
Life of ElCaillos

in a magical land, a different kind of creature appears, somehow, trapped in a dungeon, turned into a monster by a system, become the villain or the hero you can choose the path will be difficult, become the hero and face your opponent with justice, or become a villain, and live your life of luxury and peace become the demon that everybody fears, or become the hero that everybody loves, make friends make enemy, make anything Be careful though there will be consequences. Let’s see how you do things Sangui.

SS_lee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Episode 1: Welcome (2)

///Some parts of this is not completely finished. Some of the translations were a bit questionable.\\\

{The story was made by yo Siya}

{This story was Translated by Jaemyong Lee}

-I looked at a small town that looked very Beautiful because of the scenery-

"Wow so this is 불안 Ganga elite High-school."

"this is just the entrance, not the actual school or even the main campus."

-Gandhi continue to walk but he went and left, and he put up his arm Touching the Rocky mountain But The part where he clicked, moved backwards, revealing it to be a button which revealed steps to go down to the town-

"Come on we don't have all day."

-Gandhi said as he walked down the revealed stairs zax and i followed him-

"Hey where are we going?."

-I said, as I looked from the stairs to the city I could see some people actually have normal lives walking around getting food and stuff like that.-

"OH YEA!. I forgot to tell you where we're going."

-zax yelled out as he turned around and looked at me, It's startled me a bit and i jumped a bit-

"So we are going the a special ceremony to welcome all of the new students, and letting you guys get to know each other also one thing you should note there will be ranks in this school, so you should probably try to figure out where you rank before you try to do anything."


"How do I figure out my rank?."

"Ok so first you nee-"

"quit yapping and follow. We're almost here. you will figure out everything once you get there anyways."

-Gandhi looked at us and gave us a bit of a glare before continuing, walking down the stairs, as we quietly followed him after about 1 minute or so, we finally reached the ground-

"Ok now kid, now you need to go up to that Lady that is a couple of minutes away from where we are and tell her 'I AM Z' ok."

-Gandhi pointed to a direction and told me what to do. I followed his instructions and started walking straight after a 3 or 4 minutes I found a Lady that is inside of a booth I walked up to the lady-

"Hello ma'am."

-The lady looked down at me looking bored-

"What do you want kid."

^^^Oh yea I forgot I have to say I AM Z^^^

"Oh uh I AM Z?."

-The lady looks Looks at me and clicks a button opening up a secret entrance on the ground revealing the stairs that lead down-

"keep going down the stairs and you will find yourself in a room filled with kids basically keep going straight and you will find a desk. There should be a man there and tell him I AM Z."

"Oh uh ok."

-I start going down the stairs which looks like it will take a couple of minutes and after 2 or 3 minutes I made it down to the room filled with kids. Some of the kid noticed to me and looked at me, but I continue walking straight and I finally found a desk.-

"Uh hello."

-I tried to look for someone behind the desk, but there was nobody. I tried to figure out what happened before pop. And a man Popped out-

"Ah. Hello who may this be."

-The man said as he looks down at me in a bit of a confused face-

"Uh I AM Z."

"Oh Z huh well your a bit late but ok so dog you know about your rank and the school or not."

"Oh uh I don't know anything."

-The man looked at a paper on the desk before looking back at me-

"Ok so I will basically tell you about the school first and after that, we can go and get your rank checked ok kid."

"Uh yea sure."

"Ok so in this school we all have powers and we some times go into a dungeon to learn we will do that very frequently and in the school there are many options for the students almost anything you can think of becoming you can probably find in the school but you have to have the rank or the talent to actually get in there will be many tests to get in and of course it will be like a regular school but you can always take some special courses to make it harder but also give you more options in life anyways, I will tell you about the ranks after you got yours follow me."

-The man turned around and started going to a room in the corner I started following him, and we entered the door we could see it was covered in wires, and some things like that as we continue walk to we finally made it to the middle, where there was a big blue ball that was sparkling and giving off electricity-

"Ok so kid you need to put your hand on the ball and Try using your power."


-I placed my hand on the ball and started putting my power in my hand but it did not show it look like the ball was absorbing it?-


"Ok and you can take off your hand now."

-I let go of the ball and look at the man-

"So what's my rank?."

"Give me a second"

-The man looked at the ball and after a second it changed into a Red color i looked at the man wondering what it meant-

"What does this mean?."

"Give it a couple more seconds"

-I looked at the Red ball again, and it changed again, but now it was a rose red that was Shining a little-

"Uhh so what does this mean?."

"congratulations you rank is 6."

"What does 6 mean?."

"Ok so in this school the rink goes like this 1 being the weakest and 12 being the strongest."

"Oh so I am in the middle OK but how do you know that?."

"Yea you have a lot of things you can study now but more of the higher jobs are gonna be harder for you to try and get and I have a power that allows me to Check the current level of your Power of course, my power isn't that powerful to like tell everything about you it will only give me a brief summary about your power, and basically just the rink."

"is there a way for me to go up in rank."

"Yes you can defeat ranks higher than you then you take their rank but it does not work if the rank is lower than your original one."

"Well that is a bit interesting but why would any higher rank take a challenge from someone lower than them?."

"Oh so if a higher rank declines 100 challenges they will immediately just lose a rank."

"So they HAVE to accept or they will just lose without even a fight."

"yep and since you're at the middle, you should probably be careful more people will target you for your rank because it's not too powerful so they think they can can take you on anyways follow me back."

-The man started going back I followed him back to the desk-

"thanks sir and what am I supposed to do now?."

"just call me Melv and you just have to wait for 30 minutes normally it'll be 10 hours but you came late. So congratulations."

-Character Note-

Name: Melv

Age: ??

Job: 불안 Ganga elite High-school staff?

Power: delru


///this part took a bit longer normally, I would use a website to completely translate the work here, but because of some issues I'm having right now it might take a bit longer before the other episode to come out it might take two weeks at the shortest time or maybe one month maybe that will be the longest but I don't know yet\\\

A/N: "So in this world there is gonna be a couple of things you need to know so...."

A/N means it is actually the original author sing something most of the times I will cut it out because it only repeats some things I put on my Patreon like the power system and the ranks and stuff like that.

SS_leecreators' thoughts