
Chapter 40

first Olivia comes in front of me wearing her new suit as on the back of her sword, her new suit is not like she wears but a very tight suit which shows her all curves on the body letting clean from the back as it saw her body from there

[ space long sword

attribute: +100 damage

specialty: Ignore defense items when applying magic ]

[ space elven armor suit

attribute: + 500 defence

specialty: when coming outside of space any item or attack can pass through for 5 seconds]

Lin: her suit is very good defense compared to others and it will be good in attack but about Sophia

soon Sophia comes out wearing her maid suit this suit where her skin can be seen between the upper part of the breast to the neck which let anyone see her huge breast from the top to the backside of the suit is clean except for some threads from the attachment, in the lower part there is a skirt with tight pajama on her legs

[ maid battle suit

Attribute: +150 speed in movement

specialty: when applying or using magic it will increase the speed all over the body to up to 15% speed of the wearer ]

Lin: her suit increases her sexiness more than previous and this also increases movement

Lin: okay on the southwest and west side are two tribes your work is to destroy them but also increase the ranking of the low ones take all the lower ranks than 5 and half of the top ones, Sophia calls maids and let them also battle in this

Sophia: master, how much I called

Lin: how much is needed for taking care of the castle

Sophia: master, it will take 10 maid

Lin: call 15 then and go and clear monster which you man also

as they go outside soon Kia call comes

Kia:[ why you did not make guild yet ]

Lin: [ wait for system announcement then I can build ]

Kia: [ okay then ]

after that, I call Aya who gives a greeting cheerfully

Aya: [ well brother what do you call now at this time ]

Lin; [ what your mean I call only I needed ]

Aya: [ brother you never call me and we usually talk not this time]

Lin; [ well true anyway I am also busy I want to tell you I will invite you into the guild and accept that ]

Aya: [what is this guild ]

Lin: [ you only need to know about this in like making group with others for benifites]

Aya:[ I will listen to you for this ]

Lin: [ okay then, I should go to work ]