

A lost soul wanders has been wandering in the emptiness for a long period of time, but when it meets a being in that void, it is given a new life in the world along with another soul.

CaringSoul · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

Soul finds a light. Again.

In a pitch-black space, when seen carefully, a shape with white body and grey borders could be seen, looking like a flame that has no source visible. It seems to be there for a long time not able to move, just remain stationary. 

'Why? Why am I here? Why again? Why? I remember. That being told me that souls have to leave everything behind after the life is complete. But I can't forget my memories. The lives that I have lived, how am I supposed to forget them. I really am cursed, it seems. I don't know how long I have to stay here again. Alone. In this darkness. Why can't I forget? Why do I remember everything? How do I forget it all. If I do, I will be free of these thoughts at least'.

The time passes and the white body of the soul that was quite large compared to its grey borders, was becoming smaller and smaller. It seemed like the soul would soon turn grey completely. The soul that called itself cursed could now feel it. It was going to become the darkness soon. The soul will disappear soon. All the memories will disappear with the soul in the dark space. That was what he wanted. To forget it all. To end it all. Or was it?

*Shine* And it appeared. The first light that now greyish soul saw in a long while, glowing so bright as if to engulf the darkness with its light. The soul that seemed like it could not move at all, starts moving towards the 'shining'. Desperation could be seen in its movements. He now feels it. He still didn't want to let go of his lives. He wanted to remember it. Although they were not pretty memories. It didn't know why, but it still didn't want to forget. And soon enough, it reaches the 'shining'. Just as he touches the shining, it seemed to engulf the grey soul into itself and now the grey soul disappeared from the black space. And the 'shining' could be seen going farther and farther away.

Now, inside the white space that makes it not being able to see anything at all just like the dark space. Only it could be distinguished due to its grey color. It remains stationary, just like it did in the black space. The environment changed, but it seemed the situation was still the same. *Cling**Cling* the soul could hear something approaching it. As soon as it reaches near, the cursed soul knew what it was.

'I greet the great being that travel in this nothingness'. 

As soon as it said this, the great being responds, 'You know what I am. Were you waiting for someone like me? It seemed so, looking how desperately you approached my shining.' 

Although the soul could not clearly see the being, but it could feel that female being was kind and compassionate in her voice. Not like the gruff, arrogant tone he was expecting, like the one it remembered meeting before his previous life. 

'No, great being... I... I... YES, I was desperate. I don't want to disappear in the nothingness. I don't want to be nothing. I am cursed. I can't forget my memories.' The grey soul, that was going to deny at first, could actually deny it. 

'You still have mortal nature. I shouldn't tell you this, as you needn't know, but souls are very essential in running the worlds. The way souls work is very complicated, but if I have to explain simply, souls are the fuel on which life prospers in a world. But after leaving a body, the soul has to forego everything and start anew. Or it is considered as corrupted by the world and is thrown out, souls like yourself. Though it is not your first time, is it?'

'So, I really am cursed... corrupted, it seems. Are there others like me? I was there for a long time, but I couldn't see anyone else.' The greater being could sense sadness in the grey soul's words.

'How large do you think that place is? Imagine the largest it could be, and it is still larger than what you imagined. So, tell me would you be able to find an infinitesimal soul in such large dark space? As for what happens to them, if they are lucky, they meet travelers like us, and we help them reach another world. But if left in that place, they slowly become darkness itself. On the other note. Going to another world. It's not so easy, you must've been told before. And it's not free.' The great being said.

'What would you want from me? I have nothing but my memory with me.' The grey soul became conscious of the current situation and responded truly.

'Well, that would do. I would be willing to send you to a world that is not balanced yet. In return, I would take your memories and keep it in my 'book of souls'. Do you agree?'

'I don't want to forget my memories.' The soul wanted did not want to forget its memories from earlier lives.

'Don't worry, I am not taking it away, Memories are shared. Knowledge is shared. Knowledge won't go away just because you taught it to someone.'

Without taking more time, the soul responded, 'Thank you, great being.'

'Before that, there are some things. Some compromises that you would have to do.'

As soon as the great being said that, the soul felt a new presence alongside itself. Another soul, like itself, although weaker than itself and almost transparent. Seeing the soul there, it seemed doubtful.

Seeing the doubtful soul in its presence, the being explained, 'It's a soul. Like you it came to my 'shining'. It wants to go back to its world. Says some things were left unfinished there. It gave me a great deal, entertained me on my journey here, too. But I can't send it like every other soul, as it has been rejected by its world. He will go with you. You both will have same body. Your body. but you will be in control. What do you think? Do you agree?'

There was nothing the soul could do. It was either with the conditions, or its end in the nothingness. So, it responded without a second thought, 'Yes, great being. I agree.'

'Good. Good. I like you. Don't worry, I will bless your soul and send you guys to that world then.'

The great being left. The two souls were left alone. But no one said anything. There was nothing to be said. They were literally strangers. 'But wouldn't introducing be better. We are going to be together anyway, it seems. Leave it, we can do that later anyway'. The grey soul although had lived long, still couldn't talk with the weak soul. 'I hate myself', he thought.

Time passed, and the being called the two souls informing them that they had reached their destination. 

'Remember, you are not going to be born. You are going to wake up in a body that recently died. But if it is dead, there will be a way to revive it. That's where my blessing comes. You will know when time comes. It is my gift to you. You naive soul.' The being before sending the two souls, informed them, with the last things being told to the grey soul.

'Thank you for this. I don't know how to repay you', the weak soul said to the great being. 

'You have given more than enough. Now go do what you wanted to do. But remember, you can only observe from his body. That is your limit. And you, naive soul, this weak soul is from that world, so it knows things you wouldn't. Wouldn't it be good if you make friends with him. Although you could just ignore him. Well, whatever. Now go'.

*clang**clang**shine* The two souls are embedded in the light and soon disappear. 'Go and forget all your memories. Those are the burden that souls have to give up on. You will get it sooner or later'. With a mysterious smile, the being said something and then the 'shining' started moving again in the nothingness. 

So begins our journey.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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