
Chapter 41

As I close the chat and go outside and make a new home near 200 and buy wood, stones, iron, and a special alliance token after upgrading the castle to straight level 9 with all barracks which are now called level 3 troops after doing that I upgrade fortress to level 9 which increase defense more to the castle, with level 9 bathhouse after doing this all the point left is 30,000 which cannot increase the level of anything now. so I buy an advanced grimoire which let me start the cultivation of ice elements which is to let both water and wind elements combine what need is to find the ratio

as time goes soon notification of destroying of both tribes comes after an hour all of them comes back and I was able to make ice but the ratio is not good as I left this point

soon evening comes but system message broadcast for nest task

[ hello player, I hope all f you enjoying your rest time ]

[ now in the future there will be an item after killing a demigod rank enemy which is a guild token which is let you make a guild ]

[ In one guild there will be 100 players who can join and position in the guild can be leader, co-leader, Elite, elder, and members ]

[ all the positions have roles and missions which need to be fulfilled for stayed at the position except leader ]

[ In guild there will be also guild mall like system mall which have different type of item and you can sell your item or products ]

[ guild also have a level which will increase there will be more advantages with more level ]

[ for the increasing level of the guild, the player needs to do a mission ]

[the first guild created by the player will have started from level 2 ]

[ good luck player hope in the next event your guild can win ]

After seeing the message I pick an advanced guild token and use it with policy and made conditions which I talk with Kia and finalize with the filling name. As the message broadcast

[ congratulation to the player Lin Feng for creating the first guild, the guild of the gods ]

As such after the guild panel is added I go to invite Kia and Aya to give positions of co-leader and elite respectively

Kia: [ So this is guild then I will see the item first and send an invite to others ]

Aya: [ brother, see I what I joined as you said ]

Lin: [ good work Aya and Kia make other co-leader if you want to reduce your work and tell me what type of equipment blueprint you want ]

Kia: [ I need knight sword equipment blueprint ]

Lin: [ okay I will send you in a few seconds]

As I quit and open System mall and give her a blueprint of the price of 5,000 blueprint points which see accepted

and made transactions with her blueprint of 6,000

Kia: [ I am sending an invite now you should read to greet them ]

seeing the message I waited and open server chat