
Legend of the Voidwalker

A former delinquent, Cloud Alistair found himself in a chain of unfortunate events.   First, he got kicked out of college due to a false accusation and then chased down by a group of thugs.   Just when he thought he was safe, he suddenly got sucked through a portal and stuck inside the void where there is nothing to see but land stretching as far as the eye can see and the endless ocean of stars up above.   Will he be able to escape and find his way back home? Or will he perish in this godforsaken land?      *Inspired by reading savage divinity so no OP MC. Also please forgive me if my English is not good. Not my native language. This is my first story and I welcome constructive criticism. The story will also be posted in Royal road.

CloudyDay · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
66 Chs

Chapter 53: Darkness Released

*** Author's Note ***

Sorry for the delay.

Were nearing the end of the Volume.

Here's today's chapter!



"There they go..." Mark Anthony says while we watch Philip and Alora towards the Elf Captain.

"So... What are we gonna do now?" Ortho utters. "Look at em go. Things are wild there. Better not jump in carelessly or we'll get caught in the crossfire."

The Elves and the Human mages are fighting in a chaotic battle as spells are flung in every direction. The Elves must have focused on Nature type spells as most of the spells they use are either huge ass roots and razor sharp leaves. Some use Earth base and Water base magic but from what I can observe, they prefer using the trees.

"Nature Magic. From what I have read, it is the combination of Earth and Water Mana. Although, now that I am seeing it with my own eyes, there is much more than just those two elements. Although I can't put my finger on what it is." Mark Anthony mused to himself.

"It is Ki, or Life Energy. I can feel it. Their magic feels alive." Kurt chimed in. He then turned towards me. "But let's not dwell on that. I want to hear what your plan is to defeat this demon." He then motioned for the others to come towards him as he leads us outside the battle zone. Once we were in a safe enough distance, he continued. "There are scrolls in the Monastery that mentions beings of power that came from outside the world. If I remember correctly, they were called destroyers, for they destroy everything in their path. If what the being that is possessing the Elder and the Destroyers mentioned in the scrolls are the same, then it is imperative that we destroy it here. Before he could spread death and destruction."

"I agree. When we fought, ahem. When he was trashing me before, his power was leagues above what he is demonstrating right now." I said.

"What might be the reason why he is holding himself back from showing the same amount of power from before? Is he playing with the Elves? I would want to catch even a glimpse of the magic that he uses. Then maybe I can make a counter?" Mark Anthony asked.

"Don't be dumb, Mark." Ortho hit Mark in the head. "Ye must be lightheaded from the abuse ye experienced from yer captivity. Think for a second you dumbass. If the demon monster really do use his magic, then we will surely get caught in it and perish. We must do everything we can to prevent that."

"Ouch. Don't hit me like that. Even after Kurt healed me, I am still injured for the most part." Mark rubs his head. "Also, I am just giving a suggestion. No need to hit me in the head."

"Dumb suggestion get dumb prizes." Ortho crossed his arms and huffed.

"Let's not fight with each other now." Kurt calms them down. "Now Cloud. Let's hear about your plan."

I cleared my throat before speaking. "From what I can tell, the demon and I have an ability common to both of us." I started. "It is the ability to use Void energy to absorb energy from the surrounding for our own use. I don't know why M'agorath still haven't used his true power or even use his ability. But I have a hunch." I paused for dramatic effect. But before I could voice out my hunch, I was interrupted by Mark.

"The Elder must be in control and the Demon is not giving him full access to his power. Only giving him a taste so that the Elder would want more." Mark deduced.

"That makes sense. Can't entice a person if you give him everything at the beginning. Must make him always wanting more until he cave in and give up control." Ortho added to Mark's theory.

"Then, we must defeat him before the demon gets control." Mark said. "The area is rich with ambient mana from the fight between the Elven Rangers and the members of the Organization. We must not allow the demon to absorb it or we're fucked."

"Just let the lad absorb it first. Also, speaking of absorbing energy. The lad mentioned that he was able to absorb Void energy. The lad seem unable to absorb energy when his Void energy is sealed. What if he absorb the Void energy inside the Elder?" Ortho shares his idea to the party.

With an excited expression, Mark exclaimed. "Then the Demon wouldn't be able to get more energy! That will severely weaken him for sure. What if Cloud do even more? What if he absorb all the energy within the Elder? Could we be able to capture him then?"

"Maybe… Maybe… But in order for the plan to be executed, we need the Elf's consent. She have control of the lad's seal. If she doesn't break the seal and let the lad use his Void energy to do the job, then all of this is for nothing." Ortho added.

"Then we should go and explain the situation to her. She must also be aware of how dangerous the enemy is, so I think we could convince her." Mark Anthony uttered.

"So how about it lad? How about we go and execute your plan?" Ortho told me.

"Yeah… That is my plan. 100% pure Cloud brain plan." Damn. These two just thought of a really nice plan. I was just thinking of letting the Elves sneak in and slaughter the son of a bitch, since the Elder doesn't look like a sensor type.

Finalizing the duo's plan, we then started to run towards where Philip and Alora is. The fight have become fiercer as the Elves are slowly getting pressured by the power of the Demon possessed Elder Maximillian. Damn. The Elder really is giving them a hard time, and he is not even putting his all in the fight like before. These Elven ranger are just not at the level of their Captain. They also don't have the coordination like the Human mages who are with the old man. They are stronger than the mages individually, but in a group, they are just not that great together.

As we draw closer, we can see Alora kneeling in front of the injured Elf Captain. Behind them was the large white tiger, Miluki. The cat seem to know Alora, seeing that it is relaxed while she is tending to its master. A few meters away from the two were the Vice-captain and Philip. When we are only 10 meters away, Miluki the Tiger swiftly leaped towards us. It roared mightily as its paw render the air in front of it.

"Calm down Miluki. They mean no harm." Alora said as she walks towards the Tigre and brush its fur, visibly calming the nerves of the Tiger. "What do you want?" She then asked us.

"We have thought of a plan on how to bring down the Elder." Kurt told her.

"Plan? We don't need any plan from you humans. We Elves will take care of him." The Vice-captain interjected.

"Take care of him? Like what they are doing now? Open your eyes. Your men are getting their asses handed to them." I told the arrogant elf. I don't know why, but I feel that he doesn't like me. Well I am what they call a Void-touched, so all of them must not like me. But this man feels like he resent me or something, far different from the hate I sense from Alora.

"Say what human? Us elves won't lose to trash like you! How about I teach you a lesson!" The Elf started to move towards me.

"Stop it Nindr." The Elf Captain commanded and the Vice-Captain quickly halted in his tracks. "I lost against their Elder, so what does it make me?"

"T-that's not what I meant Captain." Nindr stutters as he try to explain. "That human must've used some kind of trick! Otherwise you will never lose to someone like him! You are the strongest Captain!"

"I don't think so. Just in this place, there are two beings stronger than me." The Elf Captain slowly tries to stand up. Alora quickly rushed towards her to help her but she brushed Alora's hands away. "I can stand on my own. Don't worry Sister."

"Sister?!" Kurt, Mark, and Ortho yelled in surprise while Philip looks like he already knew.

Looking at Alora, the Elf Captain said. "So you didn't tell them?" Seeing Alora shaking her head, the Elf Captain sighed and introduced herself. "I am Eleonor Silverleaf, Captain of the Elven Rangers and the younger sister of the former Captain of the Elven Rangers Alora Silverleaf."

"Former Captain…" I whispered under my breath as all of us gaze at Alora.

"Void-touched. You arrived in the Elven forest and wreaked havoc in its vicinity for three months. Normally, we would've killed you on sight. But the higher ups wanted to use you to lure out the Organization who worships the Void out of hiding." Eleanor explained. "For one, it worked really well. This is the highest number of these bastards that we have seen. Unfortunately, their Elder is stronger than I thought. Something has changed within him, he is not this strong when we first fought. But now, not even in my full power will I stand a chance against him."

"And this is just him in his weakest." I told Eleonor.

"So he can become even stronger?" The Elf Captain raised an eyebrow. "Explain."

I then briefly explained what happened. From how I got here by accident. How I possibly gotten my power. Why I am in the Elven forest and how I couldn't control the Void energy within me, causing damage to the surrounding. How her sister's party captured me. The Organizations attack. How my seal was weakened by Rebeccah. My meeting with M'agorath. How powerful he is and how I escaped him. My gut feeling that M'agorath possessed the Elder Maximillian which was the reason he got so strong. Lastly the plan Ortho and Mark Anthony concocted to make sure the Elder's demise before he released M'agorath from his control.

"You want us to remove the Blood Seal so that you can absorb the demon's power? How will we know that you will not use it for yourself once you absorbed it? You are asking for too much faith from strangers." The Elf Captain said.

"You could trust me. I don't even want this stupid power. All it has given me is trouble. First was getting attacked by animals constantly, and now I am being hunted by the Adventurer's Guild, The Organization, and the Elven Rangers. Who would even want to always watch their back?" I try to reason with her. "Besides, you don't even need to remove the seal. You just need to weaken it to the level where I can get access to my Energy sucking ability. Once this is over, you could go and seal it away completely. Or better yet, remove this Void Energy from me. It only caused me grief."

"As much as I want to let Miluki graw at your bones, we have a bigger fish to fry. If the Greater Threat to the World could be thwarted by your power, then I think it is worth a shot." Eleonor mulled to herself.

"Are we really doing this Captain?" Nindr chimed in. "He' a Void touched. All Void Touched must perish or it will give way to other demons coming to this world. Remember the Mission Captain."

"I do remember the Mission, Nindr. Who do you think I am?" Eleonor reprimanded him. "But this is no time for bickering. We need his ability if we want to overcome this evil. Most importantly." She then looks at me. "I don't think that he's evil."

"Of course I am not. You can go ahead and seal or purge this energy from my body once this is done. I don't care. I just want to go home." I told her.

"Yes. Once this is over, we will take you back to our kingdom. The Council might know how to purge that energy from you. Know this. I can't promise anything. But I will try my best to get you out of here in safety." She answered. "Before we start. Sister. May we speak?" She turned towards Alora.

"Yes, Eleonor. What is it?" Alora said.

"I am in no shape to fight. Even if I am, I don't think I can best the monster myself." She started. "So I want you to fight in my stead. Just today, you are free from your Oaths. Use your full power to help stop the demon."

"I know what you're thinking Eleonor. It will not work." Alora seem hurt as she answered her sister's plea.

"We will not know if we do not try." The Elf Captain look at Alora with eyes full of affection.

With a heavy sigh, Alora answered. "Ok. I'll do it." She said with a determined look on her face.

"Thanks. Come. You don't look so good. I will transfer to you my energy so you can replenish yours. Once you weaken your blood seal with the Void-touched, you will finally be able to use your full power." She then held Alora's hand. Her body glowed as I felt her energy flowed towards Alora's body. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes, her face looks exhausted. She then turned towards Nindr. "Go and help then Nindr. I know that I have been hard on you. But it is not because I hate you. But because I see potential within you, but is wasted by your lack of motivation. But there is hope for you yet. I saw it when you saved me. You only have to work harder to reach your potential." She said tiredly to her Vice-captain.

"Thank you Captain Eleonor. I will not let you down." He said as he kneels.

"I know you don't." She answered as she slowly close her eyes.

"Don't worry sister. Just rest for a while. Everything will be ok. I will make sure of it." Alora gently touches her sister's face. She then turned towards the tiger. "Keep her safe Miluki." The Tiger seem to understand as it curls around the body of its master.

"So… Are we ready?" I asked them.

"Yes. Let's do it." Alora said. Her voice full of determination.

Okay! Let's get the show on the road!


Hahahaha! I have never felt like this before. Overflowing mana, running through my veins.

This is POWER!

That's right! Scatter like insects that you are, arrogant elves. Tremble before my might! We humans are no longer at the bottom of the food chain. We will soon be the master of this world with me at the head! I will be the King of the World!!!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk…" I hear a clicking sound in my head. "I never knew humans are so easily pleased. The power you're wielding is not even a fraction of what I can offer you." He continued to whisper. "Let me guide you…"

"I am grateful for the offer, oh Great One. But your concern is of no need. Half of the thrill is in the discovery." In order to Ascend humanity, there is a price to pay. Allowing the Great One to fuse with my soul is taking a toll on me. My mind is beginning to get muddled, my thoughts doesn't feel my own. The immense power of the Void must be affecting my mind, amplifying my negative thoughts. So in order to counteract the effect, I must master this power fast. Which will be hard if I only rely on the Great One.

"Elder watch out!" One of the mages yelled.

I must've zoned out. I quickly turned around and saw one of the Elite Mages jumped to intercept a large boulder flying towards me. He raised a barrier but it was easily destroyed and the spell crashed against the body of the brave man. A loud crack resounded as bone breaks, but the spell doesn't stop there. The boulder continued to fly towards me along with the corpse of my defender. Seeing one of my own killed in front of me should've triggered some emotion in me. But, I feel nothing. Nothing but disgust. Disgust with the weakness of those around me.

"Pathetic." I whispered. I raised my palm and channeled my Mana towards it. With the speed of though, I casted a spell a combustion spell. A fire element spell that I shouldn't have been able to cast, as it wasn't a spell that I have learned before. But right now, the spell just felt natural. That I can cast it with the speed of the spells that I have mastered. My mana then shoots forward and hits the boulder that was coated with the mangled flesh of a human. The moment it touched the boulder, it exploded with a force of five fireballs and the pieces of rocks and chunks of flesh flew in every direction, leaving me untouched. Raising both hands up high, I combined Earth and Fire element to create a boulder made up of magma. I then threw it towards a group of Elves who were throwing spells against my barrier. Unfortunately, true to their race's reputation, the Elves easily avoided the initial hit and the subsequent splash attack with their famous speed. Magma is indeed a lot damaging than fire, unfortunately, it is too slow. I need a faster spell if I want to catch these cockroaches. I mused to myself as I block another barrage of spells from the Elves. Their attacks power are leagues below their Captain. Their magic attacks won't be able to break through my barrier however hard they try.

"Grraaaahhh!" A yell can be heard from behind me. When I turned around, I saw the fellow who caught that insufferable Elf Captain earlier. He is swinging a long sword imbued with mana, aiming to end my life in close combat since all of their magic attacks were useless against my impenetrable defense, which was made possible by my newly enhanced Energy Sense and inhuman reaction time.

With a simple wave of a hand, I willed a rock to rise and hit the Elf in the stomach, causing him to curl up in pain. "A surprise attack must be silent for it to be a surprise. Everyone will be wary of your attack if you yell like a buffoon." I mocked the Elf as I was about to burn him to death. But instead of seeing fear in his eyes, the elf smiled.

"Dodge you fool!" The voice of the Great One rang in my head.

I felt something enter through my Sensor Spell Dust Particle Aura that is floating around me. Shit! They got me! Someone was able to get this close before my spell could even detect them. With great effort, I turned around to see the blade of my attacker about to hack off my head. I channeled my Mana and cast a spell. A small explosion erupted as we were both pushed backward by the fire spell. The prick was able to shield himself in time, but this time. I will not---

A burning sensation could be felt and when I look down, a blade is jutting out of my stomach. A sick squelching sound can be heard when it was pulled out of me. I fall to my knees as I try to stem the bleeding. "Guhhh…" I groaned as blood drips from my mouth. "Who dares?!" I roared as I turned around to see who assaulted me.

"Thank you for the advice human. I didn't yel this time." The hateful face of the elf Vice Captain greeted me. His mocking tone fills me with anger as he gaze arrogantly at my sorry state. "Relying on the power of the Void because you're weak? There is nothing more pathetic than that. Begone!" He shouts as his next attack aims to end my life.

I try to raise my hand. To cast a spell. But my mind feels light from all the blood loss and I can't focus. This can't be how it end! I finally have the power! I will not die like this!

"Do you want to live human?" The voice of the Great One whispers in my mind.

"Yes! I don't want to die! Not like this!" I shout at him.

"Then lose your inhibition. Give me the reins and I will show you power beyond your wildest dreams!" He says as I felt chills run up my spine. "No time to lose human. Live or die. It's up to you…"

That is not even a question. "I want to live! Come and save me!"

"Hahaha!" The Great One laughed. "It shall be done."

After he finished saying those words, freezing cold once more enveloped my body. Only this time… I feel myself slowly fading away… Away in the darkness… I am the Future of Humanity… I am Elder Maximillian… I am…