
Get me the best and do it discreet

If there is something Gene learned over the years it will definitely to endure difficulty in silence. His not a person who let go things and accepts his fate or someone who can be wronged and its alright. He is infact a vengeful person and ruthless. He was made to this because he has to or else he will be trampled and all his efforts wasted. He knows when to wait for the perfect timing to strike back and make it on top. Today is no differrent, inside the board room all eyes are on Gene. His recent decision to acquire MC Holding Group earned him incredulous look from the Board. The Board believes that it is nonsense to acquire MC Holding Group but Gene obviously believes otherwise. MC Holding Group recently had a tumultuous affairs with CEO Zi failing health and the lack of competent successor. Scandals one after the other emerges for MC Holding Group, each one orchestrated by the rivaling children of CEO Zi. The Board thinks that HL International should not associate itself to this circus but focus on expansion.

Mr. Dan, the oldest member of the Board was the first to speak: "CEO Gene the Board want to understand the reason for the" recommendation" to acquire MC Holding Group". Mr. Dan made emphasis on the word "recommendation" since he know very well that when CEO Gene decides on a matter everything is just for the show. It has been decided and to be executed.

Gene understood them all too well. As long as they have bigger profits to put on their pocket they will definitely agree to his decision. "Mr. Dan, i see no reason why its not easy to understand. In fact it is so plain to see. I wonder what caused mr. Dan not to understand" he said it void of any emotions and those who hears it cant help but feel uneasy.

"HL International Corp envisions itself in expanding beyond its current market but our foothold is in industrial trading. We have a vast application but soon we only have ourselves to compete. We need to adopt and be flexible after all we have responsibilities to uphold beyond ourselves". Gene's underlying message: Dont be complacent, because you are getting fat paycheck its time to get those brains working.

After Gene made his statement and after his presentation to show the expected ROI, payback period and other financial metrics everyone was convinced. The meeting was adjourned. When everyone left, Gene called his executive assistant mr. Lloyd. Lloyd has been working for Gene for five years now. He was hired from hundreds of applicants, he has a wide experienced in being executive assistant and was the right hand of a famous CEO unfortunately the CEO died and Lloyd expressed his disinterest to be associated to the new CEO that replaces his former employer. He was in his late forties, organized, efficient but a man of a few words.

"Lloyd, i need you to get someone for me. I need a therapist. Get me the best and make it discreet."

"Understood" Lloyd replied and quickly turned to leave closing the door behind him.