
Extra Chapter 2

Asafa had left this place when his grandson Zuberi was a young lion and was just about to become king, after Mohatu had died.

But it seems like he had been gone longer than he had thought, which made this whole place seem even more foreign to him.

"Then... Is the former king Zuberi still alive?" Asafa asked, in a non threatening manner.

The lionesses looked at eachother, not answering, still waiting for back up.

Asafa sighed, realising that they weren't going to speak with him anymore.

He looked at the small lake, or rather, pond with a smile before diving right in.

The lionesses kept on staring at him, waiting for the smallest sign of aggression to bite him to death.

Yet they refused to be the first to attack... They had never seen such a big lion before.

They had only heard about the legendary king Asafa being much bigger than any other lion, but seing a lion that much bigger than others in reality was... Surprising

Asafa relaxed in the pond and waited, he knew that someone with authority would come sooner rather than later.

The lioness furthest from Asafa took the cubs and returned to pride rock.

"Will you not tell me wether Zuberi is alive or not, at the least?" Asafa asked, not expecting an answer.

"Address him with respect you intruder, he was once the king of these lands." A lioness said with a growl.

"Wasn't I as well...?" Asafa sighed, but they didn't hear him.

Soon, a whole pack of lions arrived.

They're surrounded the lake and growled at Asafa.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" The biggest lion walked forward and asked Asafa.

Asafa looked at him.

'This must be king Tafari they spoke about... My great, great grandson... But why does he look so much like uncle?' Asafa thought as he looked at the lion that's seemed to be in his prime. Black mane and dark brown fur, much bigger than his uncle though.

"Speak." Tafari got angry, he had never seen such a big lion before and he was pretty calm at first, since the intruder hadn't attacked anyone...

"I'm an old friend of your grandfather, Zuberi.. is he still alive?" Asafa asked again.

"Grandfather?... That's impossible." Tafari said, with confusion.

His grandfather hadn't left the pride rock for a long time, and ever since Tafari was born, he had not seen this stranger before... So it's impossible that this unfamiliar lion is a friend of his grandfather. He would've remembered a lion like this...

He couldn't have known his grandfather before Tafari was born because the lion in the pond didn't look much older than himself.

"All I'm asking is wether he is still alive, or wether anyone from his generation is, atleast." Asafa asked again, from the pond while relaxing.

The king looked at his trusted companions with confusion, not sure how to proceed.


"He is still alive... What do you want with him?" King Tafari finally asked.

"Really, that's great, allow me to meet him and all confusion will be resolved!" Asafa said as he stood up.

Only then did the rest of the lions that had arrived recently see his real size and back up in fright.

Asafa didn't try to say who his real identity was because that would make him look more suspicious. He looked middleaged for a lion, but still in his prime, no one would believe he is an old, old, old great greatgrandpa.

"He is elderly and can't get out of the pride cave.. state your business." The king tried to pry for more information.

"Then send a messenger to him, explain what you have seen here."

Asafa just said as he went back into the lake.

The king looked at the youngest lion here and sent her to speak with his grandfather, just in case there was value to the words of this stranger.

Silence overtook the place as every lion was just keeping their eyes on the intruder while he was relaxing in the water as if he was home.

It didn't take long before the messenger frantically ran back, looking worried.

"Your Majesty, the old advisor first dismissed me but when I described the intruder, the old lion stood up and tried running here... I had to stop him and made a promise to bring the intruder to him. I was worried he might fall down and break his fragile body." The messenger hurriedly spoke.

"Grandfather did that? Did he forget how weak he is, why would he try to get here?" The king asked not quite believing it.

"Tsk, Zeburi, you little cub, you're still so reckless even when you're this old..." Asafa said discontently as he stood up.

"How dare you speak so rudely to our advisor!" One of the king's brothers got angr, that someone would speak so rudely to his respected grandfather.

Also, his grandfather is supposed to be reckless? No way, Zuberi is known to be old, wise and calm.

"King Tafari, you will come to regret it if you don't allow me to meet Zuberi." This was the first time Asafa spoke with a threat lingering in his tone.

But for some reason, Tafari didn't take it personally, he felt strange about this whole ordeal and his gut told him that this unfamiliar lion is a friend.

"Fine, follow us..." In the end, Tafari turned around and started walking back to the pride rock.

Asafa followed the pride while looking around in reminiscence.

When Tafari arrived at the peak, he was surprised to find his grandfather trying to slowly walk out of the cave.

"Grandfather, what are you doing, you need to rest!" Tafari shouted as he hurried to his grandfather.

"Don't mind me, is he really here, is he??" Zuberi spoke hurriedly, like a child that wanted to meet his parents.

Tafari couldn't even answer as Zuberi's eyes widened when he gazed upon him.....

He had barely aged... But Zuberi was sure, absolutely sure that it was him... Asafa...

"You haven't changed a day, still that reckless cub aren't you, Zuberi." Asafa laughed when he saw his eldest grandson.

"Grandfather.... It really is you!" Zuberi spoke, confusing everybody there, they looked between the old, fragile, shaking Zuberi and the young, strong lion....

Which one is the grandfather?

Even Tafari looked at his grandfather as if he has lost his mind.

Before he could give his two cents, Asafa had run passed all of them and arrived in front of Zuberi and started rubbing the old grandson's head.

Everybody stared with wide eyes, some even had their fangs exposed as they dropped their jaws.

'Wait... If he really is the grandfather of my grandfather... Then he's... ASAFA?!' Tafari finally realised one important point,.which made him take a step back.

"How I missed you Zuberi." Asafa said happily.

He had lost all the persons he had grown up with, and all the persons he had raised, all his sons and daughters.

Not long after Mohatu took the crown, he had his first son, which is Asafa's first grandchild, Zuberi.

Zuberi grew up with Asafa, Simba, Imani, Hamu, Timon and Pumba. So for Asafa, Zuberi might be the last memory of his true family.

"Grandfather, I thought I would never see you again, how are you still so young? Where did you go? How did you get that scar? Did you have any more children? Do I have uncles and aunties? Do you want to be king again? Did Tafari treat you well? Did you sleep well? Did you eat well? Did your take care of your health? Did you make sure to drink enough water?" Zuberi kept asking questions nonstop as Asafa smiled at his silly grandson.

*Cough cough, grandfather, shouldn't you introduce us to the intrude... Erm, guest?" Tafari interrupted, as he felt like Zuberi had forgotten everyone else.

"Eh.. yeh, right, everyone, bow down to the former King, Asafa, my grandfather." Zuberi commanded as he looked at the pride.

Asafa was surprised, Zuberi as he remembered him, was a reckless youth that didn't really command any... respect, yet right now, even at his old age, he seemed so fierce.

"Zuberi, you went through a lot didn't you."

"Nn." Zuberi nodded, tears almost breaking out of his eyes. He's so old, yet somehow he feels like a cub again in front of his grandpa.

"Grandfather, please, let's go back inside, tell me all about your travels." Zuberi spoke with excitement while leading Asafa back to the cave. Totally forgetting everyone else.