
You call this a village.

John was feeling happy he was in a new world with a couple OP abilities, the sun was shining and he was amazed at the things he came across, if he came across weird flowers he would pick them then throw the into his inventory, he saw rocks in they went, patches of loose dirt they would go in to. He was like a farmer, he never worked this hard in his old life he was wondering why he was trying so hard now, maybe it was when he killed the old man something in his brain switched and he's trying to turn his life around or maybe its because he never had abilities in his old life now that he's got them now he can release his full potential who knows, he was just happy. John kept walking while keeping an eye on the mini map collecting different things along the way, as he was walking a heard something rustle in a Bush he stood still looked at it to see what it was out of no where a rabbit popped up john was happy he came across a living creature and a cute one at that.

As he crept up to the rabbit it turned around looking at john following his every movements, john started getting chills from the rabbit

" easy now little guy I'm not gonna hurt you, I like cute little rabbits "

The rabbit crouched down in a pouncing position and john froze, the rabbit pounced at john bearing its sharp teeth, he had a scared look on his face the rabbit was rabid and it was excited that it found easy prey. As the rabbit got closer john was like a statue the rabbit could practically taste the flesh and blood

*smash* there was blood everywhere, as the mist of blood cleared up john looked at the broken rabbit that was on the ground twitching

"looks like you bit off more than you could chew, poor rabbit not so cute anymore" he laughed

He picked up the twitching rabbit and threw it into the inventory and kept on walking, he felt a little thirsty he found a spot in the shade looked at his menu and opened the shop, he looked up seats and found a lazy boy couch he clicked on it and it appeared in front of him he couldn't help but laugh like a little girl. He sat down on the couch and leaned back, he went back to the shop clicked on drinks and grabbed a box of beers and started drinking.

So there he was sitting on a lazy boy with a drink In hand in an unknown world living his best life. After finishing off the box of beers he went to pee came back scratched his belly, got himself a blanket went to sleep right there in the forest. As it got darker all kinds of animals and insects came out looking for food they thought they came across easy prey when they saw a fat man laying on a weird seat sleeping soundly. As they went to attack the fat man they hit an invisible wall and fell to the ground never to get up again. All throughout the night many insects and animals tried to attack the man but none succeeding and all of them dying. John woke up the next morning, stretched and looked down he could see many dead insects and animals all around him he could help but chuckle. He threw his couch and blanket with his rubbish back into his inventory, he looked around him thought to himself

"how can I walk through all this blood without making a mess"

He thought about how they do it in the novels, he put his hand forward concentrated and thought collect, everything was collected into his inventory, he patted himself on the back *genius absolute genius* he called himself

He was looking at the menu thinking

"where is the 3d version of me so I can check myself out" he finally found the option but it was greyed out He sat there thinking for 15 minutes

"maybe I need to set my dungeon down first before they're unlocked properly, I mean that's the only logical explanation, oh well I'll figure it out eventually I've got plenty of time"

John grabbed a portable shower stripped down and started having a shower in the middle of the forest washing and singing at the top of his lungs many curious animals came to see what the noise was but once they saw what it was they ran away with their tails between their legs remembering the previous night of slaughter, of a sleeping fat man surround by death and blood. John finished up his shower put it away got dressed and grabbed some chocolate bars continued on his journey he wasn't that far from the village skipping along as he got closer not forgetting to pick up stuff along the way. He could see wooden fences on the horizon he got more excited he got to the entrance

"that a one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind " he thrust his hands in the air in triumph He looked around hoping to see people but what he saw were not people, they were short naked green looking gremlin things. He was shocked they were shocked, everyone was shocked the gremlin looking people looked at the stranger grunting to each other some of the closer ones backed away some of the ones further away came closer picking up sticks and stones along the way. John was looking at all this in amusement watching the naked gremlins grunting at each other getting ready to attack. They all launched their sticks an stones at john who brushed it off like it was nothing, they were shocked that the stranger was still alive, they ran to get bigger sticks and stones. John knew this was gonna take a while so he took a seat and decided to finally look at his ability.

i. Stats

- Name- John Bones

- Age- 25

- Sex- Male *yes please*

- Strength- 10

- Defence- max lvl

- Constitution- 12

- Intelligence-17

- Wisdom-15

- Charisma-8

ii. Creatures

iii. Inventory

- Were rabbit x6

- Giant mosquito x25

- Giant fly x30

- Silver fox x3

- Black panther x2

- Venomous snake x9

- Dirt

- Grass

- Flowers

iv. Shop- connected to shop from previous life everything that could be bought there can be found here

v. World map- map of the world you are currently in, to use fast travel place must be visited first before using function

As john was reading through his stats the gremlins were tired from all the attacking, some were so exhausted they collapsed on the ground others ran to there homes and hid, the brave ones kept looking for even more sticks and stones and kept on attacking. John got tired from all the grunting and mess he looked at the ones that were there and roared. Screams were heard throughout the village everyone collapsing on the ground wetting themselves no one dared to move

He walked up to one of the gremlins that was conscious

"why did you attack me"


"who is your leader"


"do you speak a any English"


"how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood"


"damn this is getting me no where, what can I do"

He looked at the creatures menu, found a book on the universal language clicked on it and the knowledge was absorbed

"why didn't i think of this in the first place"

"let's try this again, take me to your leader"

The gremlin *cough* I mean goblin looked at me in a daze

"say that again stranger" it squeaked

"I said take me to your leader" john said more assertive

"we don't have a leader"

"what do you mean you don't have a leader then whose running the place"

"no ones running the place, we were to weak to stay with the other villagers so they sent us here to live and die, we help each other out we are equal"

"equal you say, no ones in charge let's see about that"

He got up cleared his throat before pulling a megaphone out

"all the goblins in this place come here now"

They were to scared to move, he pointed at the goblin on the floor

"tell them to come here now or they will all die"

The goblin on the floor got up and begged everyone to come or they will all die, after 20 minutes all the goblins were near the entrance, john was checking the mini map and found the goblins who didn't show up before were now blue

"maybe because I read the universal language book or I got a look at them now they're showing up on the radar"

All the goblins were standing in front of john he was looking them up an down observing these weird creatures. Most of them were stopping themselves from fainting from his looks alone

"That goblin over there said you have no leader is it true"

They nodded up an down

"he said you were kicked out of you village because you're weak"

They nodded up and down

"he said, I can see clearly now the rain has gone"


"just a little joke"


*cough* " I will be your new leader"

Gasps were heard among the goblins some were happy that they found someone strong, some were scared of the unknown and some didn't really care, "my kind of people"

John was walking around the village he saw that some of the goblins were skin and bones, others were barely standing he was a little annoyed

"how can i be entertained if my actors aren't performing up to scratch"

He went to the centre of the village kicked the smelly cauldron that was there and pulled out a giant pot emptied his inventory and told the goblins to cook up. They were so happy at the sight of food they cried an hugged each other, hugged the food then cried some more, they tried to hug john as well but he kicked them away and scowled at them. They got the message the new leader doesn't like to be hugged. John grabbed big jugs of water some protein powder and mixed the two together, he told them to drink all of it, the goblins were in heaven they had fresh food and fresh water or what looked like water they were living the life, they tried to offer john some food but he looked at in disgust and kicked it away they didn't mind though they picked off the floor and ate with gusto. John looked around at the sleeping goblins with a small smile on his face he was content. When he woke up the next morning there was a lot of noise and loud cheering, he got angry he took off his sleeping mask and was about to yell, when he saw what he saw he was shocked. He was surrounded by giant goblins he froze and didn't know what to do, he looked at these newcomers and opened up his menu, one of the giants tried to grab him but as soon as he touched him his arm went a weird angle the giant screamed in pain

"I'm sorry leader I forgot you don't liked to be hugged, please forgive me"

John looked at the screaming giant, looked at the rest that were staring back at him looked at the screaming one again and then it hit him.

"shut up before I really give something to cry about"

The screaming giant shut his mouth immediately

"now tell me how did you all become so big"

One of the female ones were raised her hand up

"well when we get enough mana or kills we evolve into higher beings called hobgoblins" she said

"but I didn't give you any mana or didn't see anyone kill last night and practically all of use were on death beds what happened?"

"maybe the food was full of mana or maybe the water was we don't know we're just happy to have evolved" a random said

"mmhh maybe it was the protein powder, aye all those guys spending hours at the gym trying to get big and seeing no results and then these little guys have a few scoops and pow Arnold baby, hahaha"

john was happy, He walked around the village checking everyone out, they'd show off their new strengths and bodies to each other, it got awkward when the guys were around but the girls he didn't mind. He told all the Hobbs to gather around looked at the naked bodies

"what is this a nudist colony"

he looked through his shop pulled out some purple elastic shorts

"hmmm these look familiar" as he played with them, he threw the shorts to the hobgoblins who were even more excited, after they were dressed john looked around and chuckled a little

"they look like another green giant i know who gets stronger the angrier he gets"

he rubbed his hands in glee, the anticipation of what's to come in the future, who couldn't wait.

After everyone was ready he told them that that were going to move they cheered and got to work. Packing up their stuff they took one last look the village, some shed a few tears saying they'll miss this place other didn't even bother to look back they were glad. The Hobbs who broke his arm earlier walked up to john and asked if he wanted to say a few parting words about the village

"village you call this a village please you my naive friend have a lot to learn"

he tried to pat his shoulder but he was to short so he nudged his arm. The Hobbs thought it was a game so he nudged john back

"no don't"

Too late the Hobbs ended up back on the ground this time his shoulder was broken. John slapped his forehead and laughed at the screaming Hobbs the Hobbs laughed at him as well, all the Hobbs were laughing even the one on the ground started laughing, john picked him up brushed him off a walked away, the others copied John and followed after him...