
Chapter 7

~The next day~

Levi's POV

As I opened my eyes, I was greeted with bright sun rays hitting my face. I sat up and stretched, letting a satisfying sigh as I heard my bones pop. As I was done stretching, I turned to my right, only to be greeted by a pair of beautiful (e/c) looking at me with a gentle smile. I reached my hands out to move a small piece of hair in her face. The sun reflected off her face, giving her an angelic look.

As she got up from her position on the bed, I wrapped my hands around her waist, remembering the events that happened yesterday. Just thinking about it makes me scared that I might lose her again. My grip around her waist tightens as I buried my face into her shoulder, give little pecks on her neck from time to time. We stayed in that position for a while until I realise that we needed to get changed. Even though I was reluctant on letting her go, I stood up from the bed and started to walk to my bathroom. As I was about to open the door, I turned around to face (Y/N) and told her that I will be using the bathroom so she can changed in my bedroom. When I got a slight nod from her, I opened the door to my bathroom and locked it.


When Levi entered the bathroom, I got up and walked to his closet. I took out some of my spares clothes just in case I end up sleeping here (A/N: doing what?😏). As I got changed, I heard the shower go on and decided to get Levi's clothes ready for when he comes out. Once I laid his cloths on the bed, I walked to his office and decided to tidy up his desk a little since I have nothing to do.

After I was done, I heard the door open and Levi can walking through the door. He then started walking over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly as if he was scared that I may disappear. I turned around and returned the hug with a confused look on my face.

"What's wrong Levi?" I asked as I felt his grip tightens.

"Nothing...just remembering about yesterday events. I was so scared when I saw ur body laying in the ground motionless. I thought I had lost you." Levi exclaimed while burying his head in my shoulder. I gave him a gentle smile and patted his head.

"It's ok Levi" I said. "All that matters is that I'm here with you now in your arms and I will not disappear" I said giving a him a soft smile and looking at him directly. Our eyes mad contact as we slowly leaned in......until the door burst open and we are greeted with the loud voice of Hanji screaming at us that breakfast is ready.

When she saw the position that means Levi was in, she made a wired face and had a creepy ass smile on her face as she slowly walking backwards while closing the door. I looked at Levi's and laughed a little when I say his face. He had an irritated look on his face. I have him a little peck on the lips which caused his face to soften a little. He let go of my waist and held my hand, walking out of the door and towards the dinning area. As we walked pass , I saw some people giving me a smile knowing that I have woken up and their captain calm face while some giving me glares (mostly girls for the Levi fan club).

As me and Levi walked arrived at the cafeteria, a massive crowds of cadets came running towards me, bombarding me white many questions such as "ARE U ALRIGHT?!" or "HOW ARE YOU FEELING?!" and so on. I answered as many questions as I can until I felt a tug in my sleeve and looked up only to see Levi gripping my sleeve and pulling me the his table which consists of Levi's squared, Commander Erwin and other higher ups. I turned around to say bye to the cadet as Levi continues to pull to toward the table.

As I sat down, I received many smiles as of showing that they were great full that I was awake but I felt one particular pair of eyes looking at me, giving me a glare. As I turned to see who was giving me that looks, I was greeted by Petra. As I looked at her, she gave me a gentle smile to avoid suspicion but I knew I saw anger and hatred in her eyes. As I remembered what happened last night, I slowly shifted towards Levi, trying to keep my distance away from her. Levi gave me a confused look but said nothing a looked back at his food once he saw a smile on my face.

I was relieved that her didn't notice anything as I wanted to keep this feeling a secret since I don't want worry him but what I didn't know was that there was one person who saw what just happened but decided not to speak up about it yet. As we all finish our breakfast, since we had a day off, Levi being Levi commanded everyone to start clearing the whole HQ and wouldn't stop until it was squeaky clean (like Jin's laughs). As I was supposed to be 'resting' I walked around with Levi, ensuring that I was close to him.

I would go to his or my room but after what happened last night, I grew scared of my surroundings. The only place I feel safe is being with Levi or in his arms as I know that her wouldn't let anything bad happen to me like yesterday.

~Time slip to the evening~

Levi's POV

As the day passed, I checked every single place I this building to ensure that it was clean. Some did ok while some did absolutely s***. I let out a heavy sigh as I finished cleaning the last room. I looked up at the clock to only notice that it was almost time for dinner. Once I placed everything back I the storage closet, I turned around, only to see the peaceful face of (Y/N) with a book in her hand.

As I walked up to her to try to wake her up, i started to think about her odd behaviour today.

'She has been very clingy to me lately. Not that I don't like it but the way she grips my sleeve feels like she is scared of something'. Not wanting to make assumptions, i pushed the thought at the the back of my head as I continue to try to wake her up.

After a few minutes (Damn reader, you sure are a heavy sleeper), I was finally able to wake her up and we started making our way back to the cafeteria, holding hand. As we continued to make our way to the cafeteria, I looked down at our hands and gave a small smile, liking the warmth the her hand was giving off.

Once we arrived at the cafeteria, we got our food and sat down. As always, I dragged (Y/N) over to my table as I don't want her to be sitting next to any other cadets(Someone's jelly~). As we continue to eat, I feel a heavy weight on my right side and as I turn to see what it was, all I saw was (Y/N) holding onto me tightly and very close to me which fear in her eyes. This definitely confirmed my suspicion that something is wrong since (Y/N) does not tend to like public affection as much.

As I continue to finish my food while trying to find out what is going one, I decided to think about it tomorrow as it was getting late and I have a s*** Ton of paperwork to complete. As I stood up and was starting to put my tray away, I heard footsteps behind me and as I turned around to see who it was, what I saw socked me. Standing right there in-front of me was













Hanji. What surprised me was that she had a serious look on her face which was definitely not normal. She told me that she wanted to talk to me later. I nod my head showing her that we will talk later and continue to make my way to my office. (Y/N) following behind me. As I reached my office, I automatically walked towards my desk, sat down and continued to finish my paper work while (Y/N) was walking towards my bedroom, probably planning on sleeping.

After a few hours passed, I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked wondering who would come to me during this time

"It's Hanji" the person on the other side replied. I let her in and as she started to walk towards my desk, she still held the serious look that she had in the cafeteria.

"So...what did you want to tell me?" I asked, curiosity taking over me.

As Hanji started to Tell me what she wanted to talk about, what she told was has completely caught me off guard as I couldn't believe what I'm hearing.

After the conversation, Hanji left and I was starting to get a headache from all of the think I was doing so I decided to turn in for the night. I stood up from my desk, walked towards my bedroom and once I entered, got changed and jumped in bed. I turned to hug (Y/N) tightly and fell asleep with Hanji word still in my head.

"Is what she told me true?" Was my last thoughts as I fell into a peaceful sleep.

What was the conversation between Levi and Hanji about?

Will Levi believe Hanji or will he refuse to believe it?

Will Levi ever find out or will it be secret that only Y/N knows?