
Lost memories (Ajiboye joy)

It's a story about a girl who lost her memories but found herself in a guy's Mansion. They fell in love with each other but their obstacle is their family. Will she give up her love for him? The answer of this question will unravel in the story. Common readers, let's embark on this tragic and romantic journey together.

Ajiboye_Joy · Teen
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41 Chs

Safety comes first


*Meeting hall*

Sly please tell her to come back to me, please... Sly, Leonard cried tears dripping down his eyes.

Sly looked at Leonard helplessly. What could he do to make his friend come back to himself?

My life has no meaning without her, my life is so useless without her. Everyday I feel like killing myself. Why would she leave me?

I remember those days when we just met. Anytime I see her, I feel so blessed, she make my day, she makes me always happy and I look forward to seeing her everyday. Whenever I see her with a guy, I feel so jealous and I was so possessive of her and if care is not taken I can kill for her, I can do anything for her but she broke my heart into countless pieces leaving me shattered.

I thought she loved me, she will come back right Sly? He asked Sly desperately and in tears.

Am I in love? Sly asked himself. Just the way Leonard explained his feelings, that was exactly what he felt.

Could he be in love?


Clara and Jewel were crying real hard. A female character was also crying but one could bet that their cries were even more than the character.

Hey you guys should stop crying already, you are making me irritated. Am I the only strong one here, Carl boasted but right now they don't seem to be concerned about him.

They ate their popcorn and soon they noticed it was finished.

I will go get popcorn, Jewel said standing up.

I will join you, Clara said.

Oh, you guys are leaving the strong guy all alone here, Carl said dramatically.

Oh just shut up, Clara said and Jewel chuckled.

This two people never failed to make her laugh.

She walked out with Clara but suddenly Clara was taking her to somewhere else.

Caleb came out of the cinema with a lady, the cinema was filled with tears. He need somewhere quiet to go with this lady. On getting outside, he walked out with the lady to a quiet place but then he noticed Clara and Jewel taking the same route.

What would they be doing there?

He thought of following them as his curiousity got the best of him.

Jewel kept quiet at first but the place where they were going was getting darker, no soul was passing by, it was getting eerie that she could not hold back her question.

Where are we going Clara? Jewel asked.

Instead of replying her question, she brought an handkerchief and covered her nose with it leaving Jewel to fall like a leaf.

A vehicle came from a corner and Jewel was thrown into it.

Caleb was shocked and thought he was dreaming, he rubbed his eyes but it was real. He took the plate number of the vehicle incase it will be needed.

Baby, the lady beside called not knowing what was happening around her.

Safety comes first especially when it is Jewel. He put a call across Sly immediately.
