
Vol 2 Ch 27

"I won't be able to. There is some old hag who can explain it better then me. I have no doubt about that." Loki had replied to him. When in doubt, just invoke the name of the ancient one. And put all the responsibilities on her head. Loki was not gonna admit that he was still pissed about the deal that she had made with him. Not at all.


Loki had a very eventful day. He met Bruce, fed the Hulk and then settled them both down. It was fortunate, he did not need to get the Hulk to sleep. Loki did not have a Hulk size or a Hulk grade bed. And he hoped to never make one ever.

All of them had some breakfast. It was time for them all to move. Loki had already shown them the scroll and had given them instruction on how to apply the seals on their own body should they need to leave. And when he had the transportation network running.

So all of them were present around him and a transformation technique had been applied to Bruce and Ace. Ace to change her hair color and style. And Bruce to change his hair and the subtle structure of his face.

Loki used his kamui to suck them all in and took them to his own apartment within Metropolis. He nodded at his clone who disappeared in a puff of smoke. He had left the clone here to maintain some semblance of living within this place.

Bruce had turned to ask a question once more.

But Loki had answered him as he could sense the question coming.

"Magic" Loki said while twirling his finger.

Bruce had closed his mouth and shrugged. "I should have really expected that."

"It's an answer for all occasion. Besides, I won't be able to explain it well to you anyway." That was a lie and Loki knew it. There was a reason that he was called the god of magic. But he knew that for people encountering such knowledge for the first time. They would vehemently deny it. Besides, if it becomes the norm for him then he would explain chakra and mystical energy to Bruce. Or leave it to the ancient one. A magic using Hulk was very interesting as far as he was concerned. But the dangers of corruption. It was better not to continue that line of thought.

They both had decided to buy clothes for all of them. Loki could use a new wardrobe. Bruce needed one as well if he was to permanently stay at one place. And Ace needed clothes, stuff to decorate her room with, some school supplies and a few toys.

And so all three of them came out of his apartment.


(After some time)

Loki and Bruce were done with the shopping for the moment. They both were carrying bags and bags of stuff. Ace was skipping ahead of them. Loki had bought whatever clothes that he had to and the same was with Bruce. He had taken stock of the room. And made a list of items that must be bought. If he wanted to stay long term. He had already bought some highly stretchable pants. Guarantied to survive Hulk's expansion if necessary. He had found a hardy brand, otherwise he would have been naked whenever he transformed. Now if they only made such a shirt.

Bruce looked down at Loki and Ace. Both of them were wearing a pink shirt with a unicorn and a rainbow on them. He had seen Loki wear the clothes with such pride and confidence. Calling it a creature of bravery which only the bravest knights rode.

Bruce had remained quiet at his comments. What he said was not untrue. For a knight rode a unicorn and saved the princess. He had smirked at that. Ace had followed Loki's suit and worn the same clothes as well. Both of their clothes were sparkling and drawing plenty of looks.

Bruce had been approached plenty of times and asked if he was the father of these two children.

Especially when he was in the kid's store getting some toys. He was sure some women had slipped him their numbers as well. Telling him to call them when he could. Oh, someone is pinching Loki's cheeks as well. And he is pouting. Bruce's began to stare into a mirror to make sure he did not look that old. Ace, he could believe but Loki's father. He can't look that old. Can he?

And so they were done. He had enough stuff to decorate their home, and something to make sure that Ace's room had some personality. But Banner had to admit that it was a weird combination of Goth and Pink.


Loki was done and they just had to return home for the moment. Loki would have to work on getting the Fake Id's and history done for both Banner and Ace. He had the money at least.

As they were leaving, an explosion was heard.

"Oh fudge, what now." Loki started to look around. Got to remember to control his language when Ace was around. I wonder what Rin would think of me now.' Loki thought to himself.

Another explosion was heard and the people around them started to move away.

Loki had looked at Bruce and Ace and yelled at them. "Move now."

He could sense the danger coming. A car had come crashing into the street. He saw Bruce's eyes turn a little green. Seeing that it was time a beat a hasty retreat. He had picked up Ace and grabbed Bruce by the hand as he began to lead them down a street. Seeing an empty alleyway, he had led them both down it and used Kamui, transporting them both back to Loki's retreat.

Loki had used Kamui to transport himself back into metropolis after he had ejected both Bruce and Ace into the living room.


Loki came to the scene of superman fighting against something purple. Loki had looked at it in amazement. It was some kind of purple man. As he looked the more it beat up superman, the stronger it became.

"Give up Superman. The more I absorb from you, the stronger I can become." It said as it held superman up by his throat. Its muscles were bulging and it was starting to float as well. It took superman up and threw Superman down into the ground. A large crater was formed by the impact.

"You know, I was having a fun night out with my daughter today." A voice had said behind him. He turned around and was greeted in the face with a Rasengan. The ball exploded in his face and caused Parasite to move a little backwards.

Loki touched himself and realized that he had lost some chakra.

"What is this. I feel even more full." Parasite said as it appeared behind Loki and attempted to grab him. Loki went intangible and his hands went through him. Loki looked at his moves and realized that he was using the Uchiha's Interceptor style.

"So, you can somehow absorb skills and powers." Loki said as alot of moves had passed through him.

"Look out." Loki had yelled in a mocking tone while he opened his arms. A strong stream of water had passed through Loki's body and hit Parasite. Throwing him away.

Superman had used a fire Hydrant near him and stepped on it. The pressure from the water pushing away parasite. Parasite had crossed its arms in front of it and had begun to step forward.

"That's parasite. If you touch him, he can absorb your powers." Superman yelled at Loki.

Loki seeing the scene took in a deep breath and started to do hand signs.

Ice style, freezing breath. He overcharged the jutsu and let it out. The ground along with the water coming out of the hydrant froze. The effects on parasite were even more pronounced. He had frozen into a block of ice. Unable to move. It's eyes started to glow, Loki recognized the move. Heat vision.

However, that was as far as he got until Superman clasped some handcuffs around the now free hand. The heat vision stopped and Parasite went limp.

"Suppression cuffs, built specifically by Star labs, now we need to talk." Superman explained as he turned around to talk with Loki.

Loki had chosen that exact moment to disappear into his Kamui.

Well he now had to take care of having a few fake identities made.


Victor Von Doom had held the seal. The one he had to break. He now had no choice.

His country Latveria needed him.

Almost everything had failed him until he was left in the negative zone. He had realized what it was. He did not have the qualification to become a mage. However, his experience with the negative zone had changed everything. Once he was limited by technology, now he will combine technology and magic. Things were beginning to move again as he broke the seal.