
Lord of Identities

When Soha the Human Sovereign perishes, his soul fractures into three fragments, dispersing into the River Of Reincarnation. Reborn in different bodies without any memories, they discover a startling reality: Dragons aren't dragons, Demons aren't demons, and Devils aren't devils. Watch as these new beings, a new race known as Possessors, challenge the established rules of existence. As they mold the world in the way they want, They compete against each other for the title of – The Lord of Identities. .... Previous Name: Possessed Identity The power system is complex; just a glimpse: Everybody, including all background characters, has their own unique abilities. There are multiple races in this world, each with a unique cultivation path and power system. People are even more so. Extremely so. The more you read, the more you should understand.

FamishedGod · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Last And Most Important Training

Ember Dragona.

looking at my son, my heart was clenching in shame and disbelief...

I was a dragon who chose virtue and purity as her concept, how can I still lose out to the Dragon' innate extreme Lust?,

That was my only thought.

No, That was impossible, how did I end up falling into this rabbithole!

and why was my cultivation and foundation still intact and.....even a bit stronger now?

I didn't understand at first, Until I did.


Ember Dragona was a smart woman, she soon Identified the reason she could do such immoral deeds with her son and still keep her cultivation intact

it was quite simple actually,

First, he was a part of her, he was literally her cells divided from herself when she was going through a breakthrough, and in a sense, even if she had sex with him, it could be considered mastrubation

second, her last cultivation breakthrough was regarding him, and her pure state WAS him.

which meant, the more she loved him, the more she cared for him, the more he loved her, and the more he cared for her, the stronger her strength foundation will be!

that meant, her further cultivation path was in loving and caring for him! just like how she wished the rest of her life to be!

now she didn't even have to seperate her cultivation and life, both were one and the same now!

and he was the only person she could be completely free of restraints from!

initially, she wanted to breakthrough rank 4 and reach rank 5 someday, where she will fuse with her Concept shadow of Pure And Virtuous, and become completely free.

after reaching that rank, she will be completely free of the restraints of both the Dragon's cursed Greed,Lust and Pride, and her counteraction against it, virtue and purity

and become a free person,NO, Dragon, like those ancient... Humans.

with no special emotion always staying in their mind and effecting your thoughts. not that those pitiful creatures didn't have its own degenerates...

but they did have the freedom not to be a degenerate, whereas dragons were born degenerate!

and she was already free of the excessive draconic emotions effecting her, but she was still restraned by the purity and virtue part

and luckily, from now, infront of her most dear son, she didn't have to hold back....

and looking at her son sleeping, she gazed at his current figure and thought 'he is already six months old'

due to being born with knowledge, dragon kids doesn't need much time to become their intelligent selfs, unlike human kids who only achieved basic understanding of the world by 7-8 years, 7-8 days were enough for somewhat intelligent dragons

of course, with blank spots.

and after these 6 months of constant studies and stories, especially the mathematical growth, already made Arman as mature as an ordinary 15 or so year old human, and an extremely intelligent one at that, of course he severely lacked maturity

and looking at him, he had grown much the past few months, Now, he was completely of a humanoid shape, and his hands and feet were all out

he had crystalline white scales all over his body, even on most parts of his face, and small stub of a horn had started potruding from his forehead sides

and a small tail behind his butt too!

and he was already more than 100 cm tall,

107cm to be exact

yet, 'he had a lot more to grow to be a great dragon one day' thought ember as she stroked his white hair lovingly, yes his hair was completely white

overall, he seemed like a man cast of diamonds with a black horn tip on his head, with pure white flowing hair at shoulder length.

admiring his looks, she suddenly frowned and thought. "it's time to start training his Innate Abilities, that's the most important part of the training." but she had to plan this out perfectly for him...she didn't want any bad teachings from her effecting his whole life badly.