
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
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79 Chs


Professor Elm begged me to be his researcher with theories like that and I ignored him. When Suicune was healed up, we went outside and I told it everything, giving it the option to go with Misty or me. Ash wanted it as well, but I told him no since he hasn't even raised the Dratini that hatched from the egg I gave him yet. He stilled and said he forgot before heading back in to get it transferred over.

Suicune looked to me and Mewtwo before looking to Misty and choosing her. She hugged it and it seemed to relax at her open affection. I handed her the ball and she got it officially transferred to her. Her own Blastoise was exceptionally well raised now and had been her pet project during our time in the Orange islands as it turns out.

While I'd been training she'd been off studying with my Pokédex and notes or training her own Pokémon. All of her Pokémon had grown far stronger by now once she'd had a chance to start fully implementing the training methods I'd devised. She called her Pokémon out and introduced them to Suicune before telling it that she'd learn more so she could help it grow stronger and more beautiful by the day. I coughed and told her she should try being a Pokémon coordinator some time.

Misty smiled. "You think I could?"

I chuckled and held her. "I think you can do anything you set your mind to."

I petted Suicune lightly before sighing. "No hard feelings?"

It bit me, not hard, but enough to show it wasn't too happy with me. It raised it's head and huffed while rubbing up against Misty who pet it. Misty apologized to me and I gave her my old Pokédex, registering her as it's owner before copying all my work and accounts to the new one. Once my new one was set up fully, I deleted the account info from hers that belonged to me and told her. "Consider it an upgrade from your phone. Now you'll get up to date information and know everything I know including my research and personal notes that'll be updated each week. Plus, free cellphone coverage and fully annually updated Pokédex, news, Pokémail and Pokénet with customized features. It's not as shiny as the new ones Professor Oak gave us, but it has more than Ash's does with all my notes, research, videos and video journal from our adventures together."

Misty lunged into my arms and kissed me before saying it's the third greatest gift I've ever given her behind Togepi and Suicune of course. Professor Elm wanted to look it over and I stopped him, saying he could ask Professor Oak for one or make his own because while I'm giving her permission to see all my research, it is classified and for my, hers and Professor Oak's eyes only for now. He looked like I'd told a fat kid cake went extinct because he ate all the cupcakes which were their kids.

We left New Bark town and came across a Chikarita and it's Junior female trainer which seemed to be a thing in Johto. Ash and her got a jolt from Pikachu after Casey scared it. Casey got pissed off by Ash making fun of her favorite baseball team and she challenged him. He used Charizard and beat her Pokémon soundly and I stopped her from fleeing, showing her my Ditto.

Ditto transformed into Electabuzz and turned to face Charizard, hitting it with a Thunder punch that knocked it into a tree. Ditto transformed again into Electivire before calling up a stormed and beating Charizard down. Ash asked what the big idea was and I smiled. "I don't want you to get a big head little bro. You beat someone starting out with a Pokémon who up until a little while ago didn't even listen to you. Your Charizard is subpar and you clearly have a prideful issue so it's best I keep you honest."

Electivire KO'd Charizard before Ash sent out Pikachu. Pikachu ran back shaking it's head and Ash sent out Snorlax who was beaten into a coma with a focus punch barrage. Ash lost big time one after another and I told Casey. "That's the power of the Electabuzz line. Ditto is only mimicking it, but it's quite effective at this level. If it were my old Electivire all of Ash's Pokémon here and back home could run at it and they'd all end up beaten down."

Casey asked. "Electivire?"

I nodded. "Electabuzz evolves from Elekid and it evolves into what you see here, Electivire. One of the world's most powerful electric Pokémon ever discovered."

Ditto transformed back into it's blue self and landed on my shoulder while I smiled and patted it. "Just because you lose a battle doesn't mean you'll always be a loser. What separates losers from winners is their unflinching ability to stand back up when they're knocked down, learn from their mistakes and throw the next punch better than the last. Even the strongest of trainers lose sometimes and while the weak lose hope and quit, no one who's ever truly continued on and learned to improve themselves has ever been a loser, no matter how many losses they suffer."

I tapped her chest. "It's what's in here that counts and you've got heart kid. Some day you'll go right to the top if you believe and work hard enough."

She thanked me and I nodded before telling Ditto to transform into Chansey and heal up the Pokémon. Ditto did so, patching up all the Pokémon including Charizard using my medical knowledge I gave it freely and it's heal pulse and life dew before using heal bell to be sure of status effects. Soon all the Pokémon were healed up and Misty asked why I hadn't done that earlier. I shrugged and told her Ditto hadn't seen a Chansey until New Bark town so it had no frame of reference I could get it to memorize.

I left team rocket to Ash and Casey which they dealt with before we went back on our way. We soon came across a herd of Heracross feeding on a tree. We met a ranger named Woodriff and he cautioned not catching all the Heracross and soon a herd of Pincer showed up. I grunted and told Woodriff and the others. "The Pincer we're chased out of their territory by team rocket so they come here now to feed and with three colonies of Pokémon feeding on one territory it's causing this disaster."

I told Ditto to transform into a Charizard and chase off the Pincer for now. It did so and I turned to Ash and the others. "I'll keep the Pincer in line while you all deal with team rocket. Once it's safe I'll send the Pincer back over and hopefully this forest's equilibrium will even out."

They nodded and Woodriff led the way to the Pincer's old territory. Once I felt team rocket was dealt with, Ditto transformed into a Pincer and lead them over with me. They returned to their tree and Ash caught himself a Heracross when we went to leave. We came across a Donphan and Ash wanted to catch it.

Ash and Brock argued over it and I had Ditto transform into Suicune before I got on it and followed the leaving Donphan. Ash and Brock both fought it and it's trainer showed up. We met Rochelle and she told us about amberite found in the area. Rochelle was excited to see Suicune until it transformed into Ditto.

I scanned the area with my modified Pokédex and pulled all the amberite out of the valley walls and ground from all over. Rochelle was shocked when I set all of it in front of her. I told her. "That's all the amberite in the valley and all of it is untarnished and whole. Consider it a gift for my brother trying to catch your Donphan."

She thanked me and had her Donphans carry it all on a sled by calling them with a whistle to us. She thanked us and I shrugged before we left again after dealing with team rocket. We soon ran into Gary who had a Hoothoot. We ended up lost in an illusion forest and neither Mewtwo nor I cared to help them out so Gary offered advice on using Hoothoot.

He left and the others looked for a Hoothoot. They found one and we ended up chasing it until Ash got attacked when he ordered Pikachu to attack it. Hoothoot stopped and stayed by Hagatha, a Hoothoot guide renter. Ash and Brock insulted Hagatha and yet she still rented us the Hoothoot to use.

After some hi jinx we made it out of the forest and returned Hoothoot to Hagatha's sister, Agatha. We ended up in Florando city where Pokémon shows were going on. Mewtwo and I acted like tourists, having fun and seeing the sights. I skipped out a bit finding a few female trainers right up my alley needing their own releases.

Later that evening Mewtwo and I found Ash and the others near a bridge overpass. There we found Bailey and her Bellosom who was happy to meet us. The next morning at practice Ditto helped Bailey's Bellosom practice before the show. At the show it was interrupted by team rocket and Ash stopped them.

When they went to battle, I ignored them and watched it with pizza like a show. The real show went on once team rocket was gone and Bailey won the competition. Weeks went by as I trained Ditto and Mewtwo while helping where I felt the need. Ash and the rest helped stop a thief in one city, help a Snubble owner in another and help a baby Stantler get back to it's herd.

In all that time the most exciting thing that happened to me was catching a shiny Eevee in the first city and a shiny Houndour in the third one. Even then I had to nurse both of them back to full health. Eevee had been abandoned at the first city and half rabid while Houndour had been beaten and kicked out of it's pack after both were half starved. It took a lot of effort to get them to trust me and back to full health.

Even now Eevee was skittish around the others. Still, Ditto transformed into it to keep it company and I led both Eevee and Houndour stay out of their Pokéballs as much as possible. When it started to get cold Eevee stuck to my arms and stayed warm. Ash soon spotted a wild Chikorita and Mewtwo flew off to go look for a shiny.

I fell sideways and sighed, picking up Houndour, ignoring Ash who fought Chikorita to try and capture it. Ditto ended up healing Chikorita, Bulbasaur and Charizard as Chansey. It wasn't enough though as Ditto wasn't yet that efficient so we headed to the nearest Pokémon center. Nurse Joy said we did good and saved them a lot of time helping Chikorita, but it was still quite injured and would need time and rest to recover fully. When team rocket came, I left to find Mewtwo who said he found one.

Houndour faced the shiny Chikorita and barely beat it with a bite and ember combo. I caught it and we headed to the Pokémon center where I grabbed a room after giving Chansey my Pokémon to heal up. The next morning I got my Pokémon and Ash told me all about his adventure. I told him I caught a Chikorita and he nodded before we said goodbye to Nurse Joy and the Chikorita he wanted.

Said Chikorita stopped us to join Ash who happily accepted it. We stopped in Cherry city to clean our Pokéballs and rest up. A Quagsire showed up and wanted the GS ball. I handed it the ball and told the group about the Quagsire protections in this area as well as the traditions.

I followed the Quagsire that had the GS ball and told them to follow me. When we arrived, I recorded everything away from the Quagsire and stopped team rocket from interfering. We headed upstream further when they moved and I recorded the Quagsire with the full moon, doing their ceremony. We didn't interfere and when it was over I teleported us back to the town where we watched the objects start to come back.

I grabbed the GS ball which was last to come back. I was cheered on because the GS ball was lucky before we headed out. When we found a bridge out, I flew us over with telekinesis. We met a Ledyba trainer named Ariel who invited us to stay and watch her work for a while.

Team rocket tried to take the whistle and I teleported them to the ghost tower in Lavender town where my older Haunter had been released because it wanted to stay there for fun. I told them where I sent them and that we won't be seeing them anytime soon because I was getting annoyed by those pests. A week later we ended up at a Pokémon center that appeared to be closed for the night. A Blissey answered the door and it made food for us.

When it came out of the kitchen with a stack of trays, I smiled and thanked it, floating the trays to the tables. Blissey was surprised and I smiled, helping it sit. I helped expand it's mind and memorize everything it'd been taught before. It helped that Mewtwo helped with the deep dive via translation of the foreign mind.

I left it the knowledge it needed to learn all the attacks of the Blissey line along with all the knowledge and experience I had treating Pokémon and humans. When I finished, I was smacked out of it's mind hard as a natural mental barrier now grew to protect it from psychics and illusions. I released Blissey's head and smiled. "Consider that a gift for the food and letting us in."

Blissey joyfully cheered and Brock asked what I did. I shrugged and told him before saying. "It's not something a non psychic human mind could withstand, but a Pokémon as versatile as Blissey or Ditto for that matter? Easily. Though once appears to be the max for Blisseys because now her mind has a natural defensive barrier to keep out psychics and help her see through illusions."

I rubbed Blissey's head before beginning to eat my own food. After eating and showering which I did so with Misty since we had a soft bed to look forward to, we met Nurse Joy and Brock told her the help I gave Blissey, saying he suggested it or would have if he knew I could do it. I huffed and told Nurse Joy. "It won't stop the occasional accident, but her clumsiness was because her mind and body were out of sync. Her intellect and motor skills were the first things repaired. I'm sure she'll be one of the best nurses out there now."

Nurse Joy thanked me and Blissey gave me a hug while I shrugged, asking if it would be opposed to spending time with Ditto to have an egg. She shook her head happily and Ditto turned into a Blissey before Blissey dragged it off. I felt sort of bad for Ditto before shrugging and leaving my Pokémon with nurse Joy, taking Misty to our room next door to Ash and Brock's. As morning came, I left our room to get my Pokémon and flirted with Nurse Joy.

She smiled and said my girlfriend might get angry if she heard me. I chuckled and told her Misty and I weren't together, but great friends with benefits. I got my Pokémon and before I could release them Nurse Joy and I ended up slipping off for some fun of our own. When we returned and straightened our clothes, she was far more chipper.

Blissey dragged Ditto back who looked exhausted and not at all in the form of a Blissey. I returned Ditto to it's ball to rest while Blissey handed me an egg in an incubator. I thanked her and she showed me a closet full of Pokémon eggs now that I knew was empty before. I facepalmed and understood why Ditto was so exhausted now.

I turned to Nurse Joy and asked her. "Can you send them to Professor Oak if the league doesn't want them?"

She nodded dumbly and I shrugged. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm losing my mind."

I grunted as she regained her senses before Chansey clapped. I told her she did a great job, though I didn't want details. We had breakfast before leaving to head to the Violet city gym. While the others stopped by a school, I headed on to the gym.

Houndour, Chikorita and Eevee were ready to battle and raring to go. I met Falkner and got to battle in his gym at the top of the building. First up was Hoothoot so I used Chikorita and unlike Ash's will, mine didn't lose. I didn't have to give commands physically which made it a hell of a lot harder for Falkner to counter.

Falkner wasn't happy to have lost with a type advantage. Next was a Dodrio and Chikorita lost to it and Houndour faced the tired Dodrio. Houndour finished it off with a flamethrower that roasted a lot of feathers until it passed out. Finally it was Pidgeot versus Houndour.

That battle lasted a lot longer than Dorito's and Houndour lost, but Pidgeot was exhausted as well while I brought out Eevee. One solid Iron Tail when Pidgeot tried a quick attack ended the battle and sent Pidgeot crashing into the ground hard. Eevee was still raring to go when I received the Zephyr badge. I thanked Falkner and told him. "Type advantage isn't everything. A flying type Pokémon can shrug off electric attacks if it grounds itself carefully or builds up a resistance to them. For that matter any type can build up immunities to their greatest weaknesses and remove most weaknesses altogether."

He nodded and thanked me so I left and got my Pokémon healed up while Ditto and Eevee played. Hours later I found Ash and the rest at the Pokémon academy for kids. I stopped the kids from going near Eevee and Houndour, telling them they didn't like others. Ditto however played with the kids and turned into a lot of different types of Pokémon.

When it was time to go a minute later, Ash told a kid to raise his Bellsprout well. The kid said he'd make it into a Victreebel so I grabbed a leaf stone from my bag and tossed it to him. "There, now when your Weepinebell is strong enough you can evolve it when it's ready."

He thanked me happily and I nodded before Eevee hopped on my shoulders with Ditto. Houndour hopped into my arms with Chikorita and we left with the others. I showed them to the gym and we met Falkner outside when he landed from hand gliding. He looked to me and I pointed to Ash. "It's my brother's turn to battle you now Falkner."

He sighed and nodded before leading us up. When Ash used Chikorita against Hoothoot, Falkner soundly beat him. I chuckled and told Brock and Misty how our match had gone, explaining why he was so gun shy with Chikorita. Ash used Pikachu next and beat Hoothoot before barely beating Dodrio and losing to Pidgeot.

Next up was Charizard and it was a hard battle, but Charizard and Ash managed to pull out a win regardless. Falkner told Ash that we may be brothers but we had two incredibly different battle styles. Ash told him we were twins in fact and that shocked the bird user. I told Falkner we were fraternal twins and I was older, but Ash wasn't lying.

We left Violet city soon after Ash's Pokémon were healed. We met a Marill on the road and Misty tried catching it only to find out it was already owned. When the Marill cried a screech, I made a one way soundproof barrier around it and let it wear itself out. I picked it up and touched it's mind with my own, generating emotional feelings of safety, protection and caring.

It calmed down and I released the barrier before letting it play with Ditto, Eevee, Chikorita and Houndour. When it's trained came, she was like a mother Ursaring and it's baby Teddiursa. Still, she stopped and smiled seeing it playing with other Pokémon. I told her everything that happened including how I calmed it down and that we meant no harm.

I suggested a bow on it's ear or around it's stomach if she meant to let trainers know it was owned. She said she'd think about while Misty went about showing off her own water type Pokémon including Suicune. When lunch was over and done, they left happily and we avoided a storm mostly before continuing on ahead. Almost a full week had passed before we ran into team rocket entirely by accident.

Ditto, Togepi, Eevee, Houndour and my Chikorita all ended up in their giant robot while we were asleep. Mewtwo and I watched the others struggle to get them back until they'd dug a hole all the way through a mountain. We followed and once that was done, I teleported our Pokémon out and team rocket in just before the robot blew up. Team rocket went comically flying while we happily held our Pokémon.

Misty told Togepi it wasn't allowed to drive again until it was eighteen and I chuckled lightly asking Eevee if it had fun. My Pokémon nodded and I petted them. "Then it's all good. So long as you're not hurt and you had fun, I don't mind the details so much."

They happily cheered and played around. Misty said I was as bad as Ash, still, seeing the mother Sentret scold it's child, I couldn't help but smile. She'd been so worried, yet when I told her it would be fine, she calmed right down. The Sentret took off and Officer Jenny came over, thanking us for the tunnel through the mountain. I suggested she have titanium beams put in on the sides and over the tops of the tunnel to ensure it doesn't collapse.

She agreed and thanked us once more. I got my Charizard from Professor Oak before we headed through the mountains where we met Liza and Charla, her Charizard. When I told her I had my own Charizard, she was extremely happy to meet two Charizard trainers. She invited us to the Charicific Valley to see all the Charizard there so I made Ditto transform into a saddle while bringing out my own Charizard and telling Misty to ride her Suicune if she needs to keep up because it was one of the fastest Pokémon in Johto.

Brock got in the basket while I strapped Ditto to Charizard and held onto Eevee, Houndour and Chikorita. We went flying up and Charizard's massive form made quite the spectacle. Ash's Charizard came out and he awkwardly rode it while Misty got on Suicune and Brock rode with Charla and Liza. I followed Liza on my Charizard easily matching speeds.

Still, it was like a Charmeleon flying next to a real Charizard in size when Charla and my Charizard came up side by side. When we landed to wait for Ash, Liza said my Charizard was massive and I chuckled, telling her about the king gene. I patted my Charizard and told her. "Although it's one of the weakest on my championship team, it's power and size make it one of the strongest Pokémon I have."

My Charizard huffed and Mewtwo asked if it would like a demonstration. He shook his head, looking at Charla and bonding almost instantly. Charla didn't pay him much attention, her size being so much smaller and all. Still, her wingspan was the length of one of my Charizard's and my own found her attractive.

He sniffed around and she burned him which he ate the flames of before burning her for real. I apologized to Liza and she said it was ok. Ash and his Charizard arrived on foot, running and panting. I smiled and watched as his Charizard tried to show off, acting like a kid.

When Liza let it into the Charicific Valley, it picked all kinds of fights and got it's ass kicked. I laughed so hard Ash growled at me. "Oh yeah? I'd like to see yours do better!"

I snorted and sighed, taking Ditto off of Charizard before nodding. "Go have fun. Think of this place like your own and once you're top alpha, all the female Charizard will be yours."

Charizard smiled and went in, roaring a challenge to the whole canyon. One after one the Charizard there were soundly beaten and tail smacked into walls, burned or mega punched into a KO. Only a dozen Charizard gave him any real trouble and only ten of the hundreds of Charizard there could equal or beat him as it turns out. Seeing this, I laughed and my Charizard huffed at me.

I snickered before telling him. "See? Even Charizard's can be stronger than you are now. I guess this means you need more training and you need to understand your wild brethren better. Stay here and train, learn the secrets of your people and when you're better than also the rest, come back and show me that strength."

Charizard agreed and roared before I asked Liza if that was alright. She agreed and took his Pokéball for now before I turned to Ash who was helping his Charizard up from it's worst beating yet. "I warned you that you had to train your Charizard in more than just friendship. Friendship is just a foundation step to real training that takes long hours. You've been so lazy and now your Charizard is paying the price. I'm sure all your Pokémon have this same weakness Ash, because I've seen your lack of training for myself."

"You don't train a Pokémon at all, you befriend them and rely on that friendship so much your Pokémon feel obligated to fight there hardest with no real training and now it's showing. In any different scenario any one of your Pokémon would be in Charizard's place, including the Dratini I regret giving you already. That's why I didn't let Suicune choose you either, you're a bad trainer and because of it all your Pokémon suffer all the more for it."

He gritted his teeth and I sighed. "Do what you want Ash, but until you truly change, your Pokémon will continue to be weak in the face of real expert trainers because they reflect your weaknesses in themselves. That's why your Charizard acts like a stubborn and petulant child who shows off, because it doesn't know that real strength needs no show of power. It just is, absolute, undeniable strength that gives real confidence in it's owner without giving them an over bloated ego."

I patted his Charizard and sighed. "Your Charizard can be strong Ash, and you can train it yourself or you can leave it here so it can do what you failed to, give itself real training like it's trainer should have."

He growled. "Oh yeah? Then why are you leaving your Charizard here?"

I shrugged. "He needs a lesson in understanding he isn't the strongest of his species yet and he needs a challenge as well as learning experiences I can't give him and no trainer can. Yours needs basic training while mine needs instinctual training. I can admit I can't do everything for my Pokémon and they accept that. Hell, Gyarados is out in the ocean right now picking fights with bigger and meaner Gyarados so it can learn that lesson. I'm looking forwards to getting to Blackthorn city to face Clair so my Dragonites can have their own training as well."

I flicked Ash's forehead. "None of my Pokémon ever stopped training Ash, and neither have I. We take breaks, but we don't break. Our resolve to better ourselves has never wavered so we're powerful to most and learning to get more powerful as we go. Life is endless and this world is vast so my Pokémon and I have decided to use what we can to become the strongest there is and work hard towards that goal. You want to be a Pokémon master? Well guess what? It doesn't happen by being lazy and relying on Pokémon friendship alone."

I walked over to the other Charizard's and told him. "It happens by seeking out strength from within yourself and working hard to reach that goal. Your dream is simply that until you make it a reality with hard work. My own dream is far harder to achieve and for that none of my Pokémon nor I am willing to slack off like a lazy Snorlax. We all must be as strong as Charizard's and stronger still."

Brock spoke up. "I just realized something. You must make a great dragon type Pokémon trainer because you're used to dealing with stubborn people as well as Pokémon."

I rubbed my forehead. "Argh, don't remind me."

Ash and Charizard had a lot to think about and it took them all night to decide. When it did, it beat team rocket and Ash let it stay. I nodded to my Charizard and left with the others, making sure all my Pokémon were with me besides Charizard. Our next stop over was a Sunflora event I off of slept through after training my Pokémon off and on.

Ash made his Chikorita jealous when he tried to call it back during a fight a week later to substitute Pikachu. They had a zany adventure and Ash realized Chikorita wanted his affection like Pikachu has. My own Pokémon never had that issue because I let them stay out as much as they wanted and gave them all my affection equally. I groomed, bathed, trained, fed and massages them all equally and while some would call that pampering, I trained them harder than most trainers ever would and expected more of them.

When I pointed this out when Ash asked, he said it was a lot. I shrugged and told him I made all my Pokémon food and blocks from scratch with their own receipts and flavorings just as each of my individual Pokémon like them. He frowned and I told him. "Raising Pokémon isn't hard, raising strong Pokémon is."

He frowned and challenged me to a battle. My Chikorita beat his soundly before my Ditto beat his Pikachu so we called it. I told him. "That's the difference between our ways Ash. Your Pokémon are naturally strong for their species while mine have their natural strength plus tons of training and hard work. I'm sure if you had your Charizard it could beat my Chikorita or Houndour because it's a fully evolved Pokémon, but it can't and will likely never beat my own Charizard or even Ditto because they have sober a year of foundation training or in Ditto's case, my special brand of training just for it."

He complained and I shrugged while his Pokémon were checked over. "All that I do for my Pokémon pales in comparison to what I do for myself. I study while you all sleep most nights and work on battle strategies, move learning techniques and every advantage my Pokémon can get. When I'm not doing that, I'm studying technology, science, Pokémon as a species and everything about this world in general. I even go over the recorded video data I take constantly from our journey and all the battles we're in or I see."

Brock spoke up. "But that would mean-"

I nodded. "The downside to being a psychic is that we can constantly hear others and it makes sleeping nearly impossible without help. I have insomnia and I use all the time you all sleep to improve myself. Only when it gets bad like last week does Mewtwo make a barrier so I can sleep. I do the same for him at times because he has it as well. It makes Pokémon attacks like sing and hypnosis or sleep powder ineffective against us and gives me more time to work on things so there is a silver lining at least."

Misty asked how bad it gets and I shrugged. "Just whispers and buzzing like sticking your head in a Beedrill nest at times or when we went to Kabuto island, it's like a chorus of screams with so many minds all at once. Cities are bad, but Mewtwo and I help each other to limit the worst of it. Small towns are alright like here and the wild varies depending on the amount of people and Pokémon nearby. Everything has a price and the price of being a really powerful psychic is high because the power is high as well. I'm rarely certain I can take down most psychic type Pokémon without Mewtwo's help in a battle of sheer power now."

I petted Eevee. "That's why I'm hoping this little guy evolves into an Umbreon. Pure dark type Pokémon have an aura that blocks psychic abilities. With it I'll be able to sleep soundly and if it gets strong enough Mewtwo and I both will be able to do so."

Misty checked her Pokédex and was surprised to see an Umbreon. Eevee cheered and I smiled before telling it. "You're a shiny so you'll look even cooler, here."

I tapped a button on Misty's Pokédex and the hologram Umbreon changed colors from black with yellow lines to black neon blue lines. Misty was surprised and I shrugged. "I added a shiny function update after studying all the shiny Pokémon I had a few days ago. With my research into shiny Pokémon I was able to extrapolate an accurate Pokédex scale model and apply it as a secondary feature. Now you can see what any Pokémon in the Pokédex looks like shiny, even their evolution forms."

Brock was impressed and Misty fiddled with her Pokédex for a good while. Ash got her to show him a shiny Pikachu since he already knew what a shiny Chikorita looked like. Misty loved the shiny Blastoise and Brock adored the shiny Vulpix. Our next adventure was a Hoppip one during a storm, when that was over we met a superhero Gligar Man or whatever.

Brock ended up volunteering us to help on a Mareep farm. Ditto, Mewtwo and our other Pokémon helped us out and later that night after dinner we got to see Mareep sucking up lightning from a lightning storm. Team rocket showed up and I didn't interfere. A few days later Marry and her Mareep got to participate in the tournament.

After the tournament we headed out we met Muramasa and his Scizor. They showed us his Pokémon training academy and his top student Shingo challenged me to a battle after looking me up on his laptop. Ash challenged him and he denied Ash a battle so I shrugged and used Houndour against his Scizor. I had to call out Houndour's attacks because he was half dark type and immune to psychic telepathy, but that made it all the sweeter when we won, if barely, and evolved into a Houndoom.

I congratulated Houndour and petted him before telling Shingo. "You're the opposite of Ash, all brain and no heart. Your analytical mind is getting in the way of your bond to your Pokémon which can and does make them stronger in their own way. Where Ash is all heart and no brain or training ethics."

Ash fell over sideways and complained as I sighed. "To be a truly great trainer you need both the heart and the mind to work as one while you improve the body as well. After all, one can't be a Pokémon master and not be able to go where the Pokémon do."

Shingo thanked me and I nodded before sighing. "Muramasa can teach you how to connect and interact, but with all teachers he can only light the path, it's you and your Pokémon who must walk it together. By the way, your data can't measure the heart, so if and when you do battle against trainers like Ash, don't be surprised if you lose. Until you find balance you're at a disadvantage there."

Houndoom and I went to celebrate with Eevee and Chikorita. We headed to look for Cyndaquil soon enough after a kid mentioned them. Mewtwo ran off with Houndoom and Chikorita. Eevee stayed with me and Ditto while Ash ran off his own way so we went to look elsewhere as well.

The same kid that told us about Cyndaquil tried to stop me from looking for it so I teleported him to Pommelo island. I ended up in a cave where Mewtwo and my other Pokémon had cornered a shiny Cyndaquil. I called them back and had Chikorita battle it. When Chikorita won, I caught Cyndaquil and welcomed it to the team.

I heard an explosion outside and found Ash had blown away team rocket before catching his Cyndaquil. We ended up in the middle of a drought in Azalea town which after some adventures in the Slowpoke well where I found a king's rock, we ended up seeing the end of the drought. Seeing the Slowpoke use their move, Ash sent team idiot flying. Kurt said the Slowpoke causing the rain was a mystery and I coughed, laughing.

They all looked to me and I finished laughing it off before explaining. "It's not a mystery, it's a Pokémon move called rainy day. It temporarily boosts water and electric type moves while reducing the effects of rock and ground type moves. Just like Sunny Day boosts fire and grass type moves and reduces the charging speed of moves like solar beam."

I petted a Slowpoke and told them. "These Slowpoke must have rainy day as their egg moves and must come from the Slowpoke line of your story."

Kurt asked. "Egg moves?"

I nodded. "Egg moves are inherited moves from the parents of the two Pokémon that made the Pokémon egg. In this case one or more of the parents knew rainy day so the Slowpoke knows it. It's how a Charmander can learn flamethrower or fire blast without evolving or training much in the move. True, it takes a while and training before they can learn the move fully and have the energy to implement them, but in the end the knowledge is there and with practice anything's possible."

Kurt was surprised and exclaimed. "Wow, you're smart!"

I blinked. "You don't have to sound so surprised. I just studied a lot about Pokémon and the world around us."

He introduced himself as Kurt and I told him Professor Oak mentioned seeing him about the GS ball. We went to his house and I showed him the GS ball. I told him my theory and showed him how it reacted to Lugia and Ho-Oh's feathers yet not the other feathers of the other legendary Pokémon we've encountered. He was fascinated with the concept of using legendary Pokémon feathers in Pokéball crafting.

I told him my thought on it being designed to catch Celebi as Lugia and Ho-Oh are the only true legendaries of Johto while the dogs were pseudo legendary in strength so the ball must've been made to suppress Celebi's time warping effects on the owner. He said he would look into it more and asked me to leave my necklace which he found fascinating all on it's own. I shrugged and Mewtwo acted out of character, pulling a few hairs off his tail and making it into a braid to put on the necklace. He said he was a legendary as well so his hair belonged on the necklace as much as Ho-Oh and Lugia's.

He told Kurt that the ball did feel like Ho-Oh and Lugia, having felt their presence and met Lugia itself. Misty brought out Suicune and asked for a few hairs to add to the necklace as well. Kurt was dumbfounded actually getting to see two legendary Pokémon in his eyes all at once. Suicune gave it's hairs up and Mewtwo added them before I asked Kurt if I could get some apricot balls.

He gave each of us a fast ball and I told him I'd like a few of each, though I am willing to pay top dollar. He nodded and told me we'd have to get the apricots ourselves. Marisa lead us into the mountains while Kurt got to work. There we dodged team rocket's traps and I sent the to the desert where I'd left Electivire with the lightning rancher.

Brock caught himself a Pineco while I managed to get plenty of apricots from several different trees of each type before heading back. Even Ash and Misty got a few so they were happy. I left the apricots with Kurt and agreed to let him keep ahold of the GS ball for now. I headed to the Azalea town gym while Ash watched Kurt make a Pokéball.

I challenged Bugsy, the bug Pokémon gym leader of the Azalea town gym. My Eevee demolished his Spinarak with iron tail and an agility boosted takedown. Metapod was next and I'll be damned if Eevee didn't break through it's harden shell with Iron Tail. Metapod slammed into the tree behind Bugsy, passing out.

I returned Eevee who was tired and congratulated the little fluffy Pokémon. I sent out Houndoom and Bugsy sent out Scyther. Scyther was fast, beating Houndoom after being damaged and banged up a bit. I returned Houndoom to rest before sending out Chikorita.

It was all on Chikorita now and damned if Chikorita wasn't the last one standing, if barely. Even weakened from Houndoom, Scyther wasn't a pushover. Still, Chikorita won and evolved right at the end into a Bayleef. I groaned as Bayleef tackled me and rubbed it's face into mine.

I sighed and chuckled, congratulating her as it turns out. I got up after she got off of me so I could receive my gym badge. Bugsy asked for me to stop by again sometime and I gave him my number, telling him to call if he ever has the spare time and wants to battle me again. He agreed and thanked me just as Ash and the others showed up.

I told them I'd be at the Pokémon center getting my Pokémon checked up before wishing Ash luck. Once my Pokémon were deemed fine, I headed to Kurt's place with Mewtwo and Eevee. Bayleef and Houndoom were sleeping in their balls while Cyndaquil was bouncing on Mewtwo's shoulder. Ash won his match while I was getting my new Pokéball from Kurt.

I got the balls for the others as well and Kurt told me the GS ball seemed to confirm my theory, asking me to come back once I had fur or feathers from all the legendary Pokémon on my necklace. I put it back on and agreed, taking the GS ball he offered and telling him I'd confirm my theory by catching a Celebi if I find one. He agreed and I left to meet up with the others who nearly left town without me. I gave them the two lure and one heavy ball from the apricots they picked.

Ash said if he'd known I planned to keep all the ones I picked he would've picked more as well. I shrugged and told him. "I had to pay a grand apiece per Pokéball so unless your savings is more than I think now, you'd be starving your Pokémon if you bought more than the free ones."

He flinched and told me I could just up his trust fund and I cracked him on the back of the head growling. "I already have, seven times! How else do you think you've been paying for your Pokémon's food huh? What doesn't go to feeding our Pokémon here is given to Professor Oak to feed them there or to mom who doesn't have any other income ya moron!"

I waved a hand at the balls I bought. "That's the last of my free funds as well for the year. From now on we'll have to win more battles with wager money or get a job."

Ash grumbled. "You could just invent something new."

I gave him a growling stink eye and he shut up while Brock told him. "It's true, Ren's been funding all our food bills and Pokémon needs since we first met up. Tracey said he'd done the same throughout the Orange Islands and kept you oblivious because he didn't want you to feel bad or for your Pokémon to suffer. In fact he'd have a lot more money if he wasn't supporting all our Pokémon and our own needs. Being a Pokémon trainer is expensive after all."

I grunted and walked on saying. "We'll starve before our Pokémon do so you need to start winning more high stakes battles and betting real money from now on Ash or you'll have to start eating random stuff in the wild."

Ash's stomach rumbled and he asked if I was joking. I didn't answer and instead walked on towards the Ilex forest. We met Sylvester there and ended up at the Pokémon center when Sylvester came in looking for his Farfetch'd. I hummed before telling him where his Pokémon was.

I left it to Ash to teach him how to become a team player with his Pokémon. Once that was done and we were given expensive charcoal as a gift, we moved on towards Goldenrod city. A week later we were pass through the seaside city of Pompona. There we stopped to see a Wabuffet trainer who was preparing to trade the Wabuffet at a swap meet.

I sent all except Mewtwo and Eevee to Professor Oak, getting my spare Magmar, my Tauros and four Exeggutor from the ranch. I beat Ash in the Tauros arena after winning a trophy for touching a stampeding Tauros horn just before that. We went around the swap meet and Mewtwo found a shiny Mareep made me trade my Tauros for it. After that I got a Nidoqueen for an Exeggutor after showing off it's massive psychic attacks and powerful solar beam.

Mewtwo had trained the Exeggutors out of boredom on the ranch when he was there so they were quite powerful and well versed in all the attacks of their line. I got a shiny Totadile from a Magmar baseball fan by trading my spare Magmar as well though it took most of the day for Mewtwo to read the minds of the trainers and find it. Still, I got a decent Hoppip and a Larvitar from two other kids for the Exeggutor before I sent the last three Exeggutor back and got Bayleef, Cyndaquil and Houndoom back.

So now I had Totadile, Bayleef, Cyndaquil, Houndoom, Mareep, Mewtwo and Eevee with me. Larvitar and the rest stayed with Professor Oak since I wanted to keep a bit of room on my team and I had plenty to train with for now. Houndoom would soon be sent there for Hoppip or Larvitar once I'd finished teaching it all the new moves it could learn and helped it get it's strength and proficiency up.

Besides, I still had the Happiny egg in my bag that wasn't yet ready to hatch. We soon heard about the fire and rescue grandprix which Ash wanted to sign up for. He wanted to use my new Totadile and I told him no because it wasn't trained. He bugged Misty for her water Pokémon to compete.

I went and got my Blastoise, handing it to Ash and watching as it led his team. It put on it's glasses and commanded Ash's Squirtle alongside Misty's Staryu and one of her Golducks. They won their match and Blastoise went on to coach the Squirtle squad Officer Jenny of Vermillion city brought. Even Ash's Squirtle joined them and made it a full squad.

I told Blastoise after the competition. "It's your friends and your choice Blastoise. I know we'll always be friends, but it's fine as well if you want to teach and train your friends like I did you. Perhaps one day you'll be the Blastoise squad of Vermilion city, world renowned and famous for your ability to put out any fire."

Blastoise liked that idea so I gave his Pokéball to Officer Jenny. "Take care of him for me and don't let him get too big a head. He's awesome but even the best can make mistakes."

She nodded and thanked me while Ash gave her Squirtle's Pokéball as well, saying it wasn't a team unless they were all there. We left there with no regrets as the Wartortle Squad of the Orange Islands won the competition for now. We continued on our way to Goldenrod city where Brock slid down a cliff because something fell on his neck that turned out to be a Whooper. We ended up at a preschool for Whooper and I left to go on ahead.

I flew ahead, uninterested in Whooper or the Onix cave. I ended up stopping by and helping a Houndour pack that had a sick member before heading the rest of the way to Goldenrod city. I battled dozens of trainers along the way both night and day including some girl with a tough Skarmory. I told her how to deflect and send back enhanced fire type moves with her Skarmory using twister and whirlwind, stopping to help her train with Houndoom and Cyndaquil for a bit. Once she had it down enough to use, I told her about Ash and in case she was still here when they came by.

I moved on after spending my own hot night with her and taking her first time as it turns out. She really was devoted to training to have not done anything like that at all. Still, I left heading onwards the next morning and leaving her sleeping soundly. I soon ended up in a dark forest with Mewtwo who was on a shiny Noctowl hunt.

We found a scientist trying to catch it and Mewtwo helped keep it from running when the scientist failed. Mewtwo knocked out Noctowl and I caught it before moving on while the scientist was busy hugging a big rock due to hypnosis. It didn't take long to get to Goldenrod city, but it took a day to find Whitney and challenge her to a battle. Cyndaquil evolved into Quilava while fighting her Nidorina and beat her Clefairy.

Miltank and it's rollout nearly decimated my Quilava, but a decent couple dodges while laying on the flamethrower brought Miltank down. The trick was to superheat the gym floor and cause Miltank serious burns. It had to be taken to the Pokémon center for immediate healing alongside my Quilava. After a night at the Pokémon center, I went through the city challenging every trainer I could to get experience with my Pokémon. For over a month I trained and battled trainers, evolving my Totadile, Mareep and Eevee, the last one thankfully became an Umbreon I named Tron.

Houndoom and Noctowl were left with Professor Oak the same day Ash and the others arrived in town. I'd beaten Whitney several times and showed her that sometimes the power a Pokémon can demonstrate was dependent on the area it battled in so when she mopped the floor with Ash, I noticed it was even easier than I knew it would be. Hell, Ash didn't even have Totadile, Misty did.

She told me they'd battled for it and she'd won daily with her Poliwhirl. I gave her the kings rock and told her it could evolve into a Politoad if she wanted it to or a Poliwrath. She hesitated and I told her to keep it and decide later because I don't really want a Politoad or a Slowking so it didn't matter to me.

She nodded slowly and we went to see Ash. He was down because of his loss and I told him. "She's grown a lot stronger since I beat her for my badge."

Whitney heard me and spoke up. "That's because you've come back and fought me repeatedly. I've been learning a lot in our battles."

I waved her off. "Still not enough to win though."

She sighed. "Someday that may change Ren."

I nodded. "And on that day I'll look forwards to our battle. Until then I'll be waiting. Do give me a call when you want to go again."

She smiled. "You know I will."

I nodded again and we headed to the Pokémon center for the night. The next day Ash lost again to Whitney by trying to use battlefield tactics I'd prepared her for. In the end I challenged and beat Whitney a bit later, using Croconaw. Every time she tried her rollout, Croconaw would use superpower, slamming Miltank with enough force that after three tries Miltank was out.

After Miltank was done, I returned Croconaw and sent out Tron. I told her to send both Clefairy and Nidorina in a two on one battle. She did so and I smiled as Umbreon finally fully learned Foul Play and Crunch. Both Pokémon lost against Tron who jumped back into my arms cheerfully.

Even now Tron was just as cheerful to me as it was when it was an Eevee. I petted him and sighed. "We'll make a badass out of you yet Tron."

He barked his approval and hopped down while going to play with Quilava and Bayleef. I waved a hand and repaired the farmland we'd destroyed with psychic energy. Later that night Ash challenged me and I beat him soundly with Tron. Even Pikachu was put to sleep with yawn and had it's dreams eaten until it fainted.

He challenged Whitney officially again in the morning and won his badge via some advice I gave him. I told him that rollout takes time to build up speed and if it's hit with enough power or the right attacks that hurt Miltank's normal type physique before then the damage will force it to stop which is why Croconaw never let it get beyond one consecutive hit. Ash took that as hitting Miltank with his freaking Snorlax's mega punch.

Poor Miltank ate wall hard enough to make me wince and softly apologize. That's right, Ash went back to his old tactics of calling old powerful Pokémon to finish his fights instead of learning something new. I shrugged and asked Ash to train his Snorlax for him so it's potential wouldn't be waisted. He shrugged and agreed before handing me the ball.

I sighed and put the ball on my belt before we went to eat breakfast. During breakfast a radio station owner came and tried to get us to do interviews. I say tried because I refused and told him I don't do interviews, nor do I care about my public image. Ash agreed to do the interview though and gave me a headache when he admitted to being my brother on air and bragged that I'd beaten the elite four and now I was training his Snorlax for him.

I was banging my head against a wall so hard I had to pay for property damage. When I saw him again, I slapped the back of his head so hard he got his head stuck in the wall I was already paying to be fixed. We left town soon after and ended up at a bug catching contest on the way to Ecruteak city. Ash and I joined the contest and got a park ball apiece.

We'd met Casey on the way in and Ash was forced to save her with Pikachu when she pissed off a Scyther. I went on and Mewtwo found a shiny Butterfree I caught before heading to send team idiot flying, freeing Ash. As it turns out, they didn't need my help because Casey's Chikorita evolved into a Bayleef. I won the sun stone thanks to the shiny Butterfree that attracted a lot of envy.

Ash gave the Beedrill he caught to Casey while Butterfree was sent to Professor Oak. We soon came across a massive psychic phenomenon that gave Mewtwo and I far greater insights into the very foundations of this reality. I told Ash and the rest who were shocked to see the weird icy flower structure. "It's a psychic energy invasion from an inter dimensional Pokémon called the Unknowns. They look like flying alphabet pieces and appear to have been summoned by the little girl who resides in the mansion. It seems her father found their source blocks."

Brock asked. "Source blocks?"

I nodded. "Think about it like this. If all the Pokéballs in the world were really connected to an alternate dimension and the source blocks were the pokéballs, tethering them to this reality and summoning them if triggered. Since a whole mess of Unknown were summoned into this reality at once they pulled a part of that dimension with them in the form of energy, keeping the portal open and creating psychic constructs out of the excess energy."

I waved to the mess. "None of it's truly real, but it's solid because their access to this world keeps it so."

Ash frowned. "How do you know all this?"

Mewtwo spoke. (Because the Unknown know it and aren't blocking their minds. So much psychic energy that it's impossible to control except by a legendary psychic type Pokémon.)

He said the last part rather smugly and I huffed. "Rub it in why don't you?"

He shrugged and I turned to Ash and the rest. "The unknown are forming a sort of energy barrier around themselves while they pull more psychic energy through to make this world more comfortable for themselves. We need to send them back and repair the balance before closing the portal or they'll keep going until the whole world is change, perhaps more, altering space and other worlds as well until this reality can only be inhabited by psychic type Pokémon."

Brock said we needed to stop them and I agreed while Misty said they sounded evil. I shook my head. "They aren't evil, they just don't know any better and they aren't here by choice, they were called here, if however by accident. Spencer is a good friend of mom's so I'm going to stop this and bring him back. From what the Unknown know, he fell into their dimension yesterday and Molly is now playing with a psychically made Entei. It isn't real, but it's power is very real and with the dimensional rift, potentially endless. It is practically indestructible and unstoppable if angered while near the rift."

"You all need to stay here and keep anyone from interfering, this is a battle between psychics and legendaries. Mewtwo will face this Entei and I will get Molly and the Professor away from the rift before banishing the Unknown back to their dimension."

My eyes glowed blue and Mewtwo joined me as I flew up and off like a rocket with him. Entei came out and Mewtwo intercepted it while I blew up half the construct, entering the tower with a bang. Molly asked why I was doing this and I flicked her forehead. "Entei isn't your papa, he's a doll you made when the Unknown granted your wish for your papa back. Now behave Molly so we can go save your real papa and keep the world from being destroyed."

She said I was wrong, but I sighed and hugged her. "It's been a long time Molly, but I'm sure you know your big bro Ren. I'd never lie to you Molly, you know that don't you?"

I pulled back and she had tears in her eyes before nodding. I smiled. "Good, let's go get uncle Spencer back."

I created a barrier around us and told Mewtwo to hold on as long as he can before entering the portal the unknowns kept open. We traveled to a wonky dimension filled with psychic energy that flowed freely and did more than reinforce my barrier. I was overflowing with psychic power and used it to improve my reserves while searching fast for Spencer.

It took quite a bit of time to find him unconscious and pull him inside the barrier before rounding up all the source tiles and pulling them out with us. When we came out the unknown were sucked back in and the changes returned to normal except the Entei that lingered. I laid Spencer down and put the tiles away before telling Molly. "It's your wish. The Unknowns pulled Spencer's mind out of his body to make Entei. So long as you still wish for him to be here your real papa can't recover. He'll die if you wait too long."

Molly cried and told Entei. "I want my real Papa back now."

Entei closed his eyes. (If that is your wish, so be it.)

He faded and Spencer woke up after a bit while his mansion returned to normal. Mewtwo landed beside me and said I changed. I shrugged and told him I gained a lot more than he realizes from that dimension. I held up a ring filled with psychic energy and my own mind nearing pseudo legendary Pokémon levels.

Ash and the others came with mom and Professor Oak who had apparently got a Pokémon teleportation over. Mom scolded me for doing something so reckless and dangerous, but I shrugged it off and told them everything that happened including what the professor had really found, an ancient empire's attempt at a super Pokémon weapon that destroyed them because they didn't understand what they found. I told them about the unknown, their role in ensuring this reality doesn't tear itself apart when legendary Pokémon clash by healing the tears in the fabric of reality from a slip dimension between this dimension and the outside like a firewall on a computer.

I told them that they'd been locked away when the neighboring empires asked Ho-Oh and Lugia for help after the destruction of the first empire. I set the box in front of them. "One at a time Unknown aren't any more dangerous than an Abra or Kadabra, but if too many get out or too many at once are summoned, it'll create a bleed effect like before where uncontrolled psychic energy will bombard their passage way out and make a portal tear on their own. Many more unknown not tied to the tiles can and have gotten out, but for now it's not enough to cause permanent damage. So long as they're monitored in the ruins or caught nothing bad will happen for now. I wouldn't push it though because even Mewtwo and I can't tell where the line is that'll cause another rift to open."

I left it to them and told them how to trigger the tiles or reseal the box and put it under lock and key. I sat down and held the side of my head, exhausted as my nose began to drip and poor blood. I passed out and woke up in an emergency room where the doctors and an Alakazam told me that my time in the alternate dimension did as much harm as it did good. It didn't hurt Spencer or Molly because they weren't psychics, but it appears that my mental energy had expanded beyond my human physiological capabilities.

Mewtwo and the Alakazam had to siphon off the excess psychic energy in my body or risk me dying because my body had started to fail under the strain of all that power. It was a full week before I was released and even then I was banned from practicing or strengthening my psychic energy. Mewtwo had promised my mother apparently that he'd stop me himself if I tried. I was even temporarily banned from using them in any way intentionally for the time being so yeah, that sucked.

As it is Umbreon became a fixed ornament on my shoulder and on my pillow when I sleep as normal even Mewtwo could spare the energy it would take to shield my mind by himself. My Pokémon were worried about my health, that much I could tell without being telepathic. Mewtwo had told them what happened and that if I pushed myself like that again I could die or so Misty said when she beat me over the head saying I'd better be more careful from now on.

Ash, Brock, Misty and I continued on our journey until we were stopped because a bridge was out. We had a ride, but the guy who offered it wanted a Sudowoodo so we had to head up into the mountains.