
Little sunflower

Bianca Forrester finally ran away from her abusive father, hoping that she went far enough. Brian Daniels grew up quicker than he should've taking over the family business at the young age of 21 he hasn't stopped. When their paths cross, what will happen? Will sparks fly, or will Bianca end up more hurt than she already is. Read to find out and please comment like and share I will add new chapters weekly, sometimes more often. ALL PICTURES DO NOT BELONG TO ME! THIS IS THE ONLY PUBLISHED BOOK! DO NOT COPY

Anna_Luke · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 17 Brian

There is something going on with Bianca, she is even more jumpy than she was before. During our coffee date, she kept zoning out on me. I want to help and I wish she would open up to me. Is she scared, is someone after her? What is going through that pretty mind of hers? Should I get someone to watch over her?

My brain hurts from trying to figure her out, maybe I need to go over to her house after I get off and see if she is okay. I need to see what is going on, I can't help her if she won't let me. She has gone through something and I am going to find out what it is. I sigh and get back to work, I need to sign new contracts.

I hear a knock at the door, "Come in." I say and keep reading over the contract.

"Mr. Daniels, I have Mr. Sanders here, he wants to go over a new contract with you." my assistant, Justin says. I nod my head. He goes back out and comes in with Mr. Sanders.

"Hello Mr. Daniels, I brought the contract in we talked about a few months ago." He hands me the new papers. It looks like his company is all over the world, he needs some help with the financials, I don't see that his companies stocks are too low.

I look up at him, "Are you wanting me to buy the company? I don't see the numbers for how much you are wanting in this." I say and lean back in my seat with my hands folded together. I'm not here to play games. If he is wanting me to offer my help with managing his company, I need to know what he wants from me. My father taught me that there is always someone wanting something from you and don't let them pull it out of you. 

He smiles at me, "I just want 40%, nothing else, I need someone to look after my company when I pass away, you know I don't have anyone else to take over. But I trust you with the company, I just want to live comfortably." I've known this man since I was training to take over for my father.

I nod my head, "Let's get this signed. I want to go to your company and see how it's run, I will be changing over the name. I want everyone to know that there will be changes done. I don't want them to know who yet." I say, he nods in agreement.

We sign the contract and shake hands. He leaves shortly after asking how my mom is doing. Since my dad is no longer in the picture, he knows that my mom is on her own. After he leaves, I head to my next meeting.

After 5 meetings with everyone and the board to update them on everything that will be happening. I am beat, nothing sounds better than whiskey and a cigar on my balcony. I go back into my office to grab the rest of my paperwork and to send Justin home early. He has been here extra late and extra early in the mornings.

"Why don't you take the next couple of days off, I'm going to be working from home and I have some personal business to attend to and I won't need you." I say to him. He smiles and thanks me and heads out.

I my stuff, lock the office and head out. I know I need to talk to her, hopefully she opens up to me and I can find out what's going on. I know I can help, I don't know how or what that will intel but I need to help her. My feelings for her have grown and now I can't just stand back and watch her hurt.

The fear and worry I saw in her eyes yesterday isn't something I want to keep seeing. I need to help her and I don't care what I have to do. I get to the garage and start driving towards her apartment. Half-way there, my phone starts ringing and I see that it's a number I don't have saved.

"Hello?" I say, I hope this is important. I have places to be and Bianca to see.

"Hi, is this Mr. Daniels?" The female asks on the line.

"Yes." I say.

"Sir, your mother is in the hospital, there was an accident and she isn't doing well." I stop listening right there and then and turn the car around to head to the hospital. I thank the doctor and hang up. My worry skyrockets.

Once I get there, 20 minutes later, I feel like my whole world is coming down on me. I rush in, as soon as one of the staff sees me, she takes me straight to my mothers room.

"The doctor will be with you in just a minute Mr. Daniels." She says and walks back out of the room. She is laying in the hospital bed, with a breathing tube in her mouth and a ton of wires going to different machines.

I hear a knock at the door, I look towards and see that it's the doctor. "Hi Mr. Daniels, My name is Dr. Martin, your mom came in and we got her stable, however she is in a coma and we don't know when she will wake up. She has 3 broken ribs, a broken leg, and a broken arm as you can see. She also coded during surgery. I'm so sorry sir." He says. I nod my head. "Did she say what she wanted to do in this situation?" He asks. "If you would like I can give you a few minutes and come back?"

I nod my head again, I don't think I could say anything. I know that she doesn't want to live like this but I don't know if I can lose her either. It hasn't been long since I've lost my father and now my mom. I just saw her 2 weeks ago, I was supposed to go over this weekend for our dinner. I was going to tell her about Bianca, I know I should've told her sooner but I didn't want her to get to excited. Now I wish I would've told her about Bianca, about how we met, about how I'm worried about her and that I don't know how to help her since she hasn't told me anything.

I know that my mom wouldn't want to live like this. She would want to be let go, she would want me to remember how happy she was, all the good memories we shared as a family. I hold her good hand. I start telling her about Bianca and how I think she is the one. I tell her about how much she would like her. How happy and sunny she is.

Later that night when the doctor comes back in, I let him know to turn off the machine and to let her go. I kiss her one more time, and sit there with her until I know she is gone. After another 20 minutes, I decide to leave, I need to make funeral arrangements.