

A lost soul wanders has been wandering in the emptiness for a long period of time, but when it meets a being in that void, it is given a new life in the world along with another soul.

CaringSoul · Bücher und Literatur
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6 Chs

Life Again

Year 284, Vale

In a large room, inside a castle, could be seen a woman, caressing her child, a boy, with tears flowing from her eyes. The boy that at the first glance looked like sleeping in the bed, when seen closely, wasn't asleep but seemed dead. His veins blue and white foam that must have come from his mouth had now dried in the right side of his face. The boy was only 7, had fair face with black hair and light greenish eyes that now seemed grey after death. 

"Don't worry my boy. I am coming with you soon. We will meet your father and live together in afterlife. I am sorry I did this to you. But I can't live without you or your father. In death we will all be together. I promise". The mother who wept alone in the room in front of his dead son seemed to be talking to him. Soon, it seemed the poison she had taken earlier had started showing its effects. Her pupils went up, tears coming from them along with blood. She started feeling agonizing pain welling from her insides. Foam began coming from her mouth and she fell down from the chair she was sitting on. After few moments, she was dead. Two people, mother and son, dead in a room. Silence followed for a long time. It was night. The candles soon started fluttering in the room, windows that were closed got opened with a gust of powerful wind. And soon the once grey eyes of the boy turned light green again. His blueish body gained radiance and went back to normal. The boy seemed to have come to his conscience as he started to get up from the bed. Sitting on the bed, he looked around. He saw slight cold wind flowing in through windows. He got up and goes near windows. He felt tightness near his chin and found that saliva has condensed there. He sees a vessel containing water on a long stand, that seemed to have been for washing hands. He washes his face and then takes the water in his mouth, gargles, and looks out the window and spits it out. He realizes that wherever he is, it was situated in a high altitude. Closing the window, he goes to the door, but soon notices a pair of legs on the other side of the bed he was sleeping in. He recognized the legs to be of some woman. He immediately approaches the bed and sees a woman lying there unconscious with foam coming out of her mouth. Without a second thought, he runs out of the room screaming for a healer, "Healer...Healer... I need a healer...", he ran from room to room. And it seemed his cries were heard as soon many people started coming out of the rooms. 

"Healer. Where is the healer. There is someone in my room lying on the floor unconscious and was foaming. Send the healer. Hurry", The boy said in a commanding tone.

Soon an old man came forward with a tense face, "Master Roland, what are you saying? What woman? Take me to your room, I will see to it". Soon, the boy named Roland, and the old man along with several people that looked like servants/ maids reached the room.

As soon as they saw the woman lying, everyone seemed afraid. The old man hurriedly ran towards the lying woman, and started feeling her nerves, breathing and heartbeats.

"Gods, Lady Alicent". The maester, that's what servants called him, looked at the young boy, and sorrowfully said, "I am so sorry, master Roland. If we had arrived a little sooner, your mother could have been saved. She is dead, young master, she is gone". 

The boy, Roland, said nothing, his face stoic, showing no feelings, but soon, a tear could be seen flowing from his left eye. He stood there, for some time. No one said anything. They thought their young master was in shock. After a long silence, the boy said, "I am really cursed, aren't I?". And the boy who looked exhausted fell unconscious on the floor near his mother. 


A few days passed by. Roland Arryn was looking outside the window of his room. Cold wind blew by his face, but he didn't seem to faze by it even a bit. He was looking outside but all he could see was the fog rising up after it was blocked by the Gates of the moon, main seat of House Arryn of the Eyrie. It has been a few weeks since his mother's death. Although Lord Arryn did not come to Vale as he was quite busy in the Kingslanding managing and bringing peace to the realm after the bloody war, he send letter expressing his sorrow and condolences to the boy, and ordered Vardis Egen, Captain of the guards and Maester Colemon to investigate the death. After a week, they came to conclusion that it was really a suicide. They speculated that Lady Alicent Waynwood indeed drank poison on her own will. Maybe because she was not able to handle the pain of separation from her dead husband and the father of Roland, Denys Arryn. But it was just that in Roland's eyes, speculation. He didn't believe it. A person just doesn't commit suicide just because of this, when she has a child, she has to look after in the absence of her husband. There are various things that could have happened in the background that brought her to kill her child and herself to avoid what she was so afraid of. Also, there were rumours in the castle that, Lady Lysa Tully, wife of Lord Arryn, is with child and his mother was afraid for his life, as he was declared the heir of Lord Arryn after his father's death. But they should have just declared the child the new heir. There was no need to commit suicide. Well thanks to that, two souls could enter the body. 

The door was knocked from outside, and soon two maids arrived the room and behind them a tall, beautiful woman, who was the Lady of the castle, entered the room. She had a mix of glee as well as worry in her eyes, but her lips were widely stretched showing a kind smile that was not reaching her eyes. She approached the 7-year-old boy and took him to his bed. she sat on the bed and laid the boy on the bed with his head on her lap. As she caressed his hair, she smiled kindly, this time that was real. 

"Poor boy. You are going to have a very hard time living in this world without parents. I also lost my mother when I was less than your age, though I had my father with us siblings, he never cared for us. Only using us when he thought he would profit from it. But I had my sister who treated me like a mother. My poor sister, she matured so early, and took care of us siblings. I would look after you like my sister did to us. Would you like that?" Lysa Tully started the conversation mentioning the boy was now in the same condition as she once was. 

 "Hmm...", the boy hummed. What else could he do when someone was talking so kindly to him. Everyone in the Eyrie was always respectful and kind to the boy. 

"Good. I hear you eat your meals here in this room alone. Would you like to accompany me to dinner tonight? You see, just like before we sometimes used to sit together and talk in meals. I am sure you would also like that as you see this beautiful lady is rather alone and wants company.", Lysa Tully was treating the boy like a child. Well, he was a child.

"Hmm...", the boy hummed again.

After few time spending with the boy, Lysa Tully left the room. The boy laid in the room, still not feeling energy to do anything. He was not getting the motivation to do anything. The first time he opens his eyes in the world and sees a death in front of his eyes and that too of his said mother. That gave him a reality check that these are the things that could happen to anyone. Anyone could die at any time and under any circumstances. He really didn't know what life meant. What was the meaning of living. Those feelings that he felt in all his life. The sadness, happiness, worry, tension and all the feelings he remembered experiencing, he still could not understand the meaning of living. He was soon brought out of his thoughts by a voice inside his brain.

'Hey, if you are going to the dinner with her, can you asked about the war. How it ended. Where are the Targaryen family now? Did they survive?', the voice that came was from another soul in the body. 

"You sure are talkative. After not talking at all since coming here, now you talk and that too about the war", Roland said frustratingly, clearly angry. He had thought that the other soul would talk to him as soon as he came to life here, helping him in this world. But not only he not help him to call the 'Maester' but also didn't stop him from frantically shouting 'Healer' in the corridors. "Well I would ask her all that I can about the war. In exchange you would tell me about this world at night. Deal?".

"Deal". Soon came the reply.