
Little sunflower

Bianca Forrester finally ran away from her abusive father, hoping that she went far enough. Brian Daniels grew up quicker than he should've taking over the family business at the young age of 21 he hasn't stopped. When their paths cross, what will happen? Will sparks fly, or will Bianca end up more hurt than she already is. Read to find out and please comment like and share I will add new chapters weekly, sometimes more often. ALL PICTURES DO NOT BELONG TO ME! THIS IS THE ONLY PUBLISHED BOOK! DO NOT COPY

Anna_Luke · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 13 Bianca

Waking up on something hard, I just awake. Looking around, I notice that Brian is laying next to me, but on top of the covers. I blush a deep red.

"Good morning Bianca." He says in a husky voice. I blush even harder, if that was possible.

"Morning." I mumble back shyly. How can someone sound so attractive in the morning, and sexy. I don't think I can blush any harder. I quickly get up and go into the bathroom, and turn on the shower. My blush didn't go down any, and I was starting to think that this would be my new look.

Ten minutes later, I am done and see that I didn't bring any clothes. "Umm, Brian?" I say through the closed door.

I hear footsteps come closer to the door, "Yes, sweetheart?" He says in a gentle tone.

"I forgot my clothes, can you by any chance close your eyes, so I can grab them?" I blush again, this is so awkward he's going to think i'm dumb. I sigh and lean my head on the door.

He laughs a little, "Yes, I can do that." I hear the footsteps fade. I pull the door open and see that his back is facing the door, and he has his hands up. I quickly run into the room and get dressed. Once I am done, I walk out, "You can open your eyes now." I say and look down at my feet.

I hear some shuffling, "You look pretty." He says, and I can feel his eyes rake my body. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach, and he isn't even touching me. I look up at him surprised, I know that has happened a lot in the last couple of days.

"Thank you." I whisper out. "Do you want me to make you some breakfast?" I ask, I want the subject off me as fast as possible.

He nods his head, and puts his hand to let me know to lead the way. I walk past him and I can hear him follow me to the small kitchen that I have.

"Are eggs and bacon sandwiche okay?" I ask, I dont have much so I hope he is ok with that.

He smiles and nods his head. Once i'm done cooking we sit down and eat.

"What do you do for work? I ask and wince. That is a stupid question since i've been talking to him for over a month. I mentally slap my forehead, I should've asked this question earlier.

He looks over at me and smiles, "I take peoples companys that are failing and I help bring them money in after they have signed a contract." He says, I don't even know how that works.

I wonder how he started the company but I don't want to pry, he will tell me when he is ready. I smile and nod my head at what he said in somewhat of an understanding.

"How long have you lived here?" He asks with a smile, I freeze at the question.

"I moved here a couple of months before we got to know each other, I wanted a change of pace." I say and look down at my food. I am not ready to tell him everything, I know he isn't ready for it.

I look down at my phone to see that we have to leave so I can be on time.

"I'm sorry for kicking you out so soon, but I have to get to work and I'm sure you have to get home and get ready for work." I smile at him even though I don't want him to leave.

He shakes his head no, "I will walk you to the coffee shop and then I will go home." He says. I smile and nod my head, I quickly run to my room to grab my sovks and tennis shoes. Before I left I grabbed my purse and keys and my phone.

Walking him has become one of my favorite things to do. I don't know if he is bothered my it but he hasn't shown that he is. We walk and talk about random things.

"Thank you for walking me to work everyday. I've been having a ton of fun." I smile up at him and turn to leave. Before I get far he says my name, I turn around and wait for him to ask or say what he needs to.

"I have a question for you." He says, and I look up at him to give him my attention. Nodding my head, he continues, "I wanted to ask if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight?" He looks nervous, which is a really cute look on him.

I stand there, stunned, he wants to go out with me? What if this is a joke? He wouldn't do that to me. I shake that thought out of my head and shuffle my feet. I have never gone on a date, I don't know how this is supposed to work.


I know this one is short but I wanted to leave a little bit of a cliff hanger. New chapter coming soon! thank you for the love and support yall 💗