
Life after Death Mission

Story of a lady that dies for an unknown reason. Was a shock to be reincarnated into a different person. But it was not what it seems. Being reincarnated to a dying person. And need to fill the dying wish before the time is out. Is this a blessing or a curse? *** I will pause this novel but I will continue it using my main account.

PattyBoo · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 Misunderstanding

I don't believe my brothers they never told me that it was a competition.

The Hunting Games, Wow it sounds like a movie I watch before. Well, at least I'm not required to kill my brothers.

After 3 hours of walking inside the dark forest. I think I was lost. I didn't see any demon creatures or any animal at all. And it makes me frustrated.

My brothers have a headstart and I have no progress at all. But I wonder why this forest call Dark Forest when it was not dark or gloomy at all.

If I didn't know that this the dark forest I would think it was Mystic Garden not a dark and creepy forest.

Then there was an unsettling thought call to my mind. I don't have a weapon and I didn't know any skills that I'm supposed to know.

Why I'm here trying to hunt with nothing.

And the question is how I can kill an animal demon and get its core. I even think my naming sense is a malfunctioning.

Really I don't have naming sense. Fuck I don't need to label names if I have memories of this body.

Well, no point cry of slipped milk. 5 hours had passed since I got here. Was still trying to find anything. It was so silent and a footstep sounds like a roar.


Red going deeper and deeper in the Dark forest. Sadly he never knew that Dark forest is like a dungeon if you related it to an RPG game.

Unknown for Red, That he has an ability called Map awareness and Redirect. Map awareness is an ability that he can able to observe the surroundings and avoid life treating situations. Redirect is an ability to confuse opponents' senses that useful for escaping and attacking.

Red indeed has the talent to become a combat mage. But the original Red was coward and have low self-esteem. He never utilized his potential.

And now Agent 2874 accept the mission and became the Red today. She had no access to original memories. Surprisedly She was able to activate the two skills.

But unfortunately, she didn't master the two skills yet. She can only activate it for survival. that means it was totally useless if she goes hunting if the skills she used are for survival and avoid danger as much as possible.

Agent 2874, the Real name was sealed. She can remember some of her previous life but it was partially sealed. She was already mind-washed to never question her memories.

Based on what Red remembers. This is the first mission that she accepted. Before she officially died at the age of 25 years old. She was trying to live a life as she doubts if she can achieve her dreams.


Back to the Xaiver Silver-Gold Castle, which the own by Marcus Wallace.

" Sir Celdton, What level my son is, we need to have a rescue mission? " Christine asks

"Miss Christine it will be impossible to hire a rescue mission at that level where he was now"

"What! don't tell me he went deeper?" Marcus ask

"Well, he did and now he's at level 11th, but no need to worry my Master will solve this issue for you"

" What you mean, grandmaster Agnes willing to help, why?" Marcus ask

"Well, he's your uncle, close friends of your Father"

"He knows about all it? " Marcus ask

"Yes, my master mentioned relaying to you not to worry about it since it was your Father idea"

Victor was still with Mike. It was unknown what are they talking about. But Marcus was a bit frustrated about his father's decisions. Well, he admits that his father was disappointed that he, not a combat mage instead of ann Arcane Mage.


Man! This suck I have been here for 15 hours but where are those creatures go?

Red was so frustrated. In his mind, his brothers all ready caught at least a 2 dozen or more.

But Red didn't realize that creatures to have a demon core must be over 100 level. And for age below 30 is considered teenager and level expectancy is around 50 level to 70 levels.

But it was known to Red that the previous owner of the body high level of mana it was huge it cause backlash and weakened his physical.

Suddenly the was a loud explosion. And it keeps increasing. It feels like someone makes the grenade-like rain.

"Fuck! what the hell is happening." Red cured

Red run and run, without knowing he was going deeper and deeper in the forest.


Unknown time had passed.

When I woke up I was confused. The room was familiar. Just then I realized I was at the same stupid hospital.

My family was inside the room. They seem to look too tired. I was still observing them. I try to remember what happened but it confused me more.

While I was running away from the Raining Bombs. I was badly injured from being hit directly by the explosion and bumping accidents while escaping.

But know I noticed my body was 50 % healed compared to before. I try to ask them but it seems I was too weak to speak.

Fortunately, my sister Blue noticed that I was awake.

"Brother! your awake"

Due to the fact that I'm trying to calm down myself. I just respond to my sister with a smile.

What concerned me more. They seem not worried that I was injured but the weird thing is that they look at me like a was a criminal.

I was too troubled by the ways they look at me.

And out of nowhere, my father asks one of the Butler name Vincent. When Vincent back he brought in a young lady pregnant. From the looks of it, she was about to give birth.

When I gazed at her the more I felt I know her or I might meet her somewhere. What picks up my interest that she had a tail. A finger thin long raven tail at her back.

Wow, she possesses a tail that's interesting. I wonder if I can taste her. That moment I was even shocked by the pattern of my thinking. Why if I found a woman attractive I would have an urged to have sex with them.

No don't let me, I don't have self-control. No, I have self-control but this body has issues.

Red: why are they are looking at me like that. Did I do something wrong?

Others: Red can you explain things?

Red: Hunting Games?

PS the MC is confused.

Have you ever experienced that people ask you to explain something but you don't even know what happened in the first place.

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