
chapter 3

The Zhou empire is one of the 5 biggest empires and also the richest in water amount and soil equality which makes the economy high in it but was also an empire that got a lot of attacks from nearby empires especially the Shen empire that most of its area is a desert which makes it a wasteland that is hard to live in such place so the Shen empire searching for a good area to use it to be able to grow their economy and live in leisurely and with this all it made the Zhou empire their prey.

" so how is the plan going on"

" it is going well, we are waiting for the prey to fall into the trap.


The Zhou royal family is made of an emperor which is called "Zhou Feng", an empress which is called "Zhou Yun", a crown prince " Zhou ZiLong", three princes, and a princess.

the emperor loved his wife a lot so he did not take any concubines even with many complaints but still, he stood up to his choice.

they had 5 children together and they spoiled every one of them but also disciplined and treated them equally which made this family warm opposite to Lin's family

while one of the 3 biggest general families is the Lin family which is made of the general, two wives and three concubines and 2 legal sons ( lin xingli included here), 3 concubine's sons, and 1 legal daughter, and 4 concubine's daughters.

the general married his first wife Gu baomian

who was a rich businessman which helped the soldier to become a general but after the wife gave birth to her first children which were a twin lin xingli and lin ying, the general brought a pregnant woman which made her angry and returned to complain to her parents to find that the general accused them and throw them to jail and took their wealth and later after the woman gave birth to her child which was a boy and was spoiled by the general while his other two children were treated coldly that woman decided to make a big move which poisoned her son and killed him which happened that her children both got poisoned but lin ying died while the lin xingli survived so the mother decided to make lin xingli being lin ying while that she died so that to help her not to be sell to a brothel or a crazy man and she was more convinced after she saw the general " do not care" attitude even after knowing the truth.

but after Gu baomian sees her parents executed in front of her, her son dead, her daughter suffering, her nursery maid and her childhood maid being killed for killing that green tea bitch and the general expelled her and made her a concubine and is bullied by maids and other concubines also trying her best to protect lin xingli whose got a weak physique due to the poison effect and with all this she became crazy and insane.

Sometimes she will make lin xingli wear female clothes and make her hair like when they were young sometimes she will hit her also she will hug her to sleep which also affected lin Xingli's mentality to become cold and serious.

As for the other two general families, there are Chen and Mu families that have a similar structure to Lin's family but Chen and Mu are old and respected families more than Lin also their discipline is higher and the legal child is treated better.

The Mu family had a got relationship with Gu's family but when Gu was falling they were unable to save them only able to save their son due to that green tea bitch plan also the general which made the evidence unable to repudiate so they got bad relation with Lin's family and only treat both mother and daughter pair good.

The heir Mu yunfu was a playmate with lin ying and lin xingli also he liked lin xingli a lot and wanted to marry her when he got bigger but before the flower of the dream blooms it was shattered like glass after knowing her death.

while the Chen family their heir became an official rather than a general and he got 2nd place in the Imperial exams and became a bestie with the first place Lin Xingli.