
Life Drain System

Follow Yueliang's growth from weak heir to powerful prodigy! Everything starts with my inheritance?? Who knows what it will contain. Will the world end or will he die with it? What will happen in his futuristic life?

Yueliang_Haizi · Fantasie
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216 Chs

An Inheritance

Journal entry XXXXX

June 8th, 2189... Tsinghua University

I am not sure why life has so much adversity, however at least there is always something to learn or do. I have started my day like any other, got up combed my shiny white hair, eye drops for my sky blue eyes, got dressed in my black jeans, white dress shirt, light blue and black tie, black suit coat, and skate shoes. I just have a short while until graduation. (Looks like this https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/64328617) How will today go? Will the bad days keep coming? Is there love out there for me? However most importantly, what is my purpose? All I have is a small income, bullies, perfect grades, and a small dorm shared with three others. Recently found out my dad died in the spatial war, at least I had him, and now he is gone.... Well, time for another day better yet, another adventure, Let us see how it goes.


Yueliang Haizi


He closes the journal and puts it in the draw of his bunkbed as he climbs down.

'Time to check the mail then class' Yue thinks to himself as he grabs his grey messenger bag then heads out of the room. As he walks he wonders to himself how to solve one of the problems in his physics class.

"Yueliang, you have a package. What did you order?" A slightly shorter black haired young man stated bringing it to yue, while check the rest of the letters.

"You know you could be a little less nosy my funny roommate Sun. If it was food I would let you know." Yue says as he ruffles his friends hair and takes the package while smiling. Then they both laughed together, as Yue stuffs the package in his bag then continues to on to class.

As he sits through his very interesting lecture of physics, while taking notes, he starts having a migraine, just like all those he has had throughout his childhood. Then comes a memory of his dad saying something short yet still lures him in with curiousity. "Yue, you may not understand today, however one day you will. I have seperated something from you for what I feel is your own good. One day I shall return it to you, however it will only be on the day I feel I was wrong to have done so." This phrase has haunted Yue since he was 4 years old. 'What does he mean by that? What did he take?' He thought to himself.

The bell rang, and he left his class. Then he started heading to his class on a.i. creation. He took his seat and before his class began he took out his package and opened it quietly while making certain no one was watching, in case it was something expensive. It has been bugging him since he got it, what the package was because he did not order anything, then again it could be free samples, or a job offer. As he finished opening it all he saw was a small orb. So instead of focusing on his class today, he took out his phone and recorded the whole lecture, and instead played with the orb until eventually it clicked and a small cut appeared on his finger and drop of blood hit the orb. As it hit the orb, it wrapped around his right middle finger and looked like an inconspicuous yet cool looking purple and black ring.

He then felt a pin prick on his finger, along with the feeling of something being injected in him, and saw the purple and black ring turn blue and black. As he thought about the reason for the change, he thought to himself, 'Purple to blue, means red got injected. So blood? However if I was injected was it was dad was talking about is this what he sent me? If so why did it arrive so late after his death?' These where the thoughts crossing his mind as he was gradually loosing consciousness until he finally fell asleep. He slept for about 20 minutes, then woke up. He looked around and saw that his class was still in progress, so checked the time and noticed it was not long. Then he wondered to himself why he passed out and said "status" under his breath as this was a habit he had since he childhood for who knows what reason. Then something unexpected had occured....

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.

As he heard each sound a new screen popped up in front of him. The first of which was his status. Then three messages and notification screens appeared. Before he could see his status he saw this, and at the same time this was all happening he felt reconnected, as though he finally found his missing half. He felt complete once more, which was an amazing and indescribable feeling.

[Master, I have missed you, I was put to sleep forcefully, however still watched over you. I hope we can experience everything together as we once use to.]

As he read this he almost felt like crying, as we was so overjoyed, and his memories came back of the system, not that there was much to talk about as they mainly just spoke to each other and the system guided him sometimes when he needed it. Then he closed this window and said 'I missed you as well so much' in his mind to the system. The he read the next notification.

[Master Yue, has completed the quest reawaken the system]

[hidden quest]

[+ 200 experience

+ 1 point to each stat]

'How wonderful' He thought as he joyfully smiled. Then closed this window to see the next one.

[Yue has leveled up to level 1]

[+5 customizable stat points]

[You may now add points to your status, use notification history, and access quests]

[Bigger and better quests & missions will be given as you level up]

[You may also access the store at level 2]

Looking at this he was super excited however, had to hold back as he was in front of other people. As he brought himself under control, he closed the window to look at his status.

[Character Sheet

Name: Yueliang Haizi

Race: Human

Age: 21

Level: 0->1

Health: 6->10

Strength: 4->5

Agility: 3->4

Endurance: 4->5

Intelligence: 6->7

Soul: 1->2


Charm: 0->1?

Mana: 0->1?

Chi: 0->1?

Customizable stat points: 5]


None acquired yet]

'System would you please explain the question marks on my status?'

"Of course master, the reason for this is that you have not yet discovered the charm, mana, or chi stats, and although they are optional, they are quite necessary if you want to live a long life. Also, there are many other stats that you have yet to unlock that are hidden. However as a gift I will give you a hint for charm, have confidence and flirt successfully with someone as that will be the easiest way to understand the stat thus unlocking it. Also, you are able to level up stats without points by putting them to constant use like a muscle."

'Thank you very much my wonderful system Yang'

"Of course master :)"

'Ah one more thing, could you explain my current stats?'

"Of course, Strength is how much you can carry fight with etc, agility entails your flexibility, speed, and more. Endurance covers what you can take physically, mentally, even your stamina. As for your intelligence it covers your understanding, knowledge, wisdom, memory, mana recovery, and more. Then for soul, that covers how strong your soul is, its resistance and strength, chi recovery and maximum, then so much else. Charm, Mana, and Chi, are affecting a lot more than you know. Just so that you know I am only allowed to give you the basics on this at my current level. Whilst you can level up, so can I however you will learn about that later as well as many of the things I have not explained. Remember to check out the store at level 2 and that Race well I am sure with your intelligence you should know you can change or grow.... Also, please get stronger so that we can learn and explore, build and so much more."

'Thank you, I guess time to check out my quests then add my stat points accordingly'


[Starter Daily quest - grows with masters level and stats

Do 20 push ups

Do 20 sit ups

Run 2 kilometers

Read a book for 20 minutes

Jump 20 times]

[Starter quest

Win a fight]

'Add four points to strength, then one point to intelligence.'

[Character Sheet

Name: Yueliang Haizi

Race: Human

Age: 21

Level: 1

Health: 10

Strength: 5->9

Agility: 4

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 7->9



Charm: 1?

Mana: 1?

Chi: 1?

Customizable stat points: 0]


None acquired yet]

'I feel the best way to do my first quest is to do parkour, this seems as though it will be fun. As for my second quest that should just wait until the bullies come around again for their (protection fee) and (endurance practice). Perfect.'

'Wait what is this.....'

This is my first ever web novel/ writing attempt, so if it is really rough please guide me so that I am able to make it better. Also, I hope you all enjoy. I hope I can one day be great enough to earn a living from this, it is kind of tough in construction right now, read to your hearts content.

Yueliang_Haizicreators' thoughts