
First Steps

As I waited, I took the time to reflect on everything that had happened. My awakening had been a turning point for me, one that had led me down a path that I never thought was possible. But now, it seemed like everything was falling into place.

While lost in thought, I heard the doorbell ring, and I made my way downstairs towards the door. As I did, I could see Lily and Jack waving at me from the kitchen, and my parents giving me a small nod. After nodding back, I open the door, and I'm immediately greeted by a woman with black hair wearing a dark suit.

"Hello, Kane. My name is Agent Lee," she said, extending her hand. "I'll be escorting you to our headquarters if you're ready."

I shook her hand, feeling slightly intimated. "Nice to meet you, Agent Lee. I'm ready to go."

She nodded, gesturing for me to follow her after the handshake was done.

As I followed Agent Lee, my mind raced with excitement and nervousness. This was it, the moment I had been waiting for. I was finally going to begin my journey as a guardian, to learn to wield the light and protect the world from the darkness.

But as we made our way down the street, a nagging doubt crept up inside me. What if I wasn't good enough? What if I couldn't control the light? What if I failed?

I pushed the doubts aside. I couldn't let myself think like that. I had to believe in myself, in my abilities.

While Agent Lee was escorting me to the car, I thought about how big of a commitment I'm making, and although I was ready to face the challenges ahead, a bit of doubt lingered in the back of my mind,

"Are you excited?" Agent Lee asked, as we got into the car and she started the engine.

I nodded, trying to keep my voice steady. "Yes, I am..... I gave up on my dream of becoming a guardian long ago.... but now I have a chance at this."

"That's good to hear," Agent Lee said, giving me a small smile. "You're going to be starting with the basics, of course, but I think you'll pick it up quickly."

I tried to relax, looking out the window as we drove towards the headquarters. The city streets flew by in a blur, and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness as I realized how much my life was about to change.

"You seem nervous," Agent Lee said, breaking the silence.

"I am," I admitted. "This is a big step for me. I'm leaving everything I know behind."

"But you're also gaining so much more," Agent Lee countered. "You're becoming a guardian, which although risky, brings many benefits."

I looked at her and saw some sort of spark in her eyes. It was infectious, and I felt a renewed sense of purpose.

"You're right," I said. "I'm ready for this."

"That's what I like to hear," Agent Lee replied with a smile.

I looked out the window, thinking about all that's happened. Even though I know they're fine, I really need to check up on Hina and Akio when I get the chance.

I look back at Lee, and break the silence that briefly took place.

"So, what kind of challenges should I expect?" I asked Agent Lee, feeling a little apprehensive.

"Well, for starters, you'll need to learn how to harness the power of the light," she replied. "That's not always easy for light-bearers who don't have a natural affinity for the elements. But you..... you'll be fine, if what we gathered is true...."

I nodded, feeling a sense of purpose building inside me. I wasn't going to let my doubts hold me back anymore. I was going to give it my all and prove to myself that I was capable of greatness.

"What about the responsibilities of being a guardian?" I asked. "What kind of things will I be doing?"

"Well, you'll be tasked with protecting the people of this world, and perhaps eventually other worlds, from the dangers of the rifts," Agent Lee explained. "That means putting yourself in harm's way to defend others. It's not an easy job, but it's a noble one."

"I understand," I said.. "I'm ready for this."

"That's good..... you'll need to be ready.." She said, her expression becoming slightly more serious.




As our car came to a stop, I glanced out the window and was greeted by a sight that took my breath away. Their headquarters was an enormous building that seemed to stretch toward the heavens. It was easily the largest structure I had ever seen, with glass windows reflecting the sunlight and making it shine like a diamond.

"Wow," I breathed in awe as I stepped out of the car.

Agent Lee smiled proudly. "Impressive, isn't it?" she said. "It's a symbol of everything we stand for."

I nodded slowly, still taking in the sheer size and grandeur of the building. I could feel the weight of my responsibilities as a guardian bearing down on me as I gazed up at it.

"Come on, I'll take you inside," Agent Lee said, motioning for me to follow her.

As we approached the entrance, I could see the intricate details of the building's architecture. There were carvings of weapons and symbols that I didn't recognize, but they all seemed to add to the mystique and importance of the place.

Once we entered the building, I was struck by how clean and organized everything was. People in matching uniforms bustled about, each with a look of focus and determination on their faces. The sound of footsteps echoed through the halls, while the murmur of voices created a calming background noise.

"This is amazing," I said, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"It can be a lot to take in at first," Agent Lee agreed. "But you'll get used to it."

We made our way through the halls and into a much larger room, I take in the sight of other light-bearers applying to be guardians.

"Okay, Kane, first things first," Agent Lee said as she handed me a stack of papers. "You're going to need to fill out these forms for your training. They shouldn't take you too long, but make sure you read through them carefully."

I took the papers from her and flipped through them, taking note of the various sections and checkboxes that needed to be filled out. There were questions about my medical history, my academic background, and my personal information.

"I'll give you a few minutes to fill those out," Agent Lee said. "Once you're done, head up to one of the secretaries and they'll get you sorted for your training."

"Got it," I replied, already starting to fill out the paperwork. I was determined to get it done as quickly as possible, so I could move on to the next step of my training.

As I scribbled away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. I was really here, at the Silver Crown's headquarters, and I was taking the first steps toward becoming a guardian. However, as I filled out the paperwork, I came across a section that asked for information that I had no idea how to answer. Mage, Assassin, Range, Swordsmen, Healer.... and a ton of other classes lined up in a list....

"Hey, Agent Lee?" I called out, looking up from the papers.

"Yes, Kane?" she replied, glancing over at me.

"I'm a bit unsure of what to put for my class?" I asked, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry," Agent Lee reassured me. "It's not uncommon for those who are awakened to not have a clear class yet. I would recommend putting down 'unassigned' for now. We can reassess your abilities after your training and assign you to a class that suits you best."

"Okay, that makes sense," I said, feeling relieved. "Thanks for the help."

"Of course," Agent Lee said, patting my shoulder reassuringly. "Now, finish up that paperwork so we can get you started on your training."

With renewed focus, I worked quickly to fill out the rest of the forms, feeling more confident with Agent Lee's guidance. Once I was finished, I made my way up to one of the secretaries and handed over the papers.

"Excellent, Kane," the secretary said with a smile as she looked over the papers. "Everything looks to be in order. You'll be starting your training 1 week from now, so make sure to get plenty of rest before then"

"I'll be there," I said with determination.

The secretary handed me a small packet of information and a badge, identifying me as a trainee. "Good luck, Kane," she said. "We're happy to have you aboard."

I nodded eagerly, and began to make my way to the exit leading back into one of the hallways. But as I take a few steps through the hall, Agent Lee called out to me.

"Wait, Kane, do you have a weapon for training?" she asked.

I paused, realizing that I had never even thought about it. "No, I don't," I admitted sheepishly.

"I see.... that's okay," She said, leading me towards the center of the building. "We have a general inventory of weapons for trainees to use. Let's see if we can find you something suitable."

I followed her through the halls, taking in the sights and sounds of the headquarters. We passed by rooms filled with weapons and armor, and I marveled at the array of choices available to us.

Eventually, we arrived at a large room that looked like a warehouse. Shelves lined the walls, filled with all manner of weapons, from swords and daggers to spears and axes.

"Wow," I breathed in awe as I looked around the room.

Agent Lee chuckled. "Impressive, isn't it?" she said. "But don't get too excited just yet. We need to find a weapon that suits you."

She began going down one aisle and then another, searching through the many different weapons until she found one that caught her eye. She pulled it out from the shelf and looked it over before holding it out to me.

"What do you think of this one?" she asked.

I took the weapon from her, feeling the heft of it in my hand. It was a bronze shortsword ,and as I held it, it didn't feel quite right in my hand. It was too short and light, and it didn't give me the weight and balance I was hoping for.

"I'm not sure about this one," I said, feeling a little disappointed.

Agent Lee looked at me curiously. "What's wrong with it?" she asked.

"It's too short and light," I explained. "It doesn't feel right in my hand, and I'm worried that it'll be awkward to use."

Agent Lee nodded thoughtfully, considering my words. "I see what you mean," she said. "You need a sword that gives you more control and heft. Let's see if we can find something better."

We continued down the aisle, searching through the different weapons until we came across a sword that caught my eye. It was a generic iron longsword, it was far heavier than the one Akio gave me, but it felt balanced in my hand. As I carefully swung it around, it felt like an extension of my arm. The weight of it felt powerful, but didn't put a strain on my arm.

"This one feels better," I said, a smile spreading across my face.

Agent Lee examined the sword in my hand and nodded approvingly. "I think that's a better fit for you," she said. "It's heavy, but it still gives you the balance and control you need, and it seems as if you're strong enough to wield it with just one hand."

"I agree," I said, feeling satisfied with the sword and with Lee's help.

Agent Lee smiled at me. "I'm glad we could find the right sword for you. Remember, take care of it, and it will take care of you."

"I will," I replied, clutching the sword tightly in my hand.

After wrapping the sword and it's sheathe in some protective white ribbons, she led me out of the headquarters and back to the car. As we made our way back to my home, I felt a small sense of trepidation at what lay ahead in my training, but mostly excitement.




As I walked into my house, I was immediately greeted by the smell of my mother's cooking. She had prepared a delicious meal, and I could see my younger sister eagerly helping set the table.

"Kane!" my sister cried, running up to me and hugging my leg.

"Kane! How did it go today?" My little sister looked up at me with big, curious eyes, eager to hear all about my day.

Before I could reply, my little brother interrupted, jumping up and down excitedly. "Did you kill any monsters today?" he asked, his eyes shining with excitement.

I chuckled, tousling his hair. "Not yet, little buddy," I said. "But I'll be training hard to make sure I can protect us all from the monsters."

He grinned up at me, clapping his hands together. "You're going to be the best guardian ever!"

I grinned back at him, feeling a sense of warmth fill my chest. It was moments like this, with my family around me and their support behind me, that lights something within me.

As my little brother continued to jump around excitedly, my father and mother approached me, congratulating me on my application.

"I'm proud of you, son," my father said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

My mother hugged me tightly, a sense of pride and love radiating from her. "You're going to do great things, Kane," she said. "We have faith in you."

As they stepped back, they noticed the sword slung over my shoulder, wrapped in bandages like ribbons to keep it from falling out of its sheathe.

"What's that, son?" my father asked, eyeing the sword curiously.

I grinned, unslinging the sword from my shoulder and holding it out for them to see. "It's my sword," I explained. "The woman escorting me helped me find it.... it's basic, but it'll do for now."

As they examined the ribbons wrapping the sword, Jack reached out to touch it.

My mother quickly pulled him back, scolding him lightly. "Hands off, little man," she chided gently. "Your brother's sword is not a toy."

Jack pouted, crossing his arms. "I just wanted to see it," he whined.

My mother ruffled his hair affectionately. "I know, I know," she said. "But Kane needs to take good care of his sword for his training."

My father smiled at me, a sense of pride and approval written across his face. "You're growing up fast, son," he said, clapping me on the shoulder.

"I am," I replied, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves at the thought of my upcoming training.

My mother hugged me tightly, a sense of warmth and love radiating from her. "But no matter what happens, we're proud of you," she said. "You're going to do great things, Kane."

I felt a sense of emotion building within me as I realized the depth of their support and love. I hugged them back tightly, feeling more determined and confident than ever before.

After the hug, we all sat down for dinner. My mother had made one of my favorite meals, katsu pork ramen bowls, and we talked excitedly about my training and what I hoped to accomplish as a guardian.

As we ate, my father brought up some concerning news. "I heard from one of my colleagues that your school has closed until further notice," he said, looking at me with a somber expression.

I nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation, but also feeling a sense of relief. "Well, makes sense... I expected as much.... at least I'll have more time to practice on my own before my actual training starts," As I said this, I finished my food and placed my plate in the dishwasher, before going upstairs to my room to get some rest. The sun was still up, but I was tired.




I woke up early the next morning, my mind buzzing with excitement and anticipation for my first real day of practice. After breakfast, I quickly made my way outside, clutching the sword tightly in my hand.

At first, I simply walked around the yard, feeling the weight of the sword in my hand and getting used to its balance. I swung it experimentally, feeling the hum of it cutting through the air in my body, feeling its weight and balance as I moved it through the air. It was heavier than the sword Akio made, and I knew that I needed to be careful to maintain my footing and balance.

At first, my movements were clumsy and uncoordinated. I stumbled and wobbled, feeling my balance shifting with each swing of the sword.

But as I persevered, I began to find a rhythm and a flow to my movements. I shifted my feet, adjusting my stance and shifting my weight to maintain my balance as I swung the sword.

It was a difficult process, and I could feel my muscles straining with the effort of it. But I was determined to master the sword, and so I continued to swing it, again and again, feeling my movements becoming more fluid and confident.

With my newfound balance and coordination, I felt ready to take on the next challenge that I've set for myself: swinging the sword three times in a row without losing my footing.

I took a deep breath and focused my attention, I swung the sword once, feeling the weight and balance of it in my hand. The first swing was easy, but as I swung the sword for the second time, I felt my balance beginning to shift. I wobbled and stumbled, struggling to maintain my footing.

I took a step back, trying to regain my balance. I swung the sword again, feeling its weight and balance in my hand. This time, I managed to keep my balance for two swings, but on the third swing, I stumbled once again.

Frustrated, I took a deep breath and tried again. This time, I focused on shifting my weight and adjusting my stance, making sure that I was solidly planted on the ground.

I swung the sword once, twice, and on the third swing, I managed to maintain my footing. It felt like a small victory, but it was progress.

Determined to make more progress, I repeated the process of swinging the sword three times in a row, focusing on keeping my balance and maintaining my movements fluid and smooth.

I swung the sword once, my movements controlled and precise. As I swung for the second time, I felt my balance beginning to shift, but I quickly adjusted my stance, shifting my weight to maintain my footing. As I swung the sword for the third time, I felt a sense of satisfaction spread through me as I managed to maintain my balance.

But there were still a few times when I stumbled and wobbled, struggling to maintain my center of mass.

Suddenly, the back door opened and my mother stepped out onto the porch, with Lily and Jack following behind.

"Kane, we thought we'd see how your training's going!" my mother exclaimed as Jack excitedly bounced up and down.

I felt a brief surge of irritation. I didn't want to be interrupted while I was training, but I quickly pushed it aside, knowing that it was important to have the support of my family.

"All right," I said, taking a deep breath and focusing my attention on the sword.

As I swung the sword again, I could feel my family's eyes on me, watching my movements with rapt attention. It was a little unnerving, but I tried to push it aside and focus on my training. One after another, I swung the sword three times in a row, feeling a sense of pride and determination. I was beginning to get the hang of it, becoming more consistent with each swing.

Feeling confident with my newfound balance and control, I decided to push myself further and challenge myself to use the light while maintaining proper footwork.

As the gentle, faint blue glow of the light engulfed my sword, I could see that Lily and Jack were watching me with rapt attention, their eyes wide with amazement.

"Wow, Kane!" Lily exclaimed, her voice filled with awe. "What are you doing?"

"I'm channeling the light through the sword," I explained, trying to keep my focus on my training.

"That's so cool!" Jack exclaimed, bouncing up and down with excitement.

I couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm, feeling a sense of warmth and pride. It was clear that they were impressed with my abilities, and it made me feel like I was on the right path to becoming a true guardian.

As I continued to swing the sword, infusing it with light and maintaining my balance, I could see that they were glued to my movements, watching every swing and every step.

However, I quickly noticed something about trying to balance these two different aspects of my training. Although at first it seemed easy, trying to focus on maintaining a form of magic, as well as proper footwork was much more difficult that I thought. I found myself stumbling, and sometimes hesitating mid swing.

Frustration welled up inside me, and I struggled to keep my focus. But as I continued to work at it, I slowly began to make progress.

I focused on channeling the light through my sword, feeling it flow into the metal and into my body. As I swung the sword, I shifted my weight and adjusted my stance, striving to maintain my balance and movements.

It was a difficult process, and I could feel my muscles and mind straining with the effort of it. But I kept at it, determined to master the difficult balance between magic and swordplay.

Finally, after what felt like hours of practice, I managed to swing the sword three times in a row while channeling light through it, maintaining my balance and center of mass.

"Whoa," Lily breathed, her eyes shining with wonder. "You're amazing, Kane."

I felt a sense of gratitude and affection for my little sister, and I knew that I wanted to continue to hone by abilities...

Not only for myself... but for the people around me.

"Thanks guys... now.. I think it's time for me to wrap up for the day.. it's getting late."

Jack began to pout as I said this. "Awww, but it was just getting good!"

I chuckle, amused at how entertaining Jack is finding watching me practice.

" I know I know... but look, I have a whole week to practice, and you guys are free to watch me after you guys go to school, ok?" I say as we make our way inside.

Jack and Lily both go to there rooms, and I go hit the shower before going to mine.

As I lay in bed, I look over at my sword, illuminated by the moonlight peaking through the curtains, and as I succumb to slumber, I feel satisfied with the progress that I've made for the day, and can't help but wonder what the future holds for me as I slowly drift off into sleep.