
LifeSharp: Trio That Can't Touch

Rie's company is shut down after she'd only been working with them for six months, despite everyone telling her that working for a big company was the best for her career. Luckily, a video game company comes to the rescue, but it's a start-up—the very thin that everyone had been telling Rie to stay away from. Not caring about others' opinions anymore, she accepts the opportunity. A paranormal trouble surges, however. One that makes Rie swap bodies with Sachiko—her new supervisor—and Jun—Rie's ex-boyfriend—every time they touch. How will they solve their swapping problem while working in one of the most ruthless industries? — - Edited by RedPandaChick - Visit my Carrd to find all of my links: https://sosin.carrd.co/ - Covert art generated with dream.ai

Sosin · Urban
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96 Chs


"You have one month to get the game into a releasable state."

That moment had stayed in my head for a month, my eyes had been burning for days, and the headaches had become an everyday nuisance. But finally, I was one click away from submitting the last changes to the version control for the game to be production-ready.

I looked to the side and said, "Jun, the changes are up. We should make it on time."

"We should," he replied behind me, "though two hours won't be enough to test the build thoroughly."

"Just upload it directly to the depot. There's nothing else we can do."

That was what I had been telling myself to feel better, but I didn't know if it helped or if it made it worse.