
Chapter 6

******* A few weeks later******

- - - - - - still Levi's POV- - - - - -

It's been a few weeks now and Y/N still hasn't shown any sign of waking up. I was still so worried about her that I never left the infirmary. I only left if I need to go to the bathroom and eat, but other than that, I never left her side. Hanji and Erwin tried to persuade me to get some fresh air but I refused, not wanting Y/N to be alone and get attacked again.

A few hours has passed and I felt a light squeeze on my hand. I shot out of the chair and looked at Y/N only to see her with her eyes open and smiling her angelic smile at me. I was so happy that she woke up and I hugged her tightly but not to tight her hurt her injuries. She slowly raised her arms up and hugged back, burring her face into my neck as I hurried my face into her hair,smelling the sweet scent of strawberries and raspberries filled my nose.

"I missed you so much and I'm sorry for leaving your alone like that and I promise it would never happen again" I said as I tighten my hold around her.

******Y/N POV******

All I saw was darkness...memories from my past coming back to me as I remembered why I was in this position. I couldn't remember a lot, only small details. As I was about to close my eyes again, I saw a bright light and a picture of someone with raven black hair smiling down at me. It took me a while to remember who that person was until a name popped up in my mind as I remembered all of the fun times of my life.

"Levi....." I whispered as my eyes widen and as I tried to reach my hand out towards the light, it kept on going further and further away from me. I was about to get up but couldn't so I tried my best to break out of the chains but it was no use. As I was about to give up, I remembered all of the happy memories on me and Levi and that gave me enough strength to shift into my wolf form and break out of the chains. The walls around me started to crumble and I used the pieces of the wall and jumped on them trying to reach for the light. As I touched the light, it shone brightly as my body vanished.

When I opened my eyes, I looked around me and realise that I was in the infirmary again. I took a double take around the room and when I saw a black head in the corner of my vision, I saw Levi laying his head on my bed, his hand his sling mine and as I I looked closer, I saw dark bags(?) under his eyes and that made me realise that he has been worried sick about me. I smiled and squeezed his hand to gently wake him up. It seems like it worked because when his eyes opened, her jumped out of his seat and hugged me tightly but not to tight. I laughed a little and returned the hug.

"I missed you so much and I'm sorry for leaving your alone like that and I promise it would never happen again" Levi said as his arms got tighter.

I nod my head slightly and when we released each other form the hug, he slammed his lips onto mine. At first, I was shocked but after a few seconds, I kissed back with the same amount of force. It felt like we've been kissing for hours but in reality, it has only been a few minutes. As we parted, trying to catch out breath, he stood up, straighten his uniform and sat back down onto the chair and looked at me with a small smile.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Levi looked reluctant to open the door but got up and opened it anyways. Hanji came running in and when she too realise that I was finally awake, she ran at me with full speed and bone crushed me in a hug. It was fine after a few minutes but then it started to hurt. Levi saw the pain in my eyes and pulled hanji away the ponytale. Hanji started to scream while Levi continued to pull her out of the infirmary.

"I'll be back soon" said Levi as he closed the door. I laughed slightly and got back on the bed. Not long after, Levi came in and lifted me up bridal style.

After, Levi left the infirmary with me in his arms and started to walk towards his office. Once we got to his office, he set me on the couch and went to the table to finish his paperwork. After a while, I got bored and started to wine.

"Levi~, I'm bored." I waited for him to answer back but he just continued to do his paperwork. After a few moments of wining and getting no reply, I gave up and flopped on the couch. I check the time and found out that it was 11:40. I carefully get up and made my way to Levi's sleeping quarter. I got changed into one of his shirt and jumped in bed falling asleep.

********* Levi's POV *********

After I finished my damn paperwork that Erwin gave me, I looked at the couch, only to see Y/N gone. I stood up and went to my sleeping quarter only to see my cute little wolf sleeping in one of my shirt. I smiled and got changed out of my uniform. I then walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I finished, I left my bathroom and joined my cute little wolf in bed. Once I got in bed, she automatically turned towards me and hugs me. I smiled slightly at the action and kissed her on the forehead, which made her smile. ' It's cute to know that even in her sleep, she knows that it's me' I thought as I hugged her back and fell asleep.