
Chapter 5 : Against the rules

Kharis POV

After the announcement. I heard everyone murmuring.

'Oh she is gorgeous'

'Why her? Can it be me?'

'She looks like a human'

'Right! She's too human looking'

'She seems familiar. I think I saw her'

Some people are not impress of me being the woman to sit beside their King. Well, they are correct. I am just a nobody.

"Chin up, My Deity" Ciro whispered

"This is expected but I won't let them decide for who will sit beside me. That throne is yours" He added.

"This is what this gathering is for. Announcing about my marriage and introducing the woman for the Queen's throne"

"But my King, she's a hu---"

One man tried to say something when he was cut offed by Ciro. Everyone went quiet.

"Why? Do you have anyone who can out stand my Deity?" He said while throwing glares and waiting for an answer.

He is making me shy. I am not that beautiful.

"No, Your Majesty" the man answered and bow his head.

"Then so be it and enjoy yourselves" Ciro stated and everyone bowed and goes back to what they were doing.

The solemn music started for the dance.

He walked me right at the center of the dance floor and danced with me. I was hesitant then he asked

"What's the problem?"

"I-uhm, don't know how to dance" I stated with embarrassment.

"Well, I can always make you dance" he then lift me a little and pull me closer. He placed my foot above his so that I can dance.

"You are stunning" he said while looking at me.

"Stop it now. You're making me blush"

"Oh do you now?" He said teasingly. We laughed at each other.

Everyone stopped dancing when a guest arrived.

A couple, a man and a lady who is so beautiful.

"Father. Mother." Ciro greeted.

WAIT. WHAT?! His parents???

No wonder that they were so elegant and everyone stopped to show some respect.

I was just standing and looking at them.

"Is this the sweet girl, son?" The man asked and smiled at me.

"Yes." Ciro answered and I bowed as he introduce me.

"What a lovely girl" His mother said and hugged me.

I can't deny. I am flattered hearing those words.

"Oh my! She is more beautiful than her!" The lady with the previous King and Queen stated.

"Hi. I am Dawn, Ciro's younger sister. This is my twin brother, Dusk." pointing at her brother who is jolly looking not like my Ciro " If you do not know the name of our parents, it is King Sky and Queen Cara" This lady is very...talkative and...beautiful as well.

I smiled "It is my pleasure to meet Your Majesties and Highnesses" and bowed.

"Oh no need to be so formal, darling. We are family. Treat us as your parents now." King Sky said with a very kind smile.

"And that is right. Call me Mother" Queen Cara said while holding my hand. Ciro's family is so kind but what happened to him? I laughed at my thought and looked at Ciro who is now glaring at me.

"Yes, Mother. Father" I stated and smiled and they smiled back.

"I am so happy! Call me Dawn, Kharis. No honorifics. No. Understand?"

"Oh stop being so loud, Dawn. She is looking terrified of you" Dusk said which made Dawn shocked and looked at me.

"Oh no. No no. I am glad with your kindness, Dawn. Dusk must be joking" I chuckled.

"You stupid brat!" Dawn said to Dusk while punching him. Dusk is just covering his face.

"No! Not my face!"

"I will claw that face of yours! Come here!"

"Now now, children. Do not pester them. Let's head out and let them enjoy the moment." King Sky reprimanded the twins.

"I hope we can talk some more, darling. I will be glad to here your story." Queen Cara said.

"Please, come to our palace and visit us" King Sky added.

" We'll surely will." I answered.

They went somewhere at the palace. This place is huge. Full of people.

We went at the balcony. He ordered the guards not to let anyone in.

"I am sorry about that." Ciro said.

"About what? Don't be sorry for having such a lovely family." I felt sad. I did not know my parents since they left me at a very young age. When Lord Samuel found me. I am full of bruises and barely breathing.

"Hey, now. Why is my Deity sad?" Ciro asked while caressing my cheeks and playing with my hair.

"I just...I was just thinking if my parents were still alive. Will I have the same fate?" I teared up.

Ciro hugged me with so much warmth and comfort. Made me feel so much better.

He faced me and cope my face with his big hands. "Looking at you melts my heart with happiness."

I touched his hands on my face. "I guess you've fallen hard"

He chuckled. "Harder than you thought"

He touched my long hair from my head to end on my waist. "Did you not ever cut your hair?" He asked

"Since Lord Samuel found me? No. Not ever." I answered and he is still touching my hair.

"Do not cut it. I love your hair. It suits you so much"

"I won't." I looked up in the sky.

Looking at the moon. So brightly.

"So, this is the girl who mend your broken heart" Ciro and I looked at the man who spoke.

"Yohan" Ciro smiled widely when he saw the man and hugged him.

"It's been a while" the man named Yohan said.

"It is. I would like you to meet my Queen" Ciro said and pull me beside him.

"Kharis. Kharis Clemente. It is my pleasure to meet you, Yohan" I said while smiling

"Pleasures all mine" He said as he bowed with elegance gesture.

"He is the Prince of the Septentriones." Ciro added

"Septentriones? North?" I asked. Ciro looked at me. Wondering how I know that.

"You are correct. I am the Prince of the North. It is amazing that you know these words." Yohan said with amusement in his voice.

"Honestly, I forgot where I learned that. Maybe I heard it somewhere before" I answered. That is weird. How did I know that?

"I am glad that my friend found his beloved for the second time" he said and I got confused. What does he mean second? Ciro has a beloved before? I thought vampires only have one beloved for a lifetime?

Ciro looked at Yohan shocked which made Yohan cover his mouth with elegance and realize that Ciro haven't spoke about it with me.

I looked at Ciro with confusion in my eyes and I saw his face worried about how I reacted. 'Is she still alive? What happened?' I asked myself and I heard Ciro's voice in my mind 'I am so sorry, my love. I will tell you about it later' He's looking at me almost begging. If Yohan is not here, he might be kneeling now for me not to get mad. I am not mad. I'm just confuse. I smiled and nodded at him. I can see the relief on his face.

"I deeply apologize, Your Majesty. I think I have intrude something" Yohan said bowing his head.

"No, It's alright. No harm done." I said while waving my hand to let him know that it is not a big deal. Or is it?

"Oh there they are!" A woman with red hair exclaimed in excitement.

"My frieeeend, long time no see" A man with oceanic eyes spoke while approaching Ciro as they shakes their hands. His eyes are like the color of the sky and ocean mixed. It's pretty.

"How long has it been when we last saw each other?" Red hair woman asked.

"Too long to remember." Yohan answered and laughed with the woman with red hair.

Everybody is meeting everybody. Talking to each other. Reminiscing their past.

I think it's been so long since they saw each other. Are they royalties as well?

I saw Ciro smiling at these people. Are they his friends? It makes me happy that my Ciro has friends. From my perspective, he's been so cold to other people. I am glad that despite of that, he still have friends. I was busy looking at Ciro while talking to his friend then a man with gray eyes finally saw that I am here existing with their presence.

"You sure did find a fine woman for your throne" Gray eyed man said and with that everybody's attention is on me.

Good lord. "Uhm, Hi?" I said while I waved my hand.