
Life after Death Mission

Story of a lady that dies for an unknown reason. Was a shock to be reincarnated into a different person. But it was not what it seems. Being reincarnated to a dying person. And need to fill the dying wish before the time is out. Is this a blessing or a curse? *** I will pause this novel but I will continue it using my main account.

PattyBoo · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 4- Hunting Games

The next morning at 6 am, I decided to talk to my father about my decision in life. But my grandfather pops out from nowhere.

"Hi! Little Red, good morning"

"Good morning Grandpa " I replied.

I was alarmed lucky I manage to claim down myself. I'm the type of person that a bit jumpy. I easily get startled and I have weird reflexes.

If people prank me and tap my back if I'm focused on what I'm doing I lost my perception and then I easily get startled.

Most of the time I jump out my chair. Or worst I punch that person.

Base on stats of my grandfather it was a question mark. Well based on most games or novels that read the player or NPC has a question mark that has high-level compared to yourself.

Little Red, what a weird nickname. It sounded like Little Red Riding Hood.

"Little Red it so late why are you still not start hunting?

" Hunting? my brothers did not inform me about it" I replied.

" It was a competition, why would tell you about their hunting strategy? "

" Ok, Grandfather I understand, When the hunting ends? And what are the criteria of the Hunting Games? I replied

"Hunting Games? that sound nice, Well you just need to collect demon cores and many and high quality also matter too."

"Thanks, Grandfather, long the duration of the Hunting Games?" I ask

" 24 hours, and 1 hour already past"

"Fuck! Bye Grandfather, I need to rush!"


After 9 am in the morning.

"Brother, did you find Red? " Grey asks

"Sadly, brother we can't find him, we already search the castle but there were no traces," Green replied.

"What the hell happened, did we have a plan to go hunting together and get a demon core"

The whole morning passed. The castle was in a mess. They are trying their best to find Red. And hope he is not trying to escape again.

So the couple decides to hire a Dark Mage Tracker. To their surprise that Red was in the level 5th of the Dark Forest.

It was dangerous to be in Level 5 in the Dark Forest. There were 16 levels of this Forest. It was one of the Lower Middle-rank forests.

The last time Red tries to escape he when deeper at level 3rd. But this time it was more dangerous at level 5th since he was alone.

The question is why Red is at level 5th. Is he trying to get himself killed just to avoid the marriage?


"Yeah, Victor, I have a question? " A man that looks like in his late forties.

"Yeah, What? " Victor replied

" One of my apprentices was hired by your son to located one of your grandsons was lost"

"Crazy, This is the reason why Red was so pampered, They are super crazy, we'll do you know which level Little Red went?" Victor ask

"Wait let me check, give me a moment, please"

10 minutes past.

"Wait, Victor, you know your grandson in the Dark Forest, Right?"

"Yes, I was the one trick him to go alone, he needs to strong if he wants to be a father at a young age" Victor replied.

" So you know what level he was? "

"Come on Mike, I was asking you what level he was? " Victor inquire again

"You know Victor, I don't know if you hate or his your favorite, worst you want him Dead," Mike said.

"Why I want him dead? He is ambitious and wants to have 2 kids within 2 years. And you know that our race has 2 years of pregnancy. This means he needs to be strong to be allowed to marry for the second time to allowed be by his first wife family to allow him to have a second marriage" Victor replied.

"Are you sure, he was more ambitious than you then, you must be happy at least one of your grandson follow your steps"

"Yes, I was a shock at first I thought it was Violet but He wants to be Pope instead, and you know those people are want to have one wife policy not until the wife died or something," Victor said.

"Yes that's true, you only have one son and 2 daughters, And your son is was more a strategic Mage and compare to you are a combat mage"

Mike Agnes was one of the close friends of Victor. They met went, Mike accept a mission to capture Victor Dead or Alive 200 years ago.

Victor when he was young he did a lot of things that will get him to trouble.

"Mike, what level My little Red went?" Victor

asks again

"Wait, Let me check again" Mike replied

"Hehe, your grandson is so daring to go to level 11th, just to hunt, hey, Vic is your grandson that strong even he graduated in high school?"

"What!? are you sure level 11th?" Victor said


Victor was so shocked he never expected his grandson that was so pampered dares to go to level 11th.

"Hehe, it's unexpected, I thought he only go to 7th to 9th level but the level 11th, his he in danger or something?" Victor ask

"As for now his nor, hopefully, he would not go deeper or his be in deep trouble"

"That's good to hear" Victor replied

They continue their conversation until sunset.

Sadly Victor did not inform his son Marcus and his son's family of what he did. For him, there was nothing wrong with what he deed.

Due to the fact he was against the way his son raise his children. He wants someone to an heir so that someone can continue his inheritance.

Son Marcus was more to the theory of magic, magic research and innovation of new magic application. His two daughters were already married and he seldom visits them.

There was a rule the daughters will belong to the husband's family. So parents of a wife are less likely to interfere with the daily lives. Only in emergency cases that are allowed to.

Red: I was forget

Victor: Go my little Red you can do it

Mike:... (Well the hell)

What is your reaction if one of your close tricking you to do some you hate?

PattyBoocreators' thoughts