
Little sunflower

Bianca Forrester finally ran away from her abusive father, hoping that she went far enough. Brian Daniels grew up quicker than he should've taking over the family business at the young age of 21 he hasn't stopped. When their paths cross, what will happen? Will sparks fly, or will Bianca end up more hurt than she already is. Read to find out and please comment like and share I will add new chapters weekly, sometimes more often. ALL PICTURES DO NOT BELONG TO ME! THIS IS THE ONLY PUBLISHED BOOK! DO NOT COPY

Anna_Luke · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter 12 Brian

My mom taught me how to make her homemade chicken noodle soup. As I was cooking, I wished nothing more than for her to be sitting at the bar stool and watching me. That makes me sound like I need attention, but I don't need attention from anyone else but her. I continue cooking to distract me from her blue eyes and her long blond hair, she really was beautiful.

After half an hour of cooking and listening to talk shows on YouTube, the soup was done. I put it in a container and got changed into something that made me look less homeless, grabbing my keys next I went out the door and down to my car.

Brian: What is your address so that I can come and drop the soup off?

I hope that isn't too straight forward, but I don't know how else to ask that question without sounding like i'm being impatient or rude.

Bianca: Oh, I am so sorry I forgot about it. It's 224 W Color way, raindrop, GA. I really do appreciate you doing this for me.

I smiled at the text and put her address into Google Maps and started driving, it looks like she only lives ten minutes from the coffee shop and 25 minutes from me. I smiled at the thought that she is close to me.

Getting to her apartment, I get out and grab the soup. Walking up the stairs, I started to get nervous. What if she doesn't like the soup? What if she tells me to leave and never come back? What if... My thoughts run away as I stand in front of her door. Before I chicken out, I knock on the door.

I waited a few minutes before she pulled the door open, I was about to say something but looking down at her outfit I could feel myself getting hard, clearing my throat I hand stretch my hand out towards her.

She smiles, "Thank you so much! I know you are busy, and you didn't have to do it." She says, but what she doesn't know is that I wanted to see her. The one day that I didn't get to talk to her on her walk to the café was a long one and made my day worse. I couldn't focus on anything.

"No, I wanted to. Plus, it was weird not to see you today." I rub the back of my neck out of nervousness, maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I sigh and look up at her. The surprised look on her face and the blush that is covering her cheeks, which is cute by the way, makes it well worth what came out of my mouth.

"I... I really appreciate it." She says, I want to kiss her. I intake a sharp breath at the thought that popped into my head, but i'm not surprised by it either. "Do you want to come in?" She asks me.

I look at her surprised, and she looks just as surprised that it came from her mouth, "Only if you want to, you don't have. I'm sorry, you can go if you want to, not that i'm kicking you out....."

"Sure, i'll come in. We can talk if you want." I say before she can feel embarrassed. She looks up at me surprised.

"Yeah, okay, lets do that." She opens her door wider for me to come in. "My friend Angelica is here, I hope you don't mind. " She wrings her fingers together like i would be mad at her for that.

I smile, "No, she can hang out with us, if you want her here." I say. Hoping that she calms down and smiles again. God, that smile, I could stare at it all day. Man, I sound whipped and I haven't known her for that long.

She nods her head and i follow her to the kitchen, "Give me a second, I just got to go get her from my room." She dashes away like i'll disappear if she doesn't come back fast enough. I wait for her to come back and sit down at the stool at the counter. Her place is small but she has made it look cozy. I wonder what her bedroom looks like, not like that you dirty minded people. I just want to see her personality, the bedroom is the best place to find out about the person. Mine is dark greys and dark woods color.

I hear the door open and she walks out with an overly excited Angelica behind her. Her friend comes up right in front of me, "Hi, I'm Angelica. Her best friend and co-worker." I smile at her and shake her hand.

"My name is Brian, I am her friend." I wince at that, knowing that I want more but by the way she acts I might be the only one feeling like that. Although I cant know that for sure until I get the balls to ask her on a date.

She nods her head with a knowing look. I just don't understand what that look is saying. The last time I checked we haven't talked and I'm not sure that I know her. Maybe Bianca talks about me, well, at least I hope she does.

"It's nice to meet you." I let go of her hand and look over at Bianca, who is just standing there like she isnt sure of what to do next.

"We can sit down and talk, I dont have a t.v though so I hope that is ok." She says the last part like she isn't sure of herself anymore.

"That sounds like a good plan." I say with a smile. We all sit down at the counter and chat. Bianca looks like she is going to fall asleep at any moment. I look at the time and see that it is 1 p.m. she must be exhausted. Angelica says that she has to go and gives her a big hug and tells me it's nice to meet me.

Looking over at Bianca to see that she has fallen asleep with her face laying on her arm. I smile and lift her up and put her in bed. After tucking her in I go to leave, but her soft voice stops me, "Please don't go." I stand there surprised and not sure if I should stay or leave. Knowing that if I leave, I might make her think she isn't someone I would like. I sigh and take off my shoes and lay down next to her on top of the covers.

"Good night angel." I whisper and close my eyes. Sleep takes me quick that night and for the first time it is peaceful.