
Leveling System in Apocalypse World

This will be a story about a survivor who tried to survive until the End but still died. "I regret my entire Life" The young man said as he was surrounded by a lot of zombies. He knew that he didn't have a chance now that he was bitten at least he wouldn't die getting eaten to chunks by Zombies. He trusted many people but in the end all of them Betrayed him, They used him and when he had no used anymore they would just throw him to the landfill. He regrets for not living his life, Having a Love and He regrets that in the end he didn't survive. [Leveling System Activated] [Host last wished has been granted...] [Activating Reality Breaker] [Gaia has not agreed on the transport] [Host wish is a top priority] [Disposing Opposition....] [Opposition Destroyed] [Reality Breaker Activated] The young man felt an earth and saw the buildings around him collapsed. He looks at the sky and saw a crack that was trying to suck him in. He tried to hold onto something but he was already flying through the sky before he could do it. [Preparing for year 2012] [Travelling in 3....2.....1....0] The Crack sucked him from the world and the young man was dragged into the abyss. (MC is Evil)

PBOM2004 · Aktion
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62 Chs


A young man was standing on the roof of a building and around him was Zombies growling for him. Some even tried to throw vehicles onto him but thanks to how high the building was no zombies manage to eat him.

He was just looking at the Sky replaying some of the memories of his life before the Apocalypse. His name was Leo, Many things happen in the Apocalypse. But in the end, he was bitten by the zombies. He had no Chance and all Leo could do was wait for the virus to kill him.

"I hope I could go back" Many things happen in his life, A lot of regrets and happy memories resounded giving him a flashback on what he did during his entire life.

Leo closes his eyes preparing for death to greet him until he heard a Monotone Voice.

[Leveling System Activated]

[Host last wished has been granted...]

"W-what who are you?" Leo opened his eyes in shock and looks around the rooftop and saw no one.

"This must be a hallucination" Leo smiled sadly as he thought somebody was with him. He was probably getting crazy due to the virus or his mental health was having a breakdown.

[Activating Reality Breaker]

[Gaia has not agreed on the transport]

[Host wish is a top priority]

[Disposing Opposition....]

[Opposition Destroyed]

[Reality Breaker Activated]

A series of voices could be heard on Leo's head. He closed his eyes and holds his head in pain but after the Voice stop, Leo opens his eyes and saw a Cracked in the sky.

The Crack slowly spreads in the sky as it sucks Leo from the roof, Leo tried to hold on to some door but before he could touch it he was already flying through the sky as he entered the Abyss.

Leo saw the buildings around the rooftop collapsed and heard a Monstrous horrifying screamed.


He was floating through the void as it takes him somewhere.

[Preparing for the year 2012]

[Travelling in 3....2.....1....0]

When Leo heard a countdown, The abyss flashes a bright light that engulfs Leo.


In the year 2012, a young boy woke up on the bed panting. The boy looks around and saw his former orphanage. This boy was Leo himself, He was shocked that he became a young boy again and more shocked when he finds out that it was his original body.

Leo looks around and saw the calendar. Seeing 2012 means his current age was about 10 years old. The apocalypse started in 2020 when some virus decides to infect everyone in a fast-paced and transform the sick into Man-eating monsters.

He walked out of his bed and founds other Orphan like him, Leo's plan was to escape the Orphanage since he can be alive with himself. His knowledge of the future makes him rich due to the lottery.

Leo heads toward the door and slowly opens it, It was still night-time perfect for escape, He quietly walks into the hallway and finds the stairs heading to the ground floor.. He was about to head there until a monotone could be heard in his head.

[Welcome Host]

"Who are you?" Leo asked, He knows that this was a system because he read a lot of novels on google. But what made him shocked was that the process of time traveling, The Apocalypse novels didn't specify how the Mc went back in time but Leo experiences it first hand.

[System is System Host, You can call me whatever you like]

"Why choose me," Leo said while on the outside he was just at dazed since he was talking with the system in his mind. He wanted to know why the system chose him, In the past there are so many individuals that reach the pinnacle the world could give them but why did the system choose him.

[System has chosen host for 1,100,125,145 reasons, Does Host want to hear the reasons?]

"I want to hear the Main Reason" Leo spoke and his voice echoed on the whole hallway. He quickly closes his mouth and cursed himself for letting his emotions drive him.

[Main reason?]

"Yes," Leo nodded as he was hiding near the stairs while talking to the System.

[Main reason.....]

[Host doesn't have authorization for such information] The monotone voice echoed on Leo's mind, Hearing the System Leo gave up on questioning it. He didn't care about the reason since he was chosen why not just accept, Leo didn't care if he was used by the System since he practically owes the System everything.

Leo was even thankful that the System didn't force him to do its bidding since the System can do it effortlessly. After a lot of thinking Leo head down the stairs slowly until he reaches the ground floor of the Orphanage.

"System can I call you any name I want"

[You can Host]

"Can I call you DIO..." Leo asked the system, While inside he was laughing. He just waits for the System's response and after a while, the System's monotone voice could be heard.

[Host do you think System is an Idiot]

"What do you mean" Leo felt a sweat covering his back and a shiver hitting his spine, He felt that he shouldn't tease the system about his bullshit. Before the apocalypse he was a close closet otaku, he had many friends until the Apocalypse some died while some betrayed him. This was Leo's current view of his classmates, Those that died, and those that will try to betray him.

[KONO DIO DA!!...]

The System's monotone voice echoed as Leo's face froze then transform into fright.

"Holy Shittt...." Leo cursed, He thought that the system shouldn't know that kind of bullshit, Leo knew that the System would probably mess with him since he was the one that tried to mess with the System first.

"I'm sorry, I wouldn't do it again" Leo apologize while he thought 'Fuck, My System is a sage. To think she knows it' Leo was met with silence as the voice could be heard again.

[Host be serious, Do you want to name System]

"Yes, I'll name you," Leo said while holding his chin and kept thinking about what to name his system. (Meanwhile, the Author was looking for a good name on google)

"What about Charlotte" Leo spoke after thinking for 5 minutes straight on a name.

[It is a good name]

"So Charlotte, Now that I name you. Call me by my name and don't disagree. We will be partners for life so I don't want you calling me Host as if I'm an animal" When Charlotte heard Leo she went silent and after thinking about it Charlotte answered.

[If that's what Leo wants, Then Charlotte agrees]

Leo nodded to himself when he heard Charlotte's answer, He continued on his journey. all the talking he did with Charlotte was him walking down the stairs while arriving at the ground floor.

He looks around and saw no one. Leo was about to walk towards the exit but remembered something important.

"Charlotte, what are your functions?" Leo asks while continuing walking through the main hallway on the ground floor. Leo was curious about what his Charlotte could do since he pretty much read hundreds of System novels on google.

[Leo, I have 5 functions]

"What is it?" Leo asks, he wanted to know what 5 functions charlotte has so that he could use it to his advantage.

[First Function is Leveling] When Leo heard Charlotte he couldn't help but feel excited since it was Leveling, This means during the apocalypse he would have a great advantage unlike using a crystal that was inside on Zombies and Beast to have an evolution.

But something hit Leo when he was thinking this, How would he level up if zombies and beast didn't exist. There are still 8 years before the apocalypse what would he do before that.

"System how do I level up," Leo asked.

[Kill some Zombies and Beast]

"It's 8 years before the apocalypse" Leo spoke with an eyebrow raise. "How do I get stronger before the apocalypse."

[There is only one way getting stronger without leveling]

"What is it," Leo said expecting some great answers.


"The fuck did you said about training" Leo cursed since he didn't have the chance to be stronger before the apocalypse.

[With Charlotte, Leo's body has a faster growth when training like the rumor about humans only 25 percent of their effort. Leo gets 100% of his effort, so Leo should be trained if Leo wants to be strong before the apocalypse]

"Wait, That rumor was real," Leo said while waiting for Charlotte to respond.

[I don't know but it is a good metaphor] Charlotte Replied.

"So you mean, I have faster growth than others..." Leo raised his eyebrow, If what he said is true then his growth rate would be one of the best in the world or The Best.

[Yes, and that is if Leo trains if not then your strength wouldn't go up]

"Okay, then what is your Second Function"

[My second function would be Status]

"Status, then how do I open it" Leo knows what status meant since it was in every game, His growth would be monitored by him then he would know what attribute were going up when he starts his training.

[Just think of status or say it]

"Status," Leo thought and an Interface or status appeared in front of his face.

"Charlotte can somebody see this" Leo said while using his arm to touch the Interface but it seems his hand just went through it.

[No..] Charlotte answered.


Name: Leo

Level 1


STR- 1.1

AGI- 1.5

VIT- 1.1



Average man-1


Gun Mastery(E), Special Forces Techniques(E), Academy Mastery(E), Dagger Mastery(E). Creation(E)


Seeing his skills Leo couldn't help but be shocked, Leo looks at his Status again and saw the same thing.

"Charlotte Why am I so strong" Leo spoke while still checking his skills, Although not everything was there. His current skills were useful, Leo was really thankful he wondered if it was Charlotte that did this.

[It was probably due to the transferring] Charlotte answered with her Monotone voice.

"When I went back my Body became strong," Leo thought to himself, But there was something bothering him.

"My skills are there and what is Creation?" Leo asked Charlotte.

[The skills coming from your past life will be always with you and they are engraved to your soul. The Creation skill was the power that kept your talent low and it Ate most of the crystals you get from the Zombies and Beast]

Leo froze, The reason was the fucking skill that made his talent basically nonexistent.

"By the way, Charlotte what is my Talent from my past life," Leo asked since he was curious about what his talent's ranked was.

[S class]

"This is bullshit!!!" Leo couldn't help but be mad, Although he was mad there was nothing he could do. this was the creed he got, it was impossible to go back and this was the end that he wants unlike being unready for an apocalypse. Long story for short, He was grateful for his low talents, He knows that he suffered greatly but in the end where did his destination get. He went back on time, This sole reason kept him from getting angry.

"Charlotte what about the Third Function," Leo said while his face was tired.

[Skills shop and Items shop]

When he heard the Third function, Leo rose from the grave and his face went in a 180 degrees transformation.

"How can I use it," Leo said with a face full of excitement.

[It's locked]

"My Disappointment is immeasurable and My day is ruined" Leo said as he sighed, His day was clearly ruin and his expectations were thrown out on the window but it was still better than nothing.

"Stop Explaining for now, We need to get out of here. For some reason I have a bad feeling creeping out behind my back." Leo said, He continued on where he left and gathered his thoughts about escaping.

As he was walking, Leo saw a fucking open door at night with no lights. He couldn't help but be depressed about his unluckiness, He was waiting for the thing that opens the door to come out as he readied himself to fight.

[Leo, Do you Accept Quest request]

"What do you mean, When did I have a quest giver" Leo was curious since it was his first time receiving a quest.

[Charlotte can give Leo a quest but the one that always benefited from it would be Leo]

"So what is the quest," Leo asked Charlotte.

[Do you Accept the Quest request or not]

"I accept" Leo sighed as he waits for a notification to be heard.

[Quest has been Accepted]

[Save a Girl: You owe this girl your life when you were trying to survive in the apocalypse, now it is your time to save her. (Hint: White Silver hair) Quest Rewards: Glock 19 with Unlimited ammo, 1 Level]

"What, did you say? A White hair girl" Leo couldn't help but be shocked, He knew this girl when it was back in the days when he was surviving for his life.

She saved him and the two group up together for a week until the girl left him behind. It was the best memories he had since the Apocalypse and both of them had great teamwork but he was sad when she left him. It took many years to find out who she was only to find news about her death, The news told him about the girl being chased by other guilds, She had the best talent but compared to high-level individuals she could just be killed.

He was saddened when he founds out about her story and He probably understands why she left him. All he could think was that HE WAS WEAK.

Leo quickly opens the door not caring about some Ghost or Demons since he saw monsters worst than them. He saw a staircase heading down, He ran on the stairs skipping some steps until he arrives at the bottom. Leo was now deep in the ground as he looks at the tunnel heading straight for something.

He saw a metal door and saw a lock, He opens it using his lock picking skill which was one of the best since it was important during the Apocalypse. After using his skill although it took a long time to pick the lock since the skill was not part of his System skills.

Leo opens the metal door slowly and saw a Petite girl who was looking at him with dead eyes, He couldn't help but be shocked by his savior appearance. He knows that his savior was not in a good situation but it was still shocking.

He stared at the 9-year-old girl with scarlet red eyes who was looking at him with her dead eyes, He saw a paper on the floor that was not in a good condition and saw the name of the girl and the reason for her imprisonment in this hellhole.

Her name was Alex, It was found that she killed her parents but the evidence told that Her parents were the one that tried to attack or kill her first. They imprisoned her still denying the evidence since they believe she was a Devil that was meant to be contained.

He was shocked and angry at the same time, He looks at her as he walks toward Alex and said to her.

"It's time for you to be free"