
Vol 2 Ch 28

Victor Von Doom had held the seal. The one he had to break. He now had no choice.

His country Latveria needed him.

Almost everything had failed him until he was left in the negative zone. He had realized what it was. He did not have the qualification to become a mage. However, his experience with the negative zone had changed everything. Once he was limited by technology, now he will combine technology and magic. Things were beginning to move again as he broke the seal.


Loki was just about done with setting up the fake identities for both Bruce and Ace. He had just been done, an entire history and medical records had been forged for both of them. He was also moving forward with the adoption process for Ace. A little bit of deception here and there and he was formally considered Ace's father. Loki looked at the picture and though about the fact that he would have to teach them both about deception. Of course, all of this had been done in another henge so that he could not be recognized afterall.

At the moment, he looked much older with white hair. No use in letting an intermediary knowing about who he is.

Loki was just about to return when he felt that a tag was broken.

Loki felt that was strange as the breaker was a practitioner of the mystical energies. Loki could not tell anything further about the practitioner. It was not the Ancient one as he had learned to recognize her magical signature. It was not someone that he had met at Kamar taj as well.

Maybe, a lost disciple. Loki had thought to himself.

That caused Loki to open his eyes wide.

"The one that the ancient one was talking about." Loki had realized. This may finally be her student.

Loki had used kamui to transport himself to the origin of the signal. He had found himself inside a forest. Loki looked around and found a man sitting in a meditative pose. So Loki had gotten his introduction ready.

"Want to slow down your enemies, steal from them. Get inside their homes and ransack their pantries. Maybe you want a little bit more revenge. Then Tobi is your guy." A few confetti cannon went off behind him. Covering him with glitter and some confetti.

"And I desire to liberate a nation and save my loved ones." The guy had gotten up. "The others will be here soon."

The guy was standing. "You may call me Victor. Doctor Victor."

Loki had truly looked at him in confusion. "Is that your real name? That's a little bit dramatic and I am the one who is saying that."

Victor had ignored that part of the sentence. He had turned to Loki and said. "I know about the other people coming to help, you must be tested."

A green fire had erupted and Doom was suddenly covered by an armor. A green cloak was covering him. Electricity crackled around him and his body. The area near Doom began emitting a smell of ozone.

A smile was on Loki's face. "And the prize for the contract."

"My weight in gold." He heard a reply.

Loki became very serious at that. He crossed his arms and entered into a thinking pose. "Can't you just float and say that makes it 0kg of gold."

Loki tilted his head as he spoke. He had used such lies before. Besides, this left much open to interpretation as well. And Loki would prefer to avoid all that as well.

"100 kg of gold. Half before and half after." Victor had answered non chanantly. "If you manage to satisfy me."

While Victor was saying that he had been moving forward. Victor had raised his hand and had fired a bolt of lightning at Loki.

Loki had managed to dodge that and sunk into the ground.

"How interesting, you did not use magic and yet you are not a mutant." Doom said as he slammed his hand into the ground. The ground itself had cracked and Loki who sensed the danger had appeared behind Victor. He launched a punch at Victor.

Viktor had turned around to face Loki, yet he was not fast enough. Loki managed to punch him in the face. He stumbled back from the punch. Loki took the chance to slip into the interceptor style and had launched himself at Doom. Raining multiple strikes from multiple directions at Victor.

Victor had managed to deflect them all. A fist strike was met be a palm strike. Victor had begun to switch from defensive to offensive. He saw a wide attack coming from the left side. Taking the chance, Victor caught the arm and rained in a heavy punch towards Loki abdomen. Seeing the punch coming, Loki increased his speed with the help of chakra.

As the punch was coming towards him, Loki utilized the body flicker technique.

(By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination)

He appeared with one hand on the extended arm. Using that as a pivotal point, he had launched a downward kick on Doom. Doom had twisted his head out of the way, Loki let his leg drop in the motion of an axe kick. Victor caught it once more.

He threw Loki back as he had grabbed him by his legs.

Loki flipped and corrected his motion. He landed on his feet.

"Enough. Your martial skills are adequate." Victor had said, as he raised his arm one more. Loki had found himself constricted, as he floated in the air. Victor's eyes were shining blue at the moment as he stared at Loki.

"But that is not enough." He had said as willed loki to rise and then crash into the ground. Vicotr had begun to step forward, as he stared into the mini crater as the smoke dissipated. He looked down in disappointment as he saw a body there.

But not for long, he watch indecorously as the body disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Well, that's a good warmup." He had heard a voice, as he turned around he saw the masked individual sitting on a rock.

"So, let's get a little serious." Loki said as he went into an upright position.

Fire style Jutsu Fireball technique.

Quickly going through the seals. He sucked in a deep breath and released a giant fireball. Doom had remained standing there as the fireball impacted him. A shield came to life preventing any damage to him. Yet his vision was blocked for a moment.

Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique.

The effects of the fire around him were not extinguished as a giant water dragon rushed towards him. It impacted him, but due to the shields turning on for a second moment. He remained unharmed. But due to the effect of the fire jutsu before and its interaction with the water jutsu. A fog was created, limiting his vision.

Victor waved his hand as a strong gust of wind blew, blowing away most of the steam that was surrounding him.

He had lost sight of Loki, Victor prepared himself for an attack. He could see no one behind him or on his sides. There was no one below or above him.

When suddenly, he saw a distortion appear in front of him. A hand emerging from it with a spinning blue ball in it. Heading towards him.

Victor smiled and he did not resist. The hand stopped in front of him and Loki stepped out. Soon, Loki dissipated the rasengan.

"A space time ability. How curious, it feels like magic and yet it is not magic. The effect of a mutant learning magic or maybe a new branch of magic." Victor had gone into deep thought. "An interesting new avenue of research."

He then noticed the masked man(Loki) infront of him. Loki had coughed gently as a reminder.

Victor had remembered about the contract as he told Loki. "You are hired, half of the gold now and half of it when the job is done."

Victor had said as a stack of gold appeared before him.

Victor gained steel in his voice as he said. "Now, it is time to deal with King Vladmir."

"His tyranny and his crimes. I will have an answer for them." Victor said as he had begun to leave.

"Meet up my forces outside of that village on the morrow." Victor had said. As he was leaving. He said. "People have taken to calling it Doomsberg" A hint of pride in his voice.

'Well, that fixes it. I am gonna help a baddy today.' Loki had thought to himself.

As he at first wanted to scout out the country before approaching the small village.