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Change to the novel of the same title: Scientific Isekai. Also check my fanfic "Gardener in the Apocalypse!!"(a Plant Vs Zombies system fanfiction.

Rayzuto_Hazt · sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Hero Summoning

Just for Information:




~sound effect~




<skill activation>

'<silent casting>'

Chapter 2: Hero summoning

Mirtas - 26 month of fire 3728 (Summoning Hall in the day of summoning)

Tetsuo POV:

~Zhoops~ light shone for a few seconds before 18 figures can be seen with various objects around them ranging from tables, chairs, bags to weird shaped objects never seen before in this world appearing after the light disappears. Below these figures and objects that appear as if out of thin air is a still glowing formation which is built with some geometrical pattern with nonagram as a base which is superimposed with hexagram and triangle at the side, followed by some arc and circle connecting the formation from the center to the corner.

(Tetsu) "Ugh…. What the heck happened?"

(Classmates) "~various groaning sounds~"

(???) "Please to meet you heroes-sama!"

A beautiful sound rang through the somewhat creme colored hall where I and my classmates are right now. Based on her voice, it can be deduced that she is a young girl of similar ages to ours who greet us politely. Slowly everyone's eyes follow the sources of the sounds where all of them lay upon a beautiful young girl wearing a dress similar to a princess. Just like a European, she has blonde hair, but her facial features look much more similar to Asians while her eyes are sky blue colored.

Beside her, there is another girl of similar age and facial features who wears a white and blue mage robe that you can find easily in any anime with a fantasy genre. She has light blue hair with somehow shining violet eyes on her and a tad bit taller than the girl who I assumed to be the princess.

As soon as all eyes lay on her image, the sound of gasps can be heard around the room. The sounds of gasp can be heard from both males and females who are shocked by their beauty. However, unlike the rest of the class, Tetsuo has a different thing in his mind right now when he sees their stature.

(Tetsu) 'Did I just get summoned to another world with all my classmates?'

(Tetsu) 'I remember that after Rei leaves the class, there is a magical formation on the floor which shines brightly while Matsumura sensei is warning us to stay where we are.'

I try to recall what happened before this bizarre phenomenon and also try to piece all the information in my head to think about what is he going to do next.

(Tetsu) 'Ah!... I don't expect to be summoned this suddenly, especially when I and Rei just talk about being summoned to another world this morning. Wait a minute, where is Rei?'

That's when I remember that Rei is going to the toilet when he and the whole class is getting summoned to another world.

(Tetsu) 'Shoot… Looks like Rei is unlucky enough to miss a 1 in I don't know chance of being isekai-ed because of a stupid reason as going to the toilet. Remembering that He is an orphan, that guy must be really unlucky for him to miss this chance too. As I don't know if I can return, I will just pray for him to at least get some luck in his love life.'

Somewhere on earth

(Rei) "~achoo~, Tetsu must be talking bad about me or cursing me for missing this chance, Haha well I wonder what faces he is going to make when I show up there myself."

Back to Mirtas

(Tetsu) 'well I better listen to what she gonna says before checking whether we have status here since looks like everyone began to focus right now'

(Helina) "My name is Helina Eldys Betfield, the first princess of Betfield kingdom. As the first princess of Betfield Kingdom, this kingdom seeks the help of these esteemed heroes to save this kingdom from the hands of the evil demon."

(Tetsu) 'wow! What a cliche isekai story, well at least I know that there are multiple races here and possibly magic and fantasy races. I can't wait to meet those other race girls like elves and catgirls!''

(Shun) "Stop joking, we don't want some theatrical drama shit! Just go back to your fucking class and get out of this class!"

(Shichi) "Shun, I don't think we are still in our class. If we look at the formation below us and the light before, this might be a Hero summoning just like in those anime we watch in the passing"

(Tetsu) 'Huh? To think they are also watching anime and also know about the term isekai, that's unexpected.'

Those 2 before are actually 2 of the 3 problem children in our class; Hashirama Shichi, Tamada Akio, and Komuro Shun as their leader. Well, it is not like they are a bully or the like, it is just that those 3 like to ignore the teacher and have a very bad score as they spend most of their time in games. They also break some rules here and there like being late or forget to bring a book, but not a serious one such as bullying, smoking or consuming drugs. The 3 of them are Japanese with their usual features such as black hair with a height of around 172 cm and the only feature to differentiate them is their face which of course I can't really explain.

(Shun) "What really? You sure about that?"

(Hiroto) "Komuro-san and Hashirama-san It is not good to interrupt a girl's speech you know, Betfield-san please continue your speech and explanation. Also, as long I can help it, I will help you and this kingdom"

(Miya) "Ah! As expected of Hiroto-kun. He is so kind to others."

(Stephanie) "Well, he is Hiroto-kun after all."

(some girls in the background) "kya! Hiroto-kun"

(Shun) "Tch…lady killer"

(Tetsu) 'tsk…damn Riajuu. Well... not like I care about him being a lady killer, as long as he stays in the 3D girl then it is alright.'

Hiroto or his full name Takaki Hiroto is in simple terms a person with a hero complex. In fact, I might not even be surprised if he is the main hero from this class who gets the most op-est skills and status while the rest of us is just the cannon fodder. Even his appearance is like the stereotype hero with blonde hair and blue eyes. He is the tallest of us here with a height of around 186 cm and a trained body.

The other 2 girls above are Atsumori Miya and Stephanie Isabelle. As you can guess from their name, while Atsumori-san is a Japanese, Isabelle-san is an American. Atsumori can be said to be the typical Japanese girl with long black hair, slim stature, and small breasts. From the looks of it, it can't even be noticed whether it has a curve or not.... somehow I am feeling a chill on my back. Ahem, Anyway, different from Atsumori-san, Isabelle-san is the total opposite of Atsumori-san with blonde long hair, curvy figure and more importantly, she has large boobs. Based on my estimations, it should be an E or F at the very least as our school uniforms are not really that revealing and thin. It also seems that these 2 girl is quite an abnormality as they are considered to be tall with a height of 172 cm and 170 cm respectively.

(Helina) "Ahem, rather than explaining here, I think it is better for all of the esteemed heroes to meet with majesty the King or my father "Willes Siges Betfield" in his throne room. Please follow lady Ellen and me to the throne room for further explanation."

With that, we follow the princess and the female mage which we finally know her name as Ellen along with some mage and knights lead to the throne room while bringing our bag. I also find Rei's bag near his desk and bring it with me since there will be no one who gonna do it.

We walk for a while and as we walk, I can see 4 girls come close to my location from the corner of my eyes. Huh isn't that Suki and her group?

(Suki) "Yo Tetsu! looks like we got ourselves in a very difficult situation huh?"

(Tetsu) "Right, even myself as someone who wants to be isekai-ed will feel a bit nervous if I got myself in a new environment"

She is Hano Suki. While we are close, it is not in the way you think. The reason we are close is just because of our same hobby as an otaku. Yup, you heard that right! She is an otaku, that's why she knows what isekai is when I mentioned it in my sentence before.

She is also apparently quite a hardcore otaku and also more interested in 2D boys which she said to be more attractive. Her appearance can be described as a bit special since she has brown hair that she combes into a ponytail. She also wears glasses as apparently her vision is blurry due to much reading and watching anime. She can also be categorised as short with a height of only 150 cm.

(Airi) "Hai! Looks like I am not the only one nervous hahaha!"

(Hwa Yong) "hello"

(Hikari) "he-hello"

(Tetsu) "Hello, anyway why are you looking for me?"

(Suki) "Well, we come looking for you primarily to let Hikari ask you whether you know where Rei is as we can't really see him anywhere. As for our secondary goal, I just want to greet a fellow otaku and ask their feeling of being isekai-ed like in some anime, manga or novel"

(Hikari) "ye-yes"

The first girl is called Ai Lee or we called her Airi as it is weird to call her Ai or rii due to her name being too short. She is a Chinese and an outgoing girl who sometimes makes her black hair in a bun just like now or just let it flow straight to her back. She is just above average height I guess with 165 cm height.

The other girl is Hwa Yong and same as Airi, we also called her with a full name as her first name and family name is too short. She is from Korea and has somehow a dark purple long hair till her waist. I don't really know how she got it as she said that it is her natural hair. She is of around the same height as Airi I guess with a height of 166 cm.

Lastly, is the shy girl Tsuzuki Hikari. She is a Japanese of course. She is quite short with a height of 155 cm but not as short as Suki. Her black hair is quite short and only reaches her shoulder. However, the most interesting feature of her is somehow this girl has a crush on Rei. Although I don't know their backstory on how she managed to fall in love with that antisocial nerd, at least I know that her feeling is pure and not because of monetary or personal benefit.

(Tetsu) "Um you might be surprised, but he is in the toilet."

(Hikari)(Airi)(Hwa Yong) "eh?!!!"

(Suki) "What!!??"

(Tetsu) "Yup he is in the toilet when we are summoned to another world, so he is still back in the school or Earth right now."

~Twack~ A sound was heard as Suki smack my head with her fist.

(Suki) "Explained it clearly you dumb ass!!! We thought that he went to the toilet after he got summoned to another world. I mean who in their right mind would want to go to the toilet when they are in the middle of an unknown place after being isekai-ed!"

(Tetsu) "Haha sorry sorry, I thought that it was clear enough. However, it seems that we will never see him again as we are stuck here for an indefinite period of time."

(Hikari) "W-what! No w-way."

(Tetsu) "Ah, I am sorry about that..."

(Hikari) "It's okay, after all, we still don't know whether we can go back faster or not to our home"

(Suki) "Right. Keep being positive! I am sure that we can go back to our home and tell us our adventures to him!"

Before long, we finally see a giant gate made out of gold and unknown metal full of jewelry and gems adorning it in front of us. I supposed this gate is the one that's going to lead us to the throne room, huh?

To be continued -->

Wow I didn't that the hero summoning would be such a long chapter. I dont really know when Our MC is going to be back but expect around chapter 4 or 5 i guess?? Also leave your comment and vote below and also give my novel a review. your review, comment and vote is much appreciated.

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