
Lost Unknown Queen

Read if you can handle something not wrote for the sensitive. About a realm of nonhuman hybrids immortal/mortal divided up in different societies. (Not by immortality but by their different Kind Societies. Even though they are all the same human hybrid breed.) Kingdom/Baron Societies are most feared from their beast-like strength and constant havoc of making war for more power.All women are enslaved under their men. A Primary King named Cory kidnapped himself a rare beauty. Only to learn she's a bit divergent from their female Kind. Cory discovers she is a new breed. Her title rank is legendary and her immortal gene is what men dreamed to have.Cory keeps her for himself and lies to her about her true identity. Can she ever getaway from Cory or will love snatch her heart? Will she learn the truth that she is a lethal weapon? Then her existence causes a world invasion on Cory's home planet. Can he keep his Kingdom from falling and her from going into enemies hands, who wanna use her blood to get stronger and take her rank by marriage. As if that wasn't bad enough. These enemies also want her to birth them a new half-breed son. Unlocked chs/slow pace written because there so much details so why rush a story. Read carefully, it switches back and forth in first person on both ML/ FL. There will be No pov name tags. FL's name is revealed by ch26, that ch will be very important to understand. Secondany characters will be written in third person. I know novels like this aren't popular since it's to slow. But I know true readers enjoy reading. If you like long series like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars then maybe you'll like this. Only this is my collection of new worlds I created. I hope you enjoy if you're willing to give it a chance. A sneak peek: Ch206 Cory kinda nods giving me a plain expression saying. "The three lines means we passed all six training courses at age hundred. All boys military or not earn the symbol at the age of a hundred. The non-military boys will get the branded mark on their upper left wrist to show they aren't military but passed their training courses. Everyone else will get the mark to their chosen Division they will work in once their warriors." I nodded confirming my inward assumptions were correct and asked. "I started to notice that but why are you the only one that carries the branded symbol on the back of your lower neck?" "Because I am a Royal," Cory replied. "All Royals get the symbol on the back of their neck." "That's interesting," I mumbled to notice he was still looking at me strangely. As his head cocked slightly. "So are you going to get undressed?" Cory asked with this questionable flirty voice. "Or do I need to help you?" "Pardon me?" I hissed and folded my arms showing my sass. "I never said I was going swimming now did I?" Cory chuckled amused but I rolled my eyes at his kiddish behavior. I mean really, who does he think he is! Suddenly, my stance became still as Cory ambled over close enough that I feel his pleasurable breath airing my face. A heatwave pumped through my veins. As I felt his fingers touch the waistline on my hips. His pupils filled with what seemed to be desiring lust. I was caught in the moment of being mesmerized by those striking eyes. As both, his hands' fingertips travel from my hips along the waistband of my jean shorts. Until he reached the center button. My heartbeat was pounding like a drum and my breath was taken. I found myself lost in his forbidden dark marble green eyes. A half-grin curved on his right lip. And I hear the button on my shorts snap open. I pant as his face leans into my right ear. "So I guess that means I am undressing you," He whispered so seductively. M-rated, gore, domestic violence, gruesome death, assault even sexual, suspense. Tons of characters of all ages most have their own storyline. Mythical creatures and most of them I created myself. Vote, Add, Give a friendly review to help my rating. discord Sara88#4303

Sara_Weber_9938 · Fantasy
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247 Chs

Chapter 29:The Whispering legend

(Optional reading information about their worlds. How things happen in their ancestry line. And how hybrid-women became enslaved to the hybrid-man. And the legend about the grand duchess Sally. If not interested in reading continue to ch30 for the story.)

Legends always have a way of reappearing from beneath its hidden depths of darkness. A legend never dies but finds a way to whisper yet loud enough to send this sudden quiver across your spine. No matter how many times anyone tries to fade it. A whisper of its words comes back to haunt those who never wish for it to be true.

Yet, as time moves forward and you think maybe it had been forgotten. Somehow that legend resurfaces back to life. For you see a legend only lays dormant for long. Until it lets out another breath to speak of words untold. But yet fills the minds weary to that point it begins to taunt.

A haunting image uprise for innocent blood is spilled. All to keep a shh about, from this legend's destiny to become fulfilled. For you see no matter what innocent blood you take to try killing this legend for good. Not reàlizing it can never be killed.


A legend spoke of this powerful hybrid Princess would someday be born to be the first of her breed. This legend said that Princess would grow to become a Grand-Duchess Queen of all Queens. Which seemed like a farfetched kinda legend, so these future hybrid-men buried it away like a fairytale wrote for little girls.

After all, to think within a hybrid-man's mind such a powerful hybrid-woman could one day be born. Could change their ways with keeping control over the whole population of hybrid-women and cause the greatest war of chaos just to have her rank by marriage. And her strength power could be used to boost their own strength power.

For such a long time hybrid-women within these worlds are weaker and become enslaved by hybrid men. Men completely overtook the galaxies throughout their generations. But before any of that happen, when hybrid-women lost all say and will to their men, and this new order had been placed. Things were once different...


Way before the hybrid-women became enslaved to their hybrid-men. During the time of these hybrid Kind's ancient ancestors (Meaning Oldest ancients). On just one single planet before space travel even existed. In the ancient ancestors' time period, hybrid-women and hybrid-men were once all considered equal. Male or female worked together on surviving in their crazy world. The hybrid-Kind died. even in natural disasters, illnesses, and even by the ferocious creatures they shared the planets with were known to kill them. Being mortal in their timeline they survived on foods and drinks. In their timing, they were adults by age ten and died from old age by eighty. That is if they were even lucky enough to survive that long. With the monstrous creatures that lived among them too.


Now continuing further down the timeline of the future of this Kind. The next time periods that took place was considered the timing of the Ancients' time periods. Still everyone was mortal and their growth rate was the same. They still had equality between males and females. These next mortal ancestors come directly from the same descendants of the Ancient Ancestors, as they died off from the first single planet.

Space travel was at its peak and they flooded the population throughout the galaxies and even discovered new creatures living on those planets. Things for their Kind was thriving. ( It was like your Star Trek modern-day world in this time period.)

That is until sometime in an unknown time period within the (same) Ancestors time periods. Throughout the galaxies were becoming plagued with diseases of all sorts. Causing a massive die-off throughout their galaxies. Infants and children were dying off at a high uncontrollable rate along with hybrid-men and hybrid-women. A hybrid-women's heat cycle for breeding during the moon phase was lessening. Infants were hardly ever being conceived or born. (Moon phase was their time to breed.) . There Kind was dying. Only most of these monstrous beasts were the ones surviving in their galaxies among countless planets. The creatures were evolving into gaining the perfect immortality.

Nearly at the brink of Extinction, their Kind was fading rapidly but there was a glimpse of hope. On this one particular planet a hybrid-woman scientist during their ancestors' timing. Developed the Maternity Bio Factory. Where an infant would be born from a tube made similar to resemble a womb to help families adopt. Beçause hybrid-women miscarried more often. Their reproductive died at any moment, for whatever unknown reason, caused by these plagues. So that's why this hybrid female scientist came up with this brilliant invention to continue on their Kind.

Trying to help keep their Kind from Extinction. Which was all seemingly going well. Along working with her a group of hybrid-women even found the cure to some of these fatal viruses. Finally, after barely surviving long past thirty years during their timeline.

A breath of relief finally uplifts to think they may pull through by finding tons of cures and making the Maternity Biofactory was becoming a huge success. Being generous the ladies spread their success to the other dying planets. A bright hope was upraising from their devastating loss.

However, another unknowing threat was lurking within some of these hybrid-men. All while these groups of hybid-women were doing all these blissful achievements for their worlds. A massive group of hybrid-men was thinking differently compared to these hybrid-women.

Once these mortal hybrid-men saw more creatures from their own planets started to gain immortality. It gave them the crazy idea to give their future Kind Immortality one day. On each planet, they secretly formed a unity keeping in close contact with each other.

This group of dictating evil hybrid-men were maddened by their sorrow. Their loved ones around them had already died off in huge numbers. The cures for their families' fatal illnesses came too late to save them and countless others. A handful of planets even did die off. It turned so many men cold and heartless from their pain.

Where the main leading woman scientist who created Maternity biofactories and helped cure many illnesses. Like fearsome warriors, they marched in those lab buildings. Those wonderful ladies all mysteriously disappeared. Easily, these men took her labs, Maternity Bio factories, and everything else she worked for with the other women working with her.

After easily robbing everything she's ever created. These evil men used her ideas and achievements for their own scheming benefits. These evil men took things to the next level with their own ideas. To create soldiers for this ideal future of mutating their own future descendants with immortality. Such like the beasts that lived among them on each planet. Around the Galaxies from each planet, the other groups of men did the same take over with these women-made labs, taking full control.

By using the Maternity Bio factories. These evil groups of hybrid-men made more hybrid female girls for slavery and breeding for this vision bestowed within their minds. Renaming the first of these still mortal new breeds to be called tubebabies. On each planet, things weren't looking hopeful for any hybrid-women watching these events take place.

Further into the future by two hundred years...

At the beginning of these still mutating mortals. (Yes it took awhile and it's still during the time of the ancestors.) These new hybrid worlds were just changing before hybrid-people gained Immortality.

The mortal men saw each offspring getting stronger. Therefore their worlds started prepping for the future Immortals to one day be birthed by their now enslaved women. They came up with the idea to divide up into five main societies.

The main five are Average Society, Commoners Society, and Businessmen Society were considered the weakest. Barons and Kingdoms were the strongest. These hybrid Kinds all lived under their own society rules and laws. Now Hybrid-men went by Ranks and titles. Barons wore their own color code whether it was red, blue, or whatever colors they had chosen. In Kingdoms, men mostly wore black or darker dress code. (Yes, they are still mortal. This is how they were starting out and females are fully enslaved now.)

Things for these Hybrid-men were seemingly going perfect for them. With taking over their new worlds and setting these new Galaxy rules and laws in placement for the future generations to live on forever...

Now over decades and centuries upon each other. Over time it even changed their growth rate, that adulthood was now at age five-hundred but aging in their faces all stopped. These ancestors constantly changed their DNA cells in desperation to ensure the survival of their kind. Became successful with their far-future descendants to gain immortality.

These Hybrid-men and women mutated slowly after each time the mortals passed over. One after another, time after time period because this took well over a million years and longer. Until the Immortality Gene took to their descendants throughout their worlds.

The mutation finally took to their blood passing it to the future descending offspring over time. Now the Immortality Gene took to their cells while pride took their cold hearts. Their ancestors successfully mutated some of their future Kind to live forever with women enslaved to them...

But there was a caught... that's how it is... there's always a caught, nothing is ever perfect.

Not everyone inherited the immortality gene even within the present generations. Therefore it was never a hundred percent perfect beçause at the same time they didn't get the full Immortality. Like these monstrous beasts because unlike them, those creatures could heal and revive themselves outa of the lifeless state. (Meaning raising from death) Without first using a special serum. Every hybrid-kind needed that special serum to be brought out of the lifeless state if that hybrid was Immortal.

Yet, that didn't matter because Hybrid-men shared similar characteristics as the creatures.

Now being a fully new mutated breed some of these hybrid-men were now stronger like the creatures, fast like the creatures, their sight was better, and they could hear better like the creatures. These hybrid-men çould breathe underwater longer as the sea creatures and so much more. All senses were enhanced by the blood of the creatures that flowed through their cells.

Some men could even mind link with a creature and set a companionship to that specific beast and summon the creature for his bidding for war. If a hybrid-man mind-linked to an alpha of the flock, pack, or herd. That hybrid-man became alpha over the flock, pack, or herd.

These group of Hybrid-men now felt invincible as their hearts carried fewer emotions. It didn't take long for them to realize most of them became different from others because over handfuls of men didn't share the same new mutated qualities. So they had a better understanding, as to why their worlds became divided up. In their own societies and went by a ranking title. Later on down the timeline, even more, Societies were added, they expanded far past their ancestors' accomplishments.

Being the greatest, Kingdoms and Baron felt like they owned these worlds. Having the Highest ranking title and beast-like strength. Ego went to their heads. Unaware their ancestors still forgot about something. Indeed yet another caught.

Without realizing the prices they paid thanks to their ancestors. By forgetting about a very important factor. Not remembering these immortal creatures would imprint on a mate for life. Over time, the hybrid-men now shared a similar imprint to a hybrid-woman. The hybrid-men called this form of imprint a bond connection. A hybrid-man would fall deeply in love with one hybrid-woman he laid eyes on, but it came with a cost for a hybrid-man. Especially, for the Barons and Kingdom men.

One of the costly prices a hybrid-man would pay. If he broke the bond and rejected it once the setting process was completed or forming passed a week (five days). A hybrid-man would suffer a thousand years not able to love another woman. Not even a simple kiss from a woman could mend his suffering away from the woman he loves. His suffering would drive him to madness. Making him vulnerable to the vicious survival game.

Until the thousand years were over then he'd be free of his icy torment. A woman suffered less timing of a broken bond and could move on more quickly, to feel comfort from another man's simple touch. Often times they called this imprint the hybrid-men's curse.

Now for the hybrid women, their mutation strands were purposely tampered with. Which caused them to be weaker. Female hybrids couldn't do the same things the male hybrids could do. Therefore they continued to be enslaved by them for being a weaker Kind. Hybrid-women needed protection mainly in the Barons and Kingdoms ruling beçause of their constant thirst for blood to gain more power. Barons and Kingdoms created war with each other. So the poor enslaved women suffered for it.

Now ofcourse most of these hybrid-men took advantage of this weakness and took themselves, multiple wives and mistresses, for their own benefits. While other hybrid-men only took one wife within the Barons and Kingdoms Society. Being weaker hybrid-women didn't have much say in these worlds and become molded to a hybrid-man's will. They adapted themselves to the hybrid-men's ways of control.

Without realizing there is this legendary ranking title that kept rumoring itself throughout each Galaxy. The very same legend that these hybrid-men wish would stop emerging about the whispering tales of the Grand Duchess throughout generations and each time periods upon itself.

This legend said a Princess from within the Kingdoms, having a birthmark of three tiny seven-pointed diamond-like stars. Would be born to be the first of her breed to have, an unknowing type of stronger mutation strand within her blood. She is the firstborn to have rights like Hybrid-men. This one Queen could be the first to cause changes for a hybrid-man's control. The legend also spoke of her being the key to the ultimate power any King or Baron would dream to become. It was foretold she carries the perfect immortality gene mutation. Something no men even had...

Yet, time after time period each time this legend about her somehow reemerged itself. Many Kings from Kingdoms were unhappy to learn about the legend of the Grand Duchess. That each time a new generation heard of this legend whispering around their galaxies. Greed for power maddens their minds and coldness took their hearts.

A lot of Head Kings are called the Primary King. The Head leader of each Kingdom would order an execution to be taken among his kingdom people and Royal family members. Many hybrid-men from different Kingdoms including the Royals throughout different pass time periods. Were known to slaughter their unborn daughters.

Desperate to prevent change from ever happening and stop any enemy from trying to use the legendary Queen's rank and strength to become more powerful. For in case the legend was ever found to be true. Over the sure fact, they were just that greedy and headstrong with wanting to keep such power play. Greedy enough to spill all that sweet innocent blood by killing their unborn daughters.

Furthermore into the future (present time) kept on passing. Kingdom men stopped caring about the legend. As some passed Primàry Kings began fading the story like it ever even existed. These certain Primary Kings didn't care to pass it down to their next descendant Primary Kings and his six Primaries to take on the full responsibility of their Kingdom's reign to continue forward with gaining more power. After all, it was only ever about power and control.

While the poor hybrid-women and children were stuck within these constant battlefields. These hybrid-men molded their daughters to know her place and taught their sons how to survive by gaining skillful training techniques to ensure. They kept themselves strong earning a high-ranking title. To avoid being put down (killed) or becoming a slave themselves from being weaker because hybrid-males could end up enslaved now too.

After working so long of burying this legend away. To finally stop their history from continuously repeating itself. Each time they killed their unborn daughters it affected their breeding for offspring. Even after all these time periods kept passing by from their ancestors' turmoil caused by the plagues. Their hybrid-women still had trouble carrying or becoming impregnated.

Then you add it to multiple unborn girls being executed throughout their past timeless time periods. Either Mortal or Immortal surely members of their Kind would be decreased. Adding to the fact they still dealt with new fatal illnesses.

For a brief few Generations, the legend no longer whispered itself through the galaxies. A calm easiness finally settled. Until one phone call to a certain Primary King was called. His eyes widened with disbelief from what his ears were hearing. In a dash, he visited the birthing room with his six Primaries.

Seeing before his eyes a newborn beautiful baby girl wrapped in a pink blanket was born. Her almond-shaped galaxy ember hazel eyes were wide open. Looking around as she coos and makes infant sounds contently. She lightly smiles brightly at the men surrounding her infant bed.

With a fluff of blonde lightly golden tint hair. Pinkish fair tone skin, an infant beautiful petite square like face, small petite mouth, and dainty sweet nose.

Gently the Primary King pulls down her blanket just below her neck. Seeing the unbelievable birthmark of these three tiny seven-pointed diamond-like stars just behind her neck close by her ear. Considering how she was born that birthmark shouldn't even exist.

Now the Primary King Phil whispers in greater shock, "The Grand Duchess is born." (Newborn Sally)

Almost a million years later from no aging within these worlds. Which is still considered very young in these (present-day) worlds. This is where the story takes place. Only being filled with lies, deceitfulness, love, lust, blood, pain, loss, suffering, war, and unbearable torture. Cursed by her unknown fate. Now Cory stole her away from outa this Businessman's possession. Learning Sally had been born in a maternity bio factory, his family-owned.