
The Enclave

I woke up early and began my training routine. Today marked a full week since I have started improving my skills, and it is the final day I have left to try and figure out how to tap into what I did that day...

I had always been a disciplined individual, but this time I took it to a different level. Over the course of the week, I followed a rigorous exercise regimen, working on building my strength, agility, and endurance. I practiced swordplay in my backyard, focusing on my form and technique, imagining myself facing off against formidable foes. Each swing of my sword felt purposeful, as if I were honing my skills for the battles that awaited me. As the days went by, movements and adjustments that once took a significant amount of trial and error now were semi-second nature. I'm still no expert by any means, but for not having any real training from anyone, i've hit a good level.

In addition to physical training, I delved into magic. Although I'm most likely not going to be a mage, figuring out how to wield my light will significantly improve my abilities.

Throughout the week, Agent Lee kept in touch, providing guidance and answering any questions I had. She assured me that the training would be challenging but rewarding, and that I had the potential to excel. Her words gave me confidence and fueled my determination to push myself to the limit.


Finally, it was the eve of my first day of offical training, I stood in front of the mirror in my room, dressed in the uniform of a trainee. The silver emblem of the Silver Crown was emblazoned on my chest. I adjusted my collar and straightened my posture, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves.

As I made my way downstairs, my family gathered to see me off. Their faces were filled with a mix of excitement and concern, a reflection of the emotions swirling within me. My father shook my hand firmly, his eyes brimming with pride. My mother hugged me tightly, whispering words of encouragement in my ear. Lily and Jack gave me tight hugs, their unwavering belief in me shining through their eyes.

As my mother hugged me tightly, I could feel her warmth and love enveloping me. She held onto me for a moment longer before pulling back, her hands on my shoulders as she looked into my eyes.

"You take care of yourself out there, Kane," she said softly, her voice filled with a mix of pride and concern. "Promise me you'll be careful."

I nodded, placing my hands over hers. "I promise, Mom," I replied, sincerity lacing my words. "I'll do everything in my power to protect myself and come back to you all."

My father stepped forward, joining the embrace. He wrapped his arms around both of us, creating a sense of unity and strength. "We're proud of you, son," he said, his voice steady and full of conviction. "You're taking on a great responsibility, but we know you're capable of it."

I looked at my father, grateful for his support. "Thank you, Dad," I said, feeling a surge of determination. "I won't let you down. I'll make you proud."

My little sister, Lily, tugged on my shirt, her eyes wide with anticipation. "Kane! When you come back everyday, will you come home and tell us stories about your adventures?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.

I knelt down to her level, a smile on my face. "Of course, Lily," I replied, gently ruffling her hair. "I'll come back and tell you all the amazing things I've seen and done. You'll be the first to hear about my adventures."

She beamed up at me, her innocence and enthusiasm lighting up the room. "I can't wait!" she exclaimed, bouncing on her toes.

My younger brother, Jack, couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He pulled on my sleeve, his eyes wide with awe. "Kane, can I come and watch your training someday?" he asked eagerly.

I chuckled, tousling his hair affectionately. "Maybe someday, little buddy," I said, ruffling his hair. "But for now, just don't cause too much trouble for mom and dad."

His eyes sparkled with delight, and he nodded eagerly. "Deal!" he exclaimed, a sense of determination shining through.

As we stood there as a family, the room filled with a mixture of emotions. Pride, love, and a hint of bittersweetness. I knew that leaving them behind for days when I start getting assigned to rifts will be hard, but I also knew that this was my calling. I had to embrace my destiny as a guardian and protect not just my family, but everyone in need.

With one final round of hugs, I turned towards the door, ready to begin the next chapter of my life. "I love you all," I said, my voice filled with gratitude and determination. "Thank you for always believing in me."

"We love you too, Kane," my parents said in unison, their voices filled with a mixture of emotions.

As I walk towards the door, their supportive gazes following me, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. I was ready to face the challenges that awaited me, armed with the love and support of my family. Their belief in me would serve as a guiding light in the darkness, reminding me of who I was and what I was fighting for.

With a deep breath, I stepped out into the world, ready to embrace my destiny as a guardian and make a difference in the lives of others.

I stepped outside, feeling a cool breeze on my face. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the neighborhood, as if it were blessing my journey. I spotted Agent Lee waiting by the car, her expression calm and confident. I took a moment to soak in the scene before me, knowing that this was the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

I climbed into the car, my heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and determination. Agent Lee smiled at me, sensing the emotions coursing through me. "Are you ready, Kane?" she asked.

I nodded, a spark of determination igniting within me. "I'm ready," I replied firmly.

Agent Lee started the car, and we pulled away from my childhood home, leaving behind familiar streets and memories. As we drove, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This journey marked a turning point in my life, and I was eager to embrace the challenges that awaited me.

As the car navigated through the city, I glanced out the window, watching the world go by. The bustling streets and towering buildings held a certain allure, reminding me of the endless possibilities that lay ahead. Deep down, I knew that my decision to embark on this path was the right one, despite the uncertainties that lay beyond the horizon.

Agent Lee broke the silence, her voice laced with reassurance. "Kane, I want you to know that you're not alone in this. We have a dedicated team that will be working with you every step of the way. We believe in your abilities and are confident that you can make a difference."

Her words were like a balm to my anxious soul, providing the comfort and support I needed. I glanced at her, appreciating her unwavering confidence in me. "Thank you, Agent Lee. I truly appreciate everything you and the team have done for me. I'm determined to give it my all," I responded, my voice filled with sincerity.

She nodded, her eyes focused on the road ahead. "I have no doubt about that, Kane. The training you've undergone has prepared you well, but remember, there's only so much you can learn on your own. Make sure to try and absorb everything you learn from this next week. If you can pass the first selection, we can find you a trainer to help you as well."

I pondered her words, realizing the weight they carried. This journey wasn't just about fulfilling a dream; it was about staying true to myself, my principles, and making a positive impact on the world. It was a responsibility I was willing to embrace wholeheartedly.

As we continued our drive, my mind started to drift, imagining the possibilities that awaited me. The thought of working alongside experienced guardians, tackling rifts and breaks, and making a difference filled me with a renewed sense of purpose.

Agent Lee's voice broke through my reverie. "Kane, we're here," she said, pulling the car to a stop in front of a building.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out of the car, my gaze fixed on the imposing structure before me. It was a grand academy, with towering walls and intricate designs etched into its facade. This was where I would undergo the first phase of my official training as a guardian.

Agent Lee joined me outside the car, her expression a mix of excitement and seriousness. "Welcome to the Enclave," she said, gesturing towards the entrance. "This is where you will learn to harness your skills, expand your knowledge, and truly become a guardian."

A surge of anticipation coursed through me as I took in the sight. This was the place where legends were born, where lightbearers transformed into extraordinary protectors. It was both humbling and exhilarating to be a part of this legacy. We walked through the grand entrance, and I marveled at the architecture and the bustling energy that filled the air. Students clad in the signature uniforms of their factions, their eyes focused and determined. They carried an aura of purpose, reminding me of the challenges and responsibilities that lay ahead.

Agent Lee led me through the corridors, passing classrooms, training halls, and various facilities. Each step brought me closer to the realization that I was now a part of something greater than myself. I was about to embark on a transformative journey, one that would test my limits and shape me into the guardian I aspired to be.

Finally, we arrived at a spacious training room filled with state-of-the-art equipment and practice areas. The room buzzed with energy as students engaged in various exercises, honing their skills under the watchful eyes of trainers. It was a sight to behold, a symphony of dedication and determination. Agent Lee introduced me to one of the trainers, a seasoned guardian named Master Harken. His rugged appearance and sharp gaze exuded authority and wisdom. "Master Harken, this is Kane, our new trainee," Agent Lee said, her voice filled with respect.

Master Harken regarded me with a discerning eye, assessing my potential. "Welcome, Kane," he said, his voice carrying a depth of experience. "I've heard great things about your potential so far."

A surge of excitement mixed with nervousness coursed through me. This was it—the moment I had been preparing for. I was about to face my first official training session, and the prospect both thrilled and intimidated me.

Master Harken guided me through the practice area. The training room hummed with activity as students, dressed in their uniforms, went about their practice routines. The clashing of swords, the crackling of magic, and the occasional burst of elemental energy filled the air. Each trainee seemed to possess a unique talent or specialization, each of them being at a different level of skill.

I stood at the edge of the training area, observing the bustling scene. Despite the excitement that welled within me, a tinge of apprehension lingered. I knew I was different from the others. While they focused on mastering their chosen discipline, I am still unsure of what exactly I want my class to be. And it wasn't like it was difficult to tell who's what. Not only can you simply observe how they fight, but the emblems on their uniforms also vary depending on what class they chose... which is why my uniform is missing one of the emblems.

Unlike my fellow trainees, who had confidently chosen their classes—warrior, mage, archer, and the like—I had hesitated. When asked to declare my class, I couldn't give a definitive answer. I was unsure, undetermined, caught between the desire to wield magic and the passion for swordplay. My abilities were a mystery, untapped and uncharted.

Master Harken turned to me, his eyes filled with a curious mix of amusement and interest. "Kane, I noticed you haven't chosen a class yet," he said, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue.

I shifted uneasily, feeling the weight of my indecision. "I'm not certain, Master Harken," I admitted, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "I have a deep fascination for magic, but I also feel drawn to swordsmanship. I want to explore both paths before committing I guess."

Master Harken regarded me thoughtfully, his gaze steady. "I understand your dilemma, Kane," he said, his tone encouraging. "In our time, classes are often seen as definitive paths, but sometimes, the most formidable guardians are those who forge their own way."

His words resonated with me, instilling a spark of hope. Perhaps I didn't have to confine myself to predefined roles. Maybe I could combine my interests and discover a unique path that played to my strengths.

With a determined glint in his eye, Master Harken suggested, "Why not embark on a journey of self-discovery? Train in both magic and swordsmanship, and let your abilities guide you. The path you seek may lie in a fusion of disciplines."

I nodded, a surge of excitement and relief washing over me. This was an opportunity to explore the depths of my potential, to uncover the true extent of my abilities. It would be an unconventional path, but I was ready to embrace it.

Master Harken, sensing my determination, called an end to the warm-up exercises. He raised his voice, commanding the attention of every trainee in the room. One by one, they lined up, anticipation radiating from their faces.

"Listen up, everyone," Master Harken's voice resonated with authority. "Today, we will put your skills to the test. We have captured a group of low-tier enemies, and each of you will face them individually. This exercise will assess your combat proficiency and adaptability."

A ripple of excitement spread through the room. For many, this was the first real taste of combat, an opportunity to demonstrate how powerful of a guardian they are. The air crackled with energy as the first trainee stepped forward, ready to face the incoming threat.

Master Harken gestured towards a row of cages at the edge of the training room. The sound of growls and hisses emanated from within. As the first cage door swung open, a snarling creature emerged—a ferocious beast with fangs and claws, a single dire hound.

The trainee squared their shoulders, gripping their weapon tightly. They took a deep breath, their eyes locked on the approaching enemy. Without hesitation, they charged forward, engaging in a fierce battle.

The scene played out repeatedly as each trainee faced their own wave of adversaries. Some relied on brute strength, delivering powerful blows with their swords. Others showcased their magical prowess, unleashing elemental spells that set the enemies ablaze or froze them in their tracks. And a few demonstrated their agility and cunning, evading attacks and striking with precision.

I watched intently, studying their techniques, strengths, and weaknesses. The diversity of approaches fascinated me—the fluidity of swordplay, the raw power of magic, and the clever strategies employed. It was a captivating display of the myriad paths one could take in becoming a guardian.

Finally, it was my turn. I stepped forward, feeling a mix of nervousness and determination. The cage opened once again revealing a horde of spiders—small, venomous creatures with gleaming eyes and hairy legs. My heart skipped a beat, and I could feel a tinge of unease creeping into my mind..

I took a deep breath, attempting to tap into the same well of fiery energy that had saved me during my encounter with the metal ant. But this time, something was different. The intense surge of power I had felt before, the near-death experience that had awakened it, seemed elusive now. It was as if the connection had dimmed, leaving me without the same level of control.

Adapting to the situation, I made a quick decision. I opted to rely on my tried-and-true technique—infusing my sword with the light. I drew my blade, focusing my energy into it. The sword glowed with a soft, ethereal light.

The spiders scuttled towards me, their fangs glistening with venom. I took a defensive stance, my eyes fixed on their every move. As the first spider lunged, I deflected its attack with a swift parry, my sword meeting its chitinous body. The clash sent sparks of light scattering in all directions.

I spun and twisted, maneuvering through the flurry of spider attacks and counterattacking whenever I had a safe opening. With each swing of my sword, the light-infused blade cleaved through the air, leaving trails of illumination in its wake.

I moved with purpose, striking with precision. As the battle progressed, I found myself tapping into a different aspect of my abilities—the agility and finesse I had honed through countless hours of practice. It was as if my body had memorized the fluidity of the movements, allowing me to adapt to the spider's unpredictable strikes more naturally.

As the last spider fell, defeated, a wave of exhaustion washed over me. Sweat trickled down my forehead, mingling with the dirt and grime of battle.

Master Harken stepped forward, a glimmer of surprise in his eyes.

"Well done, Kane," he said, his voice filled with genuine praise. "You faced a tough challenge and adapted accordingly. Your swordplay is rather impressive for what little experience you have, but remember to continue exploring and harnessing your magic. There is more to uncover within you."

I nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in his guidance. As the adrenaline subsided and the training room emptied, I took a moment to reflect on the experience. I may not have replicated the intense magic from before, but I had discovered a different aspect of myself—a balance between swordsmanship and magic, a fusion of light and steel that would define my path as a guardian. I've come in here at a good level, I simply have to continue improving...