
Vol 1 Ch 8

"Stop Loki." Frigga had appeared in front of Loki using teleportation magic and had a hand gripping him. A sword drawn on his neck. Her eyes in tears. "Or else."

"Loki, you will accept help. I cannot lose you." A desperate look entered Frigga's eyes.

Loki looked at her, his mangekyou sharingan spinning.

Looking into her eyes, he told her in a whisper. "I looked with Mimir's Well and had seen where you found me. I know the truth about my birth."

Not wishing to elaborate further, Loki's image had proceeded to distort. His entire figure being sucked into his right eye. Loki once more disappeared.

"Stop Loki, You don't understand." Frigga watched in despair as she saw Loki disappear.

Turning around, she turned to the guards.

"I want a parameter around that barrier. We shall attempt to breach it or cross it in any way possible."

Seeing the warriors not moving quickly enough.

She yelled, "Move. Now."


Loki had returned to the top of one of the buildings once more. The cultist were in a hurry at the moment.

The bodies must have been discovered when the cultists went to take the prisoners out. There is also the lack of sacrifices at the moment.

For now Loki had no time, he must act quickly and this timem his abilities will be broadcasted to all of the realms. He would have no cover to act discreetly as he did before. Go in fast and hard.

All the prisoners were within the pentagram. The remaining nine cultists had gathered around the pentagram and were in preparation to start the summoning ritual. Right now, Loki had a very limited repertoire of Jutsu's available to him. He needs to act now. One of the cultists had a knife drawn and was approaching the group of enthralled Asgardians.

Loki jumped down and as soon he touched down, he used Earth Style: Hidden Mole jutsu. A favorite technique of his when he was masquerading as Tobi. It allowed him to move underground by turning the surrounding earth into fine sand. He could detect what was happening on the surface so it was easy to launch surprise attacks.

Shadow clone jutsu, performing the hand sign one more clone was summoned. For the moment, this was his limit. But for now, this would be enough. Loki used Earth Style: Head hunter jutsu to pull the cultist approaching the enthralled asgardians into the ground. His clone had used Kamui to teleport all the prisoner back to the castle.

Loki then let go, taking out his katana and enhancing his body with chakra. He used the body flicker technique using the hand seal of tiger to approach one of the cultists and behead him. Throwing two shuriken at two different enemies, he hit both of them in the head causing them to die. Three cultists approach him weapon drawn to eliminate him.

Putting his katana back in its scabbard.

"Wind release Vacuum sphere" Rat, Rabbit and Dog hand signs performed within quick conjunction with each other. Loki took a deep breath and expelled out several small blast of wind which drilled through and killed all of the cultists charging him.

The leader was the only one left alive, Loki looked at him. He was using a little girl as a shield, Anitta Loki realized.

"Prince Loki, what is it gonna be. Are you gonna let this little girl die." After a pause, he said. "The abyss will gladly accept you within their ranks Prince Loki. They have always admired your less then conventionals ideas."

Loki sighed. "I have already been told that some sacrifices would have to be made. That I cannot save everyone." Loki began to step forward. His mangekyou sharingan activated. "They may be right. Sometimes, sacrifices are necessary."

"I told them that if I must choose between a greater and a lesser evil, I would rather not choose at all."

Loki in a smooth motion, drew his katana and slashed forward. Enhancing his motion with chakra. Time slowed down for him. The cultist was pushing the child in the path of the sword. As the sword reached the child, Loki used Kamui. His sword passed harmlessly through the girl. Loki deactivated his technique and his sword passed through the leader.

"I am Loki, I always find another way." Loki had yelled.

Looking at the little girl, Loki had grabbed her and proceeded to leave with her from that place. As he left, the cultist leaders head fell off and a pool of blood was ejected from his body which went limp.

Loki heard the sound of laughter. The cultist he had buried to his head was laughing.

"Too late. Enough sacrifices to summon a demon" He had chuckled. Loki looked at the pentagram. It was being powered up. Powered up by what, the cultists. Loki realized. The cultists sacrifice was powering the pentagram. The last cultist bit his tongue and committed suicide. His body being the final sacrifice the circle needed.

Loki rushed to the edge of the barrier and places the girl into the arms of a surprised guard standing there. He rushed back inside and was the witness to see summoning of a demon. One of ice to be more specific. Its eyes glowing blue, in the form of a giant parody of a minotaur. Its size comparable to that of a 2 floor building. Towering over Loki. Loki prepared himself for the fight of a lifetime.

"Great Fireball technique." Tiger → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

All the hand signs performed in quick conjunction. Loki's chest expanded and he spat out a giant fireball. The frost demon let out a frost breath. Steam was produced which obscured the view.There was the sound of impact.

Loki used wind release gale wind. Loki chest expanded and he blew out wind to clear the battle field. He saw the demon, parts of its body burning. Its horns singed red from the fire. Otherwise, it looked fine.

The pentagram pulsed once more. Loki at this moment realized that he had no more time. He needed to end this quickly before something else was summoned from the abyss.

Loki would have to use the susanoo. Gathering up his chakra, his eyes began to spin madly. A skeleton structure began to form around him. A chakra construct coloured blue. A rib cage formed around him. This was something that Loki was unfamiliar with. A rib cage had formed around him. The demon yelled and punched at Loki and the ribcage cracked. Another punch was coming and a skeletal hand was formed which stopped the demon punch.

"Great Fireball Jutsu" Tiger → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger. Loki took a deep breath in, his chest expanded and this time he released it in the form of a continuous flame. The demon yelled in pain as it started to smoke and burn. The ice on its form vaporizing. Loki saw a ball like structure. A core he realized. The source of its powers. If he could destroy it. He could subdue the demon.

The demon used its other free hand and began torain blows down on Loki. The rib cage formed around him started to crack. The skeleton arm let go and punched the demon in the stomach. Loki began to put the rest of his chakra whin the susanoo. A complete skeletal figure was formed with a head and two hands.

Loki used kamui to teleport himself towards the demon and engaged it once more.This time both of their strengths were evenly matched. Their blows left craters in the wake. Loki began to push it back towards the pentagram. Aiming exclusively at the place where he saw the core. The demon used a wide punch, which his susanoo easily dodged. An opening. Loki had realized. Loki's susanoo had punched out and thrown the demon back into the circle. Part of its caprice protecting its core exposed.

"Lightning release Chidori." Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey. Loki had placed his hand down and proceeded to charge a chidori. The last of his chakra was being used up. Loki let the susanoo fall as he could not handle the chakra output anymore. His reserves were almost empty.

The sound of chirping bird began to be heard all over the battlefield. Loki charged towards the demon. The demon getting up, tried to swipe Loki. Loki instead used kamui and passed through the hand appearing on the other side. His hand pierced the demon's exposed core.

The core was destroyed and the demon fell lifeless.

Yet Loki's actions had consequences. What happens when two dimension collide. More importantly, the seal was trying to breach the barriers between worlds, while kamui creates a dimension localized around Loki. When Loki used kamui, one dimension was being breached and it overlapped with another dimension. An interesting phenomena happened at this moment. A gateway open up, space-time rift. Which sucked Loki within itself. Loki suffering from chakra exhaustion was unable to resist. The gateway closed and it imploded within itself causing a large explosion. All of this happened in a fraction of a second.

All extra chapters published.

phantompaincreators' thoughts