
Chapter 4 : Announcement

Kharis POV

"Are you sure to commit yourself to me at this time, My Deity?"

"Yes, for the tenth time. And why do you keep on calling me 'My Deity'? I asked.

"Hmm. Because you are my life now. Like the goddess of the moon did. She gave us our life for eternity" Ciro answered

"I am nothing compared to a goddess, My Lord. I'm just a human"

"Then how can you give meaning to my life? Now, I have the reason to live."

"That is so sweet of you, however, having a reason for you to live is not enough reason to call me a Deity"

"I do not care. You are my Deity"

I chuckled for what Ciro said.

I couldn't believe whats happening to me now. I have been taken by someone with high authority. I suddenly think about the people I left behind. Lord Samuel and Isaac. No wonder if 'lady' Lora is making a fuss about it. She may be thinking that I ran away so that I will no longer serve her family. She is the worst. I did nothing wrong but she would hit me whenever she wants. When she lost to gambling or she has a bad mood. She would turn it to me. These thoughts made me sad and Ciro reacted.

"A penny for your thoughts?" He asked.

I almost forgot that I'm with Ciro. He has been cuddling with me in bed after I made a pledge.

"We are really connected now. You can feel me"

"Of course. Perks of being a vampire is that I can share my thoughts with you. My feelings and so do you since you're mine"

'You're mine' those words made me chuckle. Does he even love me then? I thought to myself.

"I do. Thats why were connected. Its like 'love at first sight' in human impression." He answered my thoughts in surprise.

"Hey, give me some privacy here" I said and sat beside him. He glared at me since he is enjoying playing with my hair while my head is resting on his chest.

"Come here. Cuddle with me" he said while reaching me hands to drag me back to his chest

"We've been cuddling for hours now. Tell me more about you and being a vampire" I said and accidentally pouted my lips.

In no time he hold out my hands and drag me. But this time he went on top of me and kissed me passionately.

"Don't pout that lips of yours unless you want me to lose control" he said and placed me on his chest again. I can hear his heart beat.

"Do all vampire hearts beats?" I curiously asked.

"Only ones who met their half." He answered.

"Can I ask more?" I said.

"Go ahead. Ask me anything. I'll answer them."

I smiled. He seems so nice but I can feel that he has a different personality in front of other people.

"Do vampires can't stand sunlight?"

"We can. But we are weaker when we are touched by the sun. We are at our strength at night. That is why rogues hunt at night to feed"

"What happened to those rogues who attacked us?"

"I killed them all"

All? By how many you mean?" I asked.

He looked at me and said "Around 30. I'm not really sure. I wasn't able to count" with boredom in his tone while playing with my hair.

His answer widened my eyes. I sat up again and looked at him.

"30?! That's so many! How can you beat all of them?" I asked with amusement and shocked voice.

He chuckled. "I'm a royal blooded vampire. That means I have special powers that only royal blooded vampires can have" he explained.

"Royal blooded? Special powers? Can you please elaborate?" I asked in confusion

He went out of bed and looked outside the window.

"Royal blooded vampires are vampires that are related to the King. So those vampires have special powers that only royals can have. For a vampire that is not royal, they have incredible strength and agility. Like rogues. But there's a way for a common vampire to have special powers."

"How?" I asked with so much interest on my voice and approached him which made him smile. He hold my waist and pulled me closer. I don't even bother anymore. Him touching me makes me feel safe.

"Drinking a blood of a royalty" he answered

My eyes widened. "Will it be permanent?"

"No. It can last several years but not permanent. They have a very low chance to kill a royalty. That's why we have special powers."

"I see. So special powers is classified as powers besides from strength and agility. How many special powers can a royalty have?." I added.

"Having two is uncommon. But three is rare."

"How many do you have?" I asked again looking straight at him. He is just looking at my face as well. As if he's memorizing every inch of my face. He caress my long hair and just willingly answer my questions.


My eyes widened not by shock but amusement. "What are your powers?"

"For now, I can only name one. Soon you'll know the other two." He softly said as if he was avoiding me to get mad at him for not telling me.

"Of course. Its actually fine if you can't tell me." I said.

He smiled and kissed my neck and whispered "I am falling hard for you."

I ignore him and just let him do what he wants.

"I have a power that I can turn anyone and anything to dust by just reciting a word. They call it 'King's Command' since I am the first one to have this kind of power."

"I see. I do remember you doing that to the rogue. Wait-- did you say 'King'?" I asked shockingly and pull away from him. He frown.

I didn't mean to pull away. I can see his frowning face and he pulled my back. This time its closer that I can feel his breath to my face. He's looking at my lips and said "Yes. I am the King of this kingdom where you are now. Do not pull away from me. Do not step away. Please do not do anything that can upset me, My Deity. It's not that I am going to hurt you. Its just that, I don't know what I would to you in bed"

I did not have time to react on what he just said. I was just looking at him and I can feel my face turn red.

"In our bed is where you'll get your punishment for upsetting me. Do you understand?" He added.

I just nodded as an answer. Oh this man is really short tempered but I'm not scared of him. He's the only one I can trust.

"By the way, I have an announcement to make. You will need to dress up for later and accompany me." He said.

My goodness. This man has nothing to do but attack my neck with kisses and slightly biting it.

"What? I have nothing to wear. I am just a poor girl remember?" I said and made him faced me instead of just kissing my poor neck full of kiss marks now.

He just laughed and touched my cheeks.

"You are not a poor girl anymore. I'm the King remember? Which makes you my future Queen" he smirked at me which made me frown.

"Wait. Hold your horses. Future Queen? Me? First of all, I am still processing everything that is happening here but I won't even get a proposal? I may be poor but that's every girls dream!" I exclaimed.

He just keeps on laughing at me. I just looked at him with disappointment.

"Look who's mad." Pointing at my nose "Did I say that I am not going to propose? I will. Just be patient, My Deity" he added.

"I am patient, My Lord. You just sounded like you don't have plans on doing it. I don't care if were the only one who will witness your proposal. I just want you to ask me. At least that." I explained and sat on the bed.

I may sound desperate for having a proposal. I just want to be asked. Its not that I am saying no. Its like at least that I'll have.

Ciro approached me and touch my cheeks with both of his hand and faced me.

"Hey. Don't be sad. It hurts me. I will ask for your hand. I'll do everything and anything to make you happy." He said.

He pulled me up and kissed me. A moan escaped my lips which made him grip my waist closer to him. He is now kissing my neck again. Leaving marks. I am just holding his shoulder for support. My knees are getting weak every kiss he make.

He bit my neck. My knees can't hold it anymore. However, this did not made him stop. He's supporting my body by a grip on my waist and at the back of my neck. He's feeding on me. I do not feel pain as he proceed on feeding. The longer he feeds the more I feel arouse. I just keep on gripping his shirt for strength to not make a noise but its no use. Moans and groans keeps on escaping my lips until we heard a knock on the door.

"Ciro. There's someone--at the door" I stutter.

I can feel his fang leaving my neck. There's blood running down my chest. I was going to wipe it when he stopped me. He licked it from between my cleavage up to my neck.

"Every blood counts. Its too precious" he smirked.

Then someone opened the door. A maid. She was shock when she saw Ciro and immediately bow her head as if it was forbidden to see Ciro's face without permission.

"I never gave permission for you to enter" Ciro coldly said.

"I am deeply sorry, Your Majesty. I do not know that you were here." The maid answer. Quivering in fear. I think she's human.

"Nevertheless, you are entering the Queens chamber. You do not enter as you please" Ciro is holding his temper. I hold out his hand to calm him.

"It is alright. She just made a mistake. Let this one slide." I requested.

Ciro is just looking at the poor girl who's still bowing her head down.

"What is it that you want to tell us?" I asked to redirect Ciro.

"Your clothes are here, My Lady. Shall I bring them now?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

The maid step away and turn her back. She went outside and brought a lot of clothes. These clothes are too elegant. Fit for a Queen indeed. The room I have has a huge closet. The maid arrange the clothes into the closet and left one in front of me.

"My Lady, this gown was personally picked by His Majesty for the announcement later." She said.

"I hope you like it, My Deity. But if you want, you can choose another dress" he said and waiting for my approval or suggestion.

"No. This is more than perfect for me." I answered. "What's your name?" I asked the maid while checking the gown that I will wear.

The maid was not answering my question but just looking at Ciro as if she's asking for approval.

"Why? Do you need an approval for just telling me your name?" I asked in confusion and looking at Ciro as well.

"Go ahead" Ciro said. I frown.

"Elise, My Lady. I am more than happy that is someone like you asked for my name" she said with a smile on her face.

"It is my pleasure to meet you, Elise. I hope we can be friends" I said and smiled back. She bow as answer.

"You may go now. Come back after 30 minutes." Ciro said and Elise left.

My eyes followed Elise as she closed the door. I looked at Ciro and frown at him.

"What?" He said dumbfounded.

"You do not treat a servant like that, Ciro." I said glaring at him.

His eyes widened when I call him by his name.

I walked away and he followed me while I prepare for a bath.

"What did I do? She entered without permission. So I reprimanded her" he explained.

"I understand that but can you be less cold?" I said.

He sigh deeply. "I am sorry." He said. "It's okay" I caress his cheeks and gave a peck on his lips.

"Go. You need to prepare as well. The maids will be here in 30." I said and pushed him lightly towards the door.

"Alright alright. Can I have a kiss please?" He asked.

"I just gave you one."

"One more?" He said holding one finger and smiling. Little devil!

"My goodness. Alright."

He then torridly kissed me. He start to roam my body again. Oh this man! This is not gonna go well. The maids are coming and I did have a bath yet.

"You said one kiss." I reminded him while he's still playing with my neck.

He groans and said "Fine. But I'll be back"

"I'll wait" with that he left. I prepared to take a bath and do my routines. After showering, wear the bathrobe and heard a knock.

That must be Elise.

"Coming." I answered.

I went to the door and opened it. Its Elise and some other maids.

"May we come in, My Lady?" She asked.

"Yes. Come in". I widen the door for them to come in.

I closed the door. I see the maids preparing some make ups and jewelries.

"Please have a sit, My Lady" Elise moved the sit. I sat down and asked "What are we going to do?"

"We are going to help you dress, My Lady. The King wants you to be beautiful for the announcement. And I get it now, when the King said that we won't work hard to do that. You are already beautiful, My Lady."

"Oh, you're so sweet, Elise. You are beautiful as well."

"Thank you, My Lady. You are so kind. I have never encounter someone so kind as you. Except Her Highness Dawn. The King's sister. She will like you" She said while smiling.

Ciro's sister. I hope she will like me. Cross fingers.

The maids did what they were asked. They dressed me up. Put some make up on.

After all the preparations, they led me to the mirror so I can see myself.

Wearing the white tube long dress with black laces. This dress is so long that the maids need to lift them for me.

"You may go now. We are done." Elise said and asked the other maids to leave.

I could not recognize myself. I looked like a... Queen, indeed.

"I am sure that you will stand out of all later, My Lady." Elise exclaimed happily.

"You sure know how to compliment, Elise" I laughed as she did too.

"I think Ciro will be busy greeting guests. Can you accompany me?" I asked.

"But I do not have a dress and that party is only for the elites" she said bowing her head.

"I need you to accompany me. And I am sure that Ciro will agree. Go ahead and wear some of the clothes you brought here" I asked.

"Are you sure, My Lady?" She asked with hesitant voice.

"Yes. I am sure. So go or we will be late." I pushed her in the closet to pick some clothes. Minutes later, she was ready. She picked the most simple gown. I can say that she is beautiful as well.

"Shall we?" I asked her.

She just nodded as an answer. I left the room and headed to where the main venue as Elise assisted me.

As I walked with Elise and then we reached the venue. I immediately saw Ciro then she saw Elise hiding from my back.

"I asked her to come with me. I know you will be busy since you have many guest to entertain tonight. So please do not be mad" I pleaded and reached his arm and cling to it.

"You are learning how to manipulate me, My Deity. You can keep her. You will need her so she's yours now." I punch his arm lightly.

"Do not put it that way. That is rude" I said.

"Alright." He chuckled and kissed me.

After kissing me I can see that everyone is looking. Then Ciro spoke.

"May I please have your attention? All of you. You may need to hear the reason of this gathering. I am pleased to announce my future Queen." As Ciro speak, I'm just looking at him. Shock. Stunned.

"My Lady, please remain calm. Everyone is looking. You need to look confident because some of them will disagree." Elise whispered as she saw my face.

'Disagree? About me being a Queen?'

I just lightly nodded.

"Please meet this beautiful woman beside me. Kharis Clemente. My future Queen" Ciro added and faced me. " But that would not be possible without my Deity's approval. Will you please marry me, My Deity?" He asked. I can feel his sincerity. So this is what he's talking about asking my hand.

Making my dream come true. I smiled and said "Yes. I will."

With that said, he pulled out a ring and put it on my finger. Its so beautiful. It a gold ring. Plant branch design with a red stone. As I wear it. It gets warm and the stone shines.

"You are mine. And to anyone who will disagree will meet their end"