asked grabbing everyone's attention.

" Yeah. You. Why don't you go to the party with Steve ? It will be fun. You both gets along anyways". Amelia said.

" Fine by me ". Steve said before Sasha could even open her mouth to say anything.

" Great and Sasha ? " Amelia said looking at Sasha.

" I would love to but your feet. Will you be okay without me ? " She asked.

" Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. Alright you just go and have some fun. " Amelia said.

" Come on Sasha, Are you also going to say no like your sister". Steve said.

Steve got closer to Sasha and said in his deep voice, " please come to the party with me "

Sasha's ear turned even more pink. Her heartbeat slightly raised. She stepped back so that he couldn't notice.

" (Clears throat) Alright. If you insist." Sasha said in low tone but it was enough for them to listen.

Steve and Amelia both smiled.

" Alright, you guys leave now. I need to change. " Amelia said while shooting them away.

" Yeah yeah we are leaving". Steve said and got out of vanity.

Sasha looked at Amelia , " Thank you sis".

" (Smiles) it's ok. Now go and have fun".

Amelia said in cheering tone and gave her thumbs up with a huge smile.

She saw them leaving, walking next to each other.

" So cute " she murmured.

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