
Life of ElCaillos

in a magical land, a different kind of creature appears, somehow, trapped in a dungeon, turned into a monster by a system, become the villain or the hero you can choose the path will be difficult, become the hero and face your opponent with justice, or become a villain, and live your life of luxury and peace become the demon that everybody fears, or become the hero that everybody loves, make friends make enemy, make anything Be careful though there will be consequences. Let’s see how you do things Sangui.

SS_lee · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Episode 1: Welcome (1)

///Uhh so i am not that good at English, so it might be a bit Bad some parts but I hope you enjoy\\\

{The story was made by yo Siya}

{This story was Translated by Jaemyong Lee}

^^^ What is the purpose of life? That is the question I have been searching for my entire life (even though my life was only like 14 years). Honestly, I still haven't figured out a lot. All I know is to have fun.^^^

"Sangui, wake up it's time for school!."

"uhhh uh" *Yawn* "Yea, yea, I'm up, I'm up."

-Sangui proceeds to grab the blanket and move it to the side as he gets up-

-Character seat-

Name: Sangui

Age: 14

Job: 불안 Ganga elite High-school student (Year 1)

Power: ???


-Sangui gets out of bed and goes to the closet-

"This is going to be my first day of high school, i guess i have to dress good."

-Sangui grabs a clean white shirt and some Black boxers with black pants he goes into the bathroom and showers and cleans him self off before he put on the clothes before getting out of the shower-

"ok now I need to get my bag. Hey mom where is my bag!."

-Sangui goes down into the living room and see his's mom watching TV nothing but her pajamas-

"Mom where is my bag."

"Oh I think it is in my room."

"Why is my bag in your room?."

"I was packing some stuff for you."


-Sangui went upstairs to his mom room and got the bag that was on the floor and went back downstairs to the living room-

"Ok now I'm going."

"Ok bye honey have a safe trip."

-Sangui went to the front door and open it but he see's a man and the man looked down at him-

"Uhh hello?."

-And man looked back and cell a another man-


-The another man came and looked down at me.-

"Is this the kid that is going to 불안?"

-The man looked at the first man, and the first man looked at me-

"He kid are you Sangui."

-I looked at the first man-

^^^Uhhhhh. Am I supposed to say yes? But this guy looks like a criminal^^^

"Uh yea?."

-The first man and the second man looked at each other after that, the first man looked at me-

"We are here to take you to 불안 Ganga elite High-school"

^^^Oh so that is why these men came here but why do they look like they want to kill me?!^^^


-The first man definitely noticed my surprised expression-

"Ah sorry I should've introduced myself first. my name is Gandhi."

-Character Note-

Name: Gandhi

Age: ??

Job: 불안 Ganga elite High-school staff

Power: ???


-pointing at himself and the man beside him-

"And he is zax"

-Character Note-

Name: zax


Job: 불안 Ganga elite High-school staff



^^^Ah I guess I should try to practice controlling my emotion, or at least not to ask so surprise. ^^^

"Ah nice to meet you."

-Gandhi Took out a something that looks to be a scroll-

"What is that?"

"Oh this is a teleportation scroll, it will allow us to get to 불안 Ganga elite High-school in a couple of seconds, instead of us walking for 7 or 14 day."

-Gandhi opens up the scroll end put the scroll on the floor he looked at me-

"You should probably close the door."

"Ah! Yes."

-I turned around and close the door-

^^^I can't believe I forgot to close the door I look like a fool^^^

-Gandhi could easily read my expression, Because he immediately just used the scroll-

~Sssss~ ~Boomm~

-A big light exploded from the scroll covering all three of us, in a blink we got teleported to a dark room-

"⊣╎⍊ᒷ ᒲᒷ ꖎ╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣ "

-after gandhi said something he pulls out, his hand and light came out of it like A fire was on the palm of his hand, but instead, it was just light-

^^^Ohhh a new Magic but that was something I've never heard of I guess I have a lot to learn.^^^

-we were in a very small room that was just black but gandhi started going somewhere I followed him with zax-

^^^ dang how long is this? I think I've been walking for like. 3 or 4 minutes already^^^

-But there was a bit of light coming in front of us so we continued going and we got out of the Whatever that was-


-As soon as we got out, we could see a beautiful village filled with castles, a big building, a couple of streets, and stores around it-

"So this is 불안 Ganga elite High-school."

///this will be the end of part 1 and part 2 Will be posted on Friday\\\

{The story was made by yo Siya}

{This story was Translated by Jaemyong Lee}

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