
Lost memories (Ajiboye joy)

It's a story about a girl who lost her memories but found herself in a guy's Mansion. They fell in love with each other but their obstacle is their family. Will she give up her love for him? The answer of this question will unravel in the story. Common readers, let's embark on this tragic and romantic journey together.

Ajiboye_Joy · Teenager
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41 Chs

Tough one



Jewel found herself in a hall but her thinking was cut short by the voice of Clara.

This time not the simple Clara or gentle one which always stood by her when Carl said something offensive but this time she was fierce and look like a true criminal she is.

Surprised, aren't you? Clara asked and laughed wickedly.

I am greatly surprised, Jewel said sharply.

You're not scared? She asked surprised.

I see you are the one who is suprised, Jewel said and laughed shortly.

"To waste your opponent's time, you do things that will make them wait before attacking you" Sly's voice rang in her ears.

She always have a knife in her pocket which she thought would never be useful.

Clara, why did you do this? Jewel asked plainly. Although this was a shock to her, she didn't know why she didn't feel it that much perhaps Sly thought her well, she was even able to cover her surprise. She smiled at her achievement.

Clara was shocked more, Jewel even have the guts to smile.

Jewel walked towards Clara and she heard Clara say;

Don't even think of escaping, the door is locked and even if you do, do you know where you are?

A woman who was silent sitting on a chair finally stood up.

You are a brave girl Lily but I wonder how you got your face changed, perhaps by face surgery. You think you can run away but don't forget I control the world, Magnolia said and smiled evilly sending a chill down Jewel's spine.

Do you know me? Jewel asked but Magnolia smiled and with that smile Jewel remembered the lady in her memories.

Mom... She called slowly.

I'm glad you remembered me, I thought you forgot me or do you lose your memories? What a pity, Magnolia said feigning pity.

And you even fall in love with Mr Tyler, Clara added. I saw the way you look at him and to think you did not want him to leave for just two days. You were too dumb to realise your feelings.


You won't have a chance with him since you are dying here today, Magnolia said and smiled.

Do you hate me this much mother? Jewel asked heartbroken.

First, her father and now her mother. Did all her family hate her and even her friend?

I don't need to answer that, it's so obvious. I tried before by tampering with your car but I guess that was not enough, you came back again and today... Magnolia stressed and brought out a gun, I am going to kill you right here and burn your corpse and that way I am sure you won't come back. I will watch your body turn to ashes.

She was about to pull the trigger when Jewel kicked the gun out of her causing the gun to fall to which Jewel picked immediately.

Magnolia and Clara was beyond shocked to see how Jewel moved swiftly.

Wow! Clara exclaimed. Guess we have a tough one here, she added.
