
Legend of the Voidwalker

A former delinquent, Cloud Alistair found himself in a chain of unfortunate events.   First, he got kicked out of college due to a false accusation and then chased down by a group of thugs.   Just when he thought he was safe, he suddenly got sucked through a portal and stuck inside the void where there is nothing to see but land stretching as far as the eye can see and the endless ocean of stars up above.   Will he be able to escape and find his way back home? Or will he perish in this godforsaken land?      *Inspired by reading savage divinity so no OP MC. Also please forgive me if my English is not good. Not my native language. This is my first story and I welcome constructive criticism. The story will also be posted in Royal road.

CloudyDay · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

Chapter 52: Elves Vs Demon

*** Author's Note ***

I'm back baby!

Sorry for being unable to post chapters these past few days. It has been a hectic week for me with all the work I have in school and in the house.

Also to be honest, I have writer's block since thursday. Like, I know what needs to happen in the story, but doesn't know how to tell it.

A real bummer I tell you.

I will proceed to post chapter this weekend to make up for lost time.

Enjoy the new chapter!


"Stop her! Don't let her take even one step! We have to make sure of Elder Maximillian's escape!" A mage shouts as he put up another barrier.

These men and women sure are loyal. They are putting their lives on the line just to make sure that old man escape. Quite talented too, seeing that they could keep that crazy Elf who trashed their boss so hard that he was forced to run away like a pussy. The more I watch the battle, the more I have noticed. For one, they are solely defending. The Magic Barrier that they erect is not only multi-layered, but is also self-regenerating, instead of erecting just one big barrier. Second, the barrier seem to not block the Elf's attack directly, instead, they are redirecting the attacks away from them. Lastly, the way they utilize their Magic, it is almost flawless that instead of adding up their Magic power, which is still way below the Power of that single Elf, it multiplies them, enabling them to hold their ground against the much stronger Magic power of the Elf.

If they were able to do this much? Then why didn't they just fought alongside their Elder against the Elf? Error in judgement or are they just stupid? Oh well. At least they are taking her attention away from me. Now for my daring escape! As I began to inch away from the battle, I sensed multiple energy signatures coming our way. Not even a minute later, at least a dozen elves arrived.

"North of the enemy camp secured Captain! Cornered two mages but they exploded upon capture." An elf reported.

"East of the enemy camp secured Captain! One of the enemy exploded upon capture." Another elf reported.

"South of the camp secured Captain! One was captured but shortly exploded, like what your sister reported." Another declared.

"West of camp secured! All enemies exterminated." A smug looking elf reported. "Looks like you're in a bind Captain. How about we help you throwing out the trash?"

"No need Vice Captain. I need you for other things. Their Elder escaped in that direction. Go with four other rangers and run after him. We will be able to deal a great blow on their operations once we get rid of him." The Elf Captain ordered the Vice-captain.

"Do I really need to take the other rangers? Wouldn't I be enough against these lowly humans?" The Vice-captain said, eliciting an annoyed glance from the Elf Captain.

"Indeed you will. Because I ordered you to." The Captain snapped.

"As you command Captain. Come on, let's go!" He signaled the other elves.

"Oh no you don't!" One of the human mages shouted and she casted a fireball at them.

Raising his hand, the Elf casted a spell "Magic Barrier!" He shouted as an invisible barrier blocked the incoming fireball. "You think such a weak magic could hurt us human? Know your place you filth! Earth Cannon!"

A large boulder about 5 meters high and wide shot out of the ground and flew towards the mages. It crashed against their barrier and was able to pierce through at least half of their defenses before it was stopped.

"Tsk. Huddle with each other like the weaklings that you are." The male elf look annoyed that he wasn't able to pierce through the defense.

"Nindr. What did I order you to do?" The Elf Captain cold voice filled the atmosphere.

The Vice-captain visibly shuddered and straightened right away. "Yes Captain! We're off!" He signaled the other elves to follow him.

The mages was about to hinder the Vice-captain but the Elf Captain let out a barrage of attacks against the mages. "Don't get arrogant, humans. I didn't want to kill any of you since we might be able to get information off of you about your organization. But I changed my mind." She began to gather her energy with the intent to finish the fight.

It looks like the fight is about to end. Better get my ass out of here before the elves try to kill me. I began to hide my energy and started to sneak out of the camp. Suddenly, I felt a strong energy coming towards us in great speed. Glancing at the Elf Captain, she also sensed it and stopped her attack.

"What is this?" Nindr, the Vice-captain exclaimed as they also stopped on their tracks.

The massive energy signature is approaching fast and with a big booming sound, Nindr and the other elves with him was suddenly thrown in every direction as they were hit by the mysterious figure.

"Nindr!" The Elf captain yelled.

Time to run! I started to run away but the mysterious figure quickly zipped passed me, kicked up dust with his speed, and cutting off my escape.

"Where are you going? The show is about to start." The figure said. As the dust finally settled, the identity of the mysterious figure is finally revealed.

"Elder Maximillian! Why did you come back?! Please escape Elder!" The Mages plead.

Elder Maximillian? Why is he here? Also, even as he stand before me, I still couldn't believe that this is him. His energy… It is almost like he is a totally different person. Wait. This energy. I think I have felt this before.

"You young ones underestimate me too much. I, Elder Maximillian, will not run away like a coward!" The Elder exclaimed. He then turned towards me. "Also, we have unfinished business. You trash." He hissed.

"Unfinished business? What do you mean? I didn't do anything to you old man." What is he saying? There is something off with this old man. I can feel it. I just can't put my finger on what it is.

"Haven't you? Huh… I have a feeling that I have dealt with you before." The old man looks confused and somewhat unfocused. As if he is trying to recall something.

"You got guts coming back here. How about we continue our bout?" The Elf Captain gestured towards Vice-captain Nindr and the other knocked down elves. "You hurt my subordinates. I won't go easy on you this time."

The Elder laughed out loud. "You Elves never changes. Even after thousands of years have passed and your race are still as arrogant as ever!" His laughter dies as his face became grim. "The humiliation that you made me suffer. I will repay to you tenfold!" He then starts to gather his energy.

Sensing the impending fight, I started to move away slowly and stood near Kurt. If there is anyone I would trust to protect me from a sneak attack, it is the kind hearted monk. At least as long as the other elves are preoccupied by these Organization fellows. When I see an opening to escape, I will have to take it if I want to survive.

"Hoh? You still have fight left in you I see. Good that you haven't lost your spirit after getting manhandled earlier. I hope you fair better than before, human. I haven't had a good time in ages." The Elf Captain mocked the Elder, then gestured at her subordinates. "Don't interfere. Even if the other mages jump in, I can handle them all."

The Elder scrunched up his face in annoyance and gestured at his men. "You lot. If anyone even dares to meddle with our fight, I will kill him or her with my own hands. I will handle this arrogant elf all by myself." With a wave of his hand, the Golem that he summoned earlier crumbled into dust. Then the Elder, with a sinister smile, gestured at the Elf Captain, beckoning her to make her move. "Come Elf. Do try to hold on. It would be a shame if after all that bravado that you get beaten in a minute."

"Did you have fun Miluki? Yes you did!" The Elf Captain cooed at her her big ass cat as it returning to her side. "Why don't you go sit over there and watch me teach this human a lesson eh?" She said and the tiger obliged and sat near the other elves to watch the battle that is about to unfold. Once the cat has settled, the Elf Captain began to channel her own energy. "You talk big for a human. You think this time will be different from before? Then you're even more foolish than I thought!" The Elf Captain exclaimed. "I will show you why we Elves are the strongest race in Astera!"

In a single motion the Elf Captain summoned her mana and casted a spell and a gust of wind carries leaves towards the Elder.

"Still using the same trick eh? I am not like I was before!" The Elder then erected a clay wall. Instead of it getting cut through by the leaves like before, the wall that he created absorbed the sharp leaves inside of its soft and sticky construct. "So, you elves still love to use nature magic eh? It will indeed do a lot of damage to me if it hits. IF IT HITS." He smirked at the Elf as his energy begins to rise once more. He then raised his palm towards the Elf. "Great Earth Shard Barrage." He whispers as shards of rocks the size of a sedan shot out from the ground and flew towards the Elf Captain.

This energy. I know I felt this before. The Elder, his energy signature have changed in its entirety.

"Don't be cocky just because you managed to block my Razor Leaf Storm." The Elf Captain then unleashed another spell. "I have more in store for you." With a wave of her hand, the ground begins to crack as thick roots rose and block the incoming attack. Once the Elder's attack was spent, her roots wriggled and proceeded to attack the old man.

"As I said. Your tricks will not work on me anymore!" The Elder raised a barrier to block the roots.

A shockwave erupted as the roots smash against the Elder's barrier. Unlike their earlier bout, the shield holds against the roots. The Elf Captain was surprised at the sight. She then snarled and channeled more of her energy towards the roots. The two spells continued to clash and produced shockwaves as both tries to get an upper hand against the other. As tense moments go by, cracks started to appear on the Elder's shield.

The Elf Captain smiled at the sight of her spell about to break through. "You fought well human." She says. "But in the end, a human can never match an Elf."

But instead of getting agitated in his impending defeat, the elder smiled. "So this is the limit of this body?" The Elder uttered. "Should I show a bit of my power?"

"Still spouting nonsense I see? Can't accept your defeat? Don't worry human, every information inside your head will be studied by our mystics. After this is over, your Organization will be done." The Elf Captain told the Elder before she willed more mana towards the roots till they finally broke the barrier.

As the roots was about to wrap around the Elder, he smiled. "Time to show you true power." Dark aura started to exude from his body as he starts to release more and more mana.

Oh no! I now remember where I felt this energy! I thought as I watch the Elder push away the roots away with just his Aura.

"M'agorath!" I shouted without even thinking.

"You know the Master of the Void?" The Elder said as his dark aura rages. "I am honored that you remembered my name. Don't worry. I haven't forgotten how you humiliated me, human, and I have come to pay you back." He smiled devilishly.

"No shit, you remember. A day hasn't even passed when you tried to kill me." Damn, M'agorath is clearly inside the old man.

"So, you really have met each other. You are too late The One! He have chosen me! I have ascended!" The Elder laughed, the roots couldn't even touch him. "Time is irrelevant inside the Void you stupid human. The Void will not save you now, you piece of shit! This time, I will kill you for real!"

"What are you saying Elder? Don't we need him for the Ascension Plan?" One of the Mages voiced out.

"What? I didn't… Ugh! My head." The Elder clutch his head in pain.

"I'll make you pay for ignoring me!" The Elf-Captain shouts. "Nature's Punishment!" The roots rose at least 20 meters high and converged to make a giant fist. The root fist then punched hard at the Elder. The confused Elder erected a barrier at the last minute, but without his concentration, the barrier broke under the force of the root punch and created a shockwave. "Suits you, you lowly human." The Elf Captain sneered.

"Elder!" The mages shouted in concern.

A voice could be heard from the dust filled crater. "Argh… I almost forgot how Elven Magic could harm us. Damn that hurts a bit." The Elder muttered. As the dust cloud settle down, it revealed the figure of the Elder. He looks unharmed for the most part. "I applaud you. I didn't expect a lowly elves could damage me so I had my defense down. Unfortunately, that was your last chance to defeat me, and you've failed." The Elder then began his attack. A pillar of flame rose from the ground as the Elder raised his hand. Upon pointing his hand toward the Elf Captain, the flame flew towards her. She blocked the attack with her roots, but it was quickly engulfed in flames until it pierced through.

"Hyup!" The Elf Captain then willed roots to rise up and create a dome to protect her from the flames.

"You think you thorns could protect you? It's nothing but kindling in front of my power!" The Elder roared and poured more energy in his flame blast until it punched through her defense and burned everything in its path. "Behold my power! The powerful Elves reduced to ashes! This is the future of humanity!" The old man celebrated.

As the Elder gloats in his victory, roots suddenly shot from the ground and crashed against the Elder's barrier. From the ground, more roots broke through and in their middle, the Elf Captain appeared. "I see. You're also a Void-touched now. Is that how you get this powerful?"

"He is possessed by a powerful demon! Stop fighting one on one and gang up on him!" I yelled at the Elf Captain.

"How do you know this?" Alora hobbled towards me, she looks drained so Philip was beside her to support her.

"It sounds like he knows ye lad." Ortho added.

Everyone in the party looks at me while the battle between the leaders rages on the background. Do I lie? Or do I come clean? Shit. Better come clean. Either side wins, I will still be fucked. Might as well gain some good will with the non- demon party, for at least I'll have a chance to live if they win. I have an inkling that if M'agorath have his way, swift death will be a relief. "Yeah. The being possessing the old man is a demon named M'agorath the Fierce. He pulled my soul towards the Void when my power is going wild after getting backed in to a corner by a group of mages." I began my story. "He is a powerful demon, capable of obliterating everything within a hundred meter radius with a single spell, and that is just his minimum! He wanted to possess my soul in order for him to enter this world."

The party then goes into high alert, especially Alora. "A demon? Is it a being from the Void? Are you also possessed by these creatures?" Philip asked.

"First, I am not possessed. He tried to seduce me with promise of power to obliterate my foes, but I know that something was fishy with him, so I declined. Second, from what I gathered from speaking with him, his kind are powerful beings who travel in the void seeking for worlds to enter, and they can't do it unless they are inhabiting a body from that world." I told them.

"Fascinating. A being from beyond! I want to study it." Mark Anthony exclaimed with clear excitement on his face.

"To study the damn thing, we need to defeat it first, and I don't see that happenin any time soon. Our Elf is low on energy and their Elf is not looking so good either. If they can't beat that thing, I don't think we can either." Ortho interjected.

"Don't be so negative. We could defeat it!" Mark Anthony starts to charge up his energy. "I've been a prisoner for so long. I want payback."

"For god's sakes human. You just want to study him." The dwarf groaned.

"Could you guys stop bickering for a second? We have a dire situation in front of us." Philip reprimanded the two. "I have a question for you Cloud. You said you met the thing possessing the Organization Elder. If you indeed met it and it is strong as you said, how were you able to escape its grasp?"

"I have a more important question. Answer it truthfully." Alora shoved Philip away from her and stood in front of my face. "How were you able to break my seal?" She asked with a grim expression. I can sense threat of violence behind her piercing glance.

I can feel a lump of saliva slide slowly in my throat. I can clearly see her pouncing on me and tear me limb from limb if I ever so try to summon Void energy to replenish my Ki reserve. Breathing deeply, I answered the elf's question. "Rebeccah, a member of the Organization broke the seal for me."

"A member of the Organization? Rebeccah… I remember that name. She was the healer of the group who attacked us the second time. Are you in league with this group?" Philip readied his sword.

"No! I am not in league with the Organization." I put my hands up in an effort to calm down the knight. "She apprehended me when I was separated with our group. She wants to break ties with the Organization and wanted me to create a diversion for her and her lackeys to escape undetected by the Elder. Apparently, she is quite an expert in breaking seals as she made a counter seal to weaken the seal you put in me, and also break the seals that the Organization put upon them. You know. The seal that makes a person explode."

Alora looks bothered upon hearing that Rebeccah knows how to counteract her seal. "This is troublesome. She knows too much about Elven Magic, it doesn't make sense!" She covered her face with her hands. An effort to hide her expression. With a muffled shout of frustration, her sharp eyes fall upon me once more. "Even if she did weaken the seal, the amount of power that you were able to manifest was so great that I was forced to channel most of my energy just trying to prevent you from breaking the seal completely."

So that's why I felt my energy getting sucked back by the seal earlier. "Was that you? I was in grave danger earlier when you try to seal back the Void Energy so I tried to resist it. Unfortunately, that is when M'agorath pulled me into the Void plane. To answer your question Philip, I also don't know how I escaped the demon. Faced with an opponent far above me in terms of power with my limbs cut off and an empty energy reserve, I was so desperate to survive that I absorbed the whatever energy is around me. Believe me when I say that the pain I experienced was so intense that I blacked out. When I opened my eyes once more, I was back here."

"Hmmm… Ability to absorb energy in ones surrounding eh?" I heard Mark Anthony muse to himself.

"That is impossible. The Void is an empty plain. Devoid of Life and Mana. That is why it is called the Void. How in Gods' name that you were able to absorb anything there?" Alora exclaimed in disbelief.

"He must've absorbed something. Was it Void energy? That's what the lad and the Elder demon is surrounded by right?" Ortho wondered out loud.

"Must be." Mark Anthony agreed with the dwarf. "If he was returned back here right when he absorbed Void energy, then we have a way of defeating that monster."

"If you have a plan, better share it now! Look!" Peter pointed towards the battle.

The Elf Captain is clearly losing ground as none of her attacks were going through while the Elder's was punching through her defenses, forcing her to dodge by going underground.

"Hiding underground against me? How foolish! Allow me to show you the error of your ways!" The Elder roared. With a stomp to the ground, the earth quakes and out with a shriek, the Elf Captain, inside a ball of roots, was forced out from her hiding by a giant earth spike protruding from the ground.

"Eleonor!" Alora screamed as she watch the Elf Captain was about to crash towards the rubble. Fortunately, she was caught by the Vice-captain who finally regained his consciousness.

"Rangers! Attack! Protect the Captain!" The Vice-captain, Nindr, commanded.

"Come you cretins! It will just make it easier for me to wipe you all out!" The Elder roared as he begin to fight more than a dozen Rangers.

As I watch Alora run towards the Captain and the surrounding area started to become engulfed into chaos, I start to think to myself.

This is a shit show.