
Leonard Stark

[If you want more and wish to support me for the story head over to my groups pat-reon- pat-reon.com/IdleSect] Harem Seeker's F*CK Off System Seeker's F*CK Off Incest Seeker's F*CK Off MC never uses his System] There was once a man whose entire life was a legend, he was so powerful that each stroke of his fingers caused fractures in every reality and each punch retconned entire multiverses while entire Omniverses laid within his palms as both the sun and moon cowered in his wake... This person's aura radiated outwards from his body as it caused untold storms and tidal waves to form, this person was called Leonard Stark- Leon the Adamantium Primate of Rage. Everyone: "I want your babies?!!" With one step he killed buddha and with the other he killed the devil... None dared to provoke him as this was the Mortal with the Adamantium Body of Rage, Ever evolving and with unlimited potential his story was only just beginning...

Idle_Daoist_ · Filme
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54 Chs

Life 33: Project Avengers Part 2

New chapter sponsored by:

IdleSect Soul Reaper Julian Rocamora thanks for Joining the P.atreon-



"Shield- just say Shield you are merely waffling for no apparent reason!"

Hearing the low tone from me the man began to gulp audibly as his head dropped down a single sweat droplet.

"Yes as I was saying I am Phil Coulson from Shield and I am here to talk to you about the recent footage found in New Mexico.

I'm here to talk to you about the project that we are currently creating- called the 'Avengers.'

A force tasked with global intervention in the case of otherworldly offences towards the earth and after our recent findings, it is obvious we have neighbours out in the milky way.

For this reason, we have assembled you as the fourth member in our commitment to the world's protection and safety.

With the first member being the Patriot- our very own first Super- our Captain of America, with Agents Natasha Romanoff and Agent Clint Barton as the two other members.

We've already found our fifth member and the sixth one is bound to show up soon.

With this we can protect the world- are you interested?"

The man was consistent and direct with his words he had no use to lengthen and instead delivered.

I was honestly surprised by him and the slight persuasive techniques that he tried on me.

But I nodded-

Holding out an arm to the man in front we shook on it as I said.

"Well- Coulson you did more than damn convince me- I'm in!"

Hearing that the man in front smiled as he nodded before he took his leave.

With that, I had joined the Avengers and as I sat down upon the chair I turned my head to the ceilings as an image of the stars formed.

It was pretty- but that was it pretty.

It was more than that if one looked closely though, it was the life that one saw behind it all.

And that was beautiful- Life was beautiful- such complex beings that were so imperfect, flawed yet beautiful, lovable and worthy.

Gently closing his eyes- Leon wondered where his journey would head next.

He had no idea as a small smile graced his face whilst his fingers twitched.

And as his eyes grew weary the embers of sleep burnt him away.


-An Unknown Time And An Unknown Planet:-

A young child began to punch his meaty arms into the air as each strike reverberated across the empty field upon which he trained.

The child wore armour of gold as his strikes increased their velocity at an insane speed, whilst his hips turned at each punch he took.

The boy was not exhausted or sweating despite having done such a simple task for nearly eleven hours- he was a warrior alright.

But then the boy took a stop as his father reached out to him.

"Dione- Stop!"

And as his father's loud booming voice reached him the boy turned as he stopped whilst his tail strapped onto his waist like a belt.

Having the boy stopped- he observed his stance and a smile grazed the Titan's face.

"Excellent- Dione you've done it... You've truly made me proud today...

And your power has increased by a wide margin, continue my Son after your rest and after you've used the Healing Tank."

Looking at his tail he sighed- his boy had turned this appendage into something so great and powerful that it had the strength of all his limbs in one.

Yes, his tail could strike with power that rivalled all four of his limbs, such was his son the Genius Dione.

'I guess the apple doesn't fall far off from the tree...'

Thought the Titan as he carried his son on his back whilst the two headed to the base.

"So daddy- how was your day?..."

Hearing this Thanos couldn't help but smirk at his boy's words, "Well son- it was quite entertaining, to be honest, I had clashed with the Biblical Pantheon a while ago and fought a guy called Michael."

"Huh isn't that the Morning-Star's brother, dad?"

Hearing this Thanos smiled as his son had retained his studies well.

"Yes son- it's the Devil's brother- Michael- a tough opponent indeed he was, so much so that I'd found it hard to win the fight.

It was a great battle son- and that Michael was strong very strong indeed- he was like no other being I'd met until now.

Following his father's rule and guarding the world he took on my challenge and really knocked me out.

Hell his power was so immense he had to borrow some Axi-Tun's body after he was given consent to use it as his sword.

Once this happened our battle began as Michael began an onslaught of attacks on me guarding his Pantheons Afterlife.

And I'll be honest I was completely outclassed by the Arch-Angel he completely stomped me.

But it was fun- I learnt to gauge his strength and know what barriers I must overcome to achieve my strength."

After he had said this, the Titan found his son had fallen asleep on his back and it brought him joy.

For some reason, this child made him forget of his obsession with death and instead his long-sealed emotions were brought out

He felt love, life and lived for his son- he wanted his son to grow big and strong, to face no harm and to learn of the universe he lived in.

As for why he told him of the many races and many battles he fought, for no reason.

Yes, he no longer found purpose in fighting the only reason he'd done so was to fight and protect his Territory his people, his son.

But as he thought of him he found that his torso felt a little itchy due to his scar from Michael as he used the Axi-Tun's weapons imbued it with his Grace and stabbed him lightly.

Ending the battle.

Yes, it seemed the father and son duo both needed to use the healing tanks.