
Level 1 Telekinesis skill

Something for fun

Megumint · Urban
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3 Chs

A brand new era

April 1st.

A tower. That is capable of reaching the skies, emerged from with the earth's crust. Upon its emergence, a timer appeared on the very top of the it, its text sufficiently big and high enough for the whole city to see. 

The timer reads,





Upon seeing the timer, all people within the proximity of the tower and those outside of it, knew something will happen in 30 days. As the timer continues to passed, seconds by seconds. The people began to awaken powers. Inhumane powers, or rather superhuman powers. Powers that defy logic and science. 

The powers were chosen randomly from a catalogue of already existing powers. Like those found within comic books, manga, manhwa and some other cosmic powers that wasn't previously imagined by our species. I would know because after the immediate emergence of the tower, I saw surprised faces, shocked faces then as they received their powers through a squared box. (I assume so because that's how I got mine.)

I saw those faces turned from shock to sadness and smiles. I assumed they got a power of their liking or not. But back then, I didn't received anything, the only thing I received was my own adrenaline skyrocketing from the sight and sounds of the earth's crust crumbling right before my very eyes and ears. As well as the incomprehensible emergence of the tower.

As I am writing in my journal, the timer is at 25:32:37:58. I have received my powers through a squared box. Well. I only knew because of the square box.

Within the square box resides a few words and just one number.

Level 1: Telekinesis(All-Seeing)

The ability to control things with my own will. I would be happy with my power if it was something like Tatsumaki's or even the force. But it's not! I can neither lift up an entire island with my mind nor control multiple things at once. At most I could use the power to bring a cup of coffee from one table to another but that's it. If it's more than two then my mind couldn't take it. But I guess that's better than nothing, just a slight more convenient for me.

"Sir. May I come in?" My butler asked after he knocked on the door to my room.

Just can't leave me to my own thoughts could they?

"Yes, you may." I answered with gracefully.

"The chefs wishes you to stop discarding the food immediately after you find it even mildly untasteful." 

"Tell them, that they are on my father's payroll, and if they wished against my WISH. They will be discarded like the food." 


"Is that all?" I asked, a little annoyed at their request.

"The father also wishes you to stop using his money so..." my butler paused as he looked around the lavish interior decors of my room. "So lavishly." He said, with a tiny hint of sarcasm. Not big enough for me to tell on him, unfortunately.

"Well, he should know that, I've already lessened my spendings because of how little he've given over the last few weeks. Like what? 1000$ a day? Chump change." 

My butler sighed.

Why though?

"That... is an opinion yes. Young sir." he emphasized, on the opinion and the young. I don't like it.

"Are you perhaps mocking me? Do you not know whose payroll you're on?"

"Yes, young sir. It's your father and certainly not you." he emphas- Alright. I don't care, like what one philosopher said, to care is to be enslaved by emotions and to not care is to act freely. I am a freedom bird! I shall not care. I do not care.

"Wh...Whatever." I said, stuttering. "Just tell the chef to bug off, if they don't want money. Oh and also I want 12 pancakes, stacked on top of one another, no less no more. For breakfast. Of course."

"Understood sir. But if you wished to see the sun of tomor-" 

I can feel the sarcasm prickling my skin. 

"Okay now. Shoo. Shoo. I want my stomach full by the next hour!"

The breakfast was alright. It wasn't as tasty as I thought it would be.

"Bro you said you wanted 12 pancakes, YOU DIDN'T ATE EVEN HALF of it." One of the young apprentices of the head chef yelled. Quite unpleasant.

"You're fired."

"Sir you can't just say 'You're fired.' and have me fired. You need to have the master of the house to sign an official form-"

"What era is this? The 19th century? I say you're fired and you're fired. Simple."

"What? You say that..." He paused unable to comprehend what he just heard. "While your eating on a table and a chair made of gold."

"What? Ridiculous!" I said, as my legs rested themselves instinctively on the golden table beside the unfinished plate of pancakes. "Oh yeah! What power you got? Uh... Bob?"

"I didn't got any." Bob said hesitantly. "and my name is Mark." Mark continued.

"Is that so?"


"Alright then."

I am the son of a billionaire and that billionaire being my father, is the founder and CEO of the one and only weapon manufacturing company. WeaponsCo. No joke that its actual name, how... uncreative. Anyhow I am rich, that's the conclusion. Everyday I would time myself as I brush my teeth in the morning, to a total of 3 minutes. Which is the ideal time for a perfectly clean white rows of teeth.

As I go for my usual jog around the city block, the homeless PEASANTS continued to bother me for change. Don't they have anything better to do with their time?

There was this homeless man, sitting on a thin piece of cupboard, wearing a ragged brown shirt, and his face is covered with a bushlike beard. He had crooked teeth. He was holding a metallic cup, and inside a few coins. Sitting beside him was a dog, the usual starter pack for the homeless. He wasn't bothering me or anything, I doubt he even noticed I was there. Which caused something in me to stirred. Something 

"Hey why not you go buy a house? If you're homeless?" I say.

He ignored me. Which kinds of pissed me off.

Ignoring me? ME? As if someone of his class gets to do that. Not even my father dares to ignore me like that.

"Excuse me?" I say in absolute annoyance.

"Why don't you piss off brat?" The homeless man says angrily.

Now he've done it. In 25 more days all life in the world may end with his life included, but I have a strong itch to end his right now. Not that I legally could though. 

"W-Why don't you answer my question first?" I asked, my voice definitely not shaking. He ignored me once more. Could I possibly get out of a lawsuit or imprisonment if I was caught harming a homeless man? No, no wait. I am a man of class, someone unordinary, someone who is special, I shan't do pettiness of this caliber especially to him.

However, my annoyance and anger spoke otherwise. I unleashed my fist towards him. Only to be blocked by a third party. Another human. He was strong and by no means am I weak. I mean I train everyday. Could you even believe my max deadlift is 50kgs, that is very strong.

"Stop that." The third party asked. 

I averted my eyes from the homeless man to the third party right beside me. He wore normal clothes, nothing of the unordinary, he didn't have any expensive jewelry and he just wore a simple LED watch that could only tell the time. Well mine also only tells the time but at least mine get girls. Unlike my golden watch, with four diamonds etched into it at each midpoint of the circumference of the circle. It have the smell, presence, touch, sounds of gold. Truly a unique specimen of a watch and given to me on Christmas eve. Though regrettably it was, cheaper than the others at the time. Like only around 60k in price. 

"Who are you to give me an order?"

He grips his hand tighter on my fist, his nails piercing my flesh. It kind of hurts.

"Why are you trying to harm an innocent homeless man?" He asked with an intense glare on my eyes.

"He ignored me." I replied.

His glare gotten more intense as his swung my fist away with his hands. "Don't do that again."

"Al...Alright." I stuttered. Normally I don't scare easy. But it's probably because of the pancakes I ate this morning. Too much carbohydrate is bad for the brain. So this time I let it pass. I returned into a jogging position and inhaled deeply. I could feel my heart pumping fast. I admit it. I was scared but beside that...that cowardice! I was annoyed and angered by the insult and humiliation he had given me.

"Thanks Will. If that had escalated even further I might've bitten him." I overheard.

"No problem MaxWell. Be sure to tell me if he comes back again alright?" He said softly. 

That night. I was unable to sleep, just like every night. I don't understand why. I've hired the best doctor available, I owned everything I have already. The power I received is just extra gift from the gods. I don't have any trauma or anything. Yet I just couldn't sleep like always. Then a thought emerged from very depths of my brain. An idea.

Perhaps. The Emergence of the Tower would solve this issue and this power too. Yes. This will solve my insomnia!