
Little sunflower

Bianca Forrester finally ran away from her abusive father, hoping that she went far enough. Brian Daniels grew up quicker than he should've taking over the family business at the young age of 21 he hasn't stopped. When their paths cross, what will happen? Will sparks fly, or will Bianca end up more hurt than she already is. Read to find out and please comment like and share I will add new chapters weekly, sometimes more often. ALL PICTURES DO NOT BELONG TO ME! THIS IS THE ONLY PUBLISHED BOOK! DO NOT COPY

Anna_Luke · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter 18 Bianca

I haven't heard from Brian in over a month, I don't know what to think or how to feel. I thought we have gotten pretty close, but maybe I was looking too much into it. I sigh and continue my shift. The phone calls have gotten worse, and I feel like I'm being watched. I don't know what's worse. My anxiety isn't getting better, my nightmares are 10 times worse, and I am running on about 3 hours of sleep.

When I get home, I see that my front door isn't locked, I know that I locked it before I left. I start to shake as I walk closer, when I get inside, I can tell that someone was in here. I can feel that it isn't mine anymore.

My panic hits me out of nowhere, I sit against the door and rock back and forth. My head is running a million miles a minute and my heart feels like it will collapse. I grip the phone in my hand, wanting to call someone, anyone. But I can't get them involved, I did enough by telling Angelica what's going on, I can't put her in any more danger than I already have. I don't know what's going on with Brian so I can't reach out to him.

I don't know when I pass out but when I wake up I see that it is late. Looking down at the time I see that it's midnight. My body hurts from laying on the hard floor, my head hurts so badly that I can't even keep my eyes open for long, and the fear I was feeling earlier has tripled.

I text Angelica about the car, and while I waited for a response, I decided to make something small to eat. I decided to finish this month of work and then put in the final notice. My thoughts are interrupted by a text.


I drop the phone like it's on fire. I grab my go bag and call Angelica.

"Hey Bianca, are you okay?" She asks, I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Hey, I was going to wait for your text, did you need me to sign the paper for the car?" I ask, I know it's rude to ignore the text, but I don't have time. I need to get out of here.

"Yes, the paper is in the glove box. Are you okay? Do you need anything?" She asks, the concern clear in her eyes.

"I need to leave, I won't have a phone yet, I got a text I don't know who it is, but I think that he found me. I know this is short notice." I say all in one breath. "I'll write a letter to Brian, but I can't stay." I say. I know she is the only friend I have, sadly I can't stay.

"Do you want me to talk to Brian for you?" She asks. I love this girl. She is the best thing that has happened to me.

"I was planning to text him before I go." I say, "I don't want to tell him where I'm going yet. I don't think that's safe to do, plus I'm going to break his heart." I say. We talk for a few more minutes, and then I hang up. I go out to the car and sign the paper. I see that she really did sign it and the keys are where she told me they would be. I grab my bag and put it in the trunk. I decide instead of texting him that I would go see him before I leave.

I get in the driver's seat, and head over to his apartment. I don't know what I'm going to say yet, but I know I can't stay, and I know I can't just leave without saying anything. Once I get there, I take a deep breath and head in. I go up to the security guard, "Hey, I..... I..... is Brian in?"

I shuffle my feet and look up at him, I hate that I stuttered, I've been working on it, hoping that I don't do it as often. "No, he went out of town a few days ago. Do you want to leave a message for him?" He asks. I ask for a piece a paper and an envelope. I guess a letter it is.


Thank you for getting to know me. You have meant more to me in the short time that I've known you, more than you will know. I have to leave. I wish I could've said this to you, but a letter will have to do. I'm sorry that I won't get to see you before I go. I don't know when I will be back. Please don't come looking for me. I don't even know where I am going next. There is a lot I haven't told you, and I am sorry about that. I know you might be curious, and hopefully one day I will get to tell you why I left and why I couldn't stay. Just know that I care about you, you have shown me what fun can be, you have shown me real laughter, and you have taken me on my first date. You have given me so much, you've given me the most important part of me back, my smile. I hoped that I didn't have to leave and that I could tell you everything, but my fear is getting the best of me. I won't have my phone any longer. Again, I am sorry for leaving so quick, I'm sorry that I didn't get to say goodbye, and most of all I am sorry that I am breaking your heart. I don't know if I will be back or if I will ever come back.

All my love,


I put the letter in the envelope and close it. I give it to the guy and turn around to leave. I get into the car and a tear falls down my face. I text Angelica and let her know that I am leaving and to let the flower shop owner know and the coffee house owner as well and to apologize for me. I get a text back to let her know that I am safe and to give her the new number. I start driving to a new place.