Travis Wyatt is the world's most renowned assassin. But now after his demise he awakens in a new world filled with Magic and all kinds of fantasy creatures which lurk everywhere. He has to get stronger so he can survive in such a world. Watch as he gets stronger with the help of his will and power that he himself does not know lies inside of him. This story is 18+ so read at your own risk. [Harem] [Milfs] [Netori] [NO YURI] THIS IS A REWRITE
Eleanor came back and saw Nathan talking with Gabriel. She was really surprised that he was able to make a friend so fast. The last she remembered, he was not the most sociable person out there. She knew that very well since, during the ball, he was very timid when speaking to the other people who were chosen just like them. She sighed then approached them, sitting right next to the two.
When Gabriel saw Eleanor, he blushed slightly and turned away from her, looking at the ground.
"Hey, who's this?" Eleanor asked Nathan, who was deep in a conversation with Gabriel, talking about dumb things guys would understand.
"Oh, this is Gabriel, he's my new friend. Gabriel, this is Eleanor, my best friend. I hope we can all get along."
Ninety percent of the time, that never happens.
"That's cool; you actually managed to get a friend. Well, I won't bother you two. I'll just sit here and listen," she said.
Nathan nodded then returned his focus to Gabriel, who was still facing the floor.
'She's so pretty; I wonder if a girl like her can be my girlfriend. Oh, she's a princess. I almost forgot about that, so I guess that's the answer to my question,' he thought.
Ryan and Gwendolyn got up from the chairs they had made using their elements and walked back to them.
"Break is over. Let's continue. This is the last test, and it's the easiest. We'll be checking how fast you can reach point B from Point A. You'll have to use all your strength, even your Aura or Magic; it doesn't matter. You just have to make it to point B faster than you ever could. You will go one by one, so let's get this thing started."
The test began; students went one by one. The distance was not that far, so it was very easy. This continued until it was Gabriel's turn; he did very well. He reached the line in 15 seconds. Eleanor was next, and she did that in 7 seconds when using her element, making her feet slippery so that she could basically glide through the race.
Nathan was up next; he enhanced his body and ran, reaching the line in 6 seconds, which was the highest of them all. He made sure to rub it in Eleanor's face with a dance. She only sighed and looked away, as she did not have the time or interest to give him attention.
"That's it for today. It's time for you to go to the showers because you all reek of sweat. After you finish, come to class; I'll be guiding you to your dorm."
The class nodded, then they separated. The boys went to their section, and the girls went to theirs.
When they were all done, they returned to class, where Mr. Ryan gave them their dorm keys. Mrs. Gwendolyn took the girls, while Ryan took the boys. He showed everyone where their rooms were and explained the rules. They were very simple and did not need much effort to follow.
Nathan walked inside his room; it was small compared to his bedroom back at the palace, but he didn't complain. He went for a short tour around the place. The room itself is divided into two sections by an elegant, silk-draped canopy bed. On one side, you'll find a study area illuminated by a bright light bulb held by a frame. The other side is your personal retreat, with a wardrobe, which was empty since he hasn't placed anything in it yet. The window overlooks a lush, enchanted forest, which would be a nice sight to wake up to every day.
On Eleanor's side, she basically had the same room just in a different location. These rooms were given to all first-year students in this school; as they grow older, their dorms get bigger. There is no reason for this, but nobody had complained about how things worked, so it's been like that since.
'Our fight is on Friday. That means this whole week Nathan and I will have to train.' She thought. She sat on her bed and stared at her whole room.
'I'm going to enjoy myself here. Especially since I'll be with Nathan to keep me from getting bored.'
Next day.
Nathan woke up; this was the most uncomfortable night he's ever had. The bed he slept in wasn't that bad, but because he used to sleep on the best bed ever made, he, of course, had problems with this one. Getting up, he wore his slippers and went to the bathroom.
"Arhh, I don't want to go to school," He said as he brushed his teeth. Yesterday he didn't feel much pain from the workout, but today all of his muscles were going through hell.
'I almost forgot to bathe,' he thought.
When he was done, Nathan got out and wore his uniform. He was about to lay back down on the bed when he heard a knock on his door.
Opening the door, he saw Eleanor, unsurprisingly; he let her in and went back to his bed.
"Are you really that tired? I mean, I understand that yesterday was bad, but it's not that much," She said.
"I am, is there a problem?"
"Yes, you are a 10-year-old, and you're acting like a depressed teenager. So yes, there is a problem. Get up and let's go get some food." Eleanor pulled him out of bed and began to drag him towards the door.
"Fine, I'll go. Stop dragging me okay. What are we going to eat anyway?"
"Not sure; guess we will have to find out when we get there. Also, smile or look approachable. I wonder how you got a friend with that grim face of yours."
"Says the girl with no friend other than me."
"Oh is that how you see it. Then have fun walking towards the dining hall, alone." Eleanor stomped off angrily, leaving Nathan in shock. He wore his clothes and ran after her and apologized. She forgave him, not that she was angry at him in the first place.
They arrived at the dining hall; they sat together with their classmates since they did not want to seem distant.
"Eleanor, why don't you sit with us, not with those perverted boys?" Isabella Harrington said as she gave the male side a disgusted glare.
"What makes them pervert? They look perfectly fine with me," She said as she gave the boys a quick glance. Other than Nathan and Gabriel, the other boys were discussing who was the hottest teacher. Wow, how original.
'Does Nathan also think of that?' She wondered as she gave him a glance, seeing Nathan having his alone time with his food, she smiled and shook her head. 'No, he's different, not like those guys.'
"Sure, I'll sit with you all, but I hope you won't be gossiping or anything that women generically do. Because I don't like doing that," She said.
The girls in the group giggled when they heard that; Isabella spoke first and said, "Do not worry, we are just a group of girls who came here with the purpose of learning, not gossiping."
'I somehow doubt that,' she thought.