
Legend of the fated mates.

Werewolves, packs, fated mates, the moon goddess, the Alphas & their moon gifted Luna's, Omegas, Lycans and rogues, just to some up the most famous, well known and popular shifters of the "other" world. A world beyond our wildest dreams and imagination, a world where anything can happen, above and beyond, a world full of unending possibilities and unending fantasy! But besides those famous moon howlers, there are more living creatures out there! But they are sometimes being forgotten since they are living beyond the shadows of the famous wolves. Creatures who are much alike as their famous howling neighbors.... They are also shifters. Shifting between their human form and their true form, having also mates and feel the same way about them just as the wolves! But what if fate brings two people together. Two very different people coming from two very different worlds, not to say from extreme opposites! This is a tale about one of those "forgotten ones", a tale of love, passion, sacrifice, hope but also of fighting for your right of place in the world and for your hearts desires but above all, about the discovery of one's true nature that transcends all boundaries! A tale of two sisters, humans & two shifters, a grizzly and a lion pulled together by fate!

MarjoryBloom84 · Urban
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18 Chs

9. Honey & Lucas.

It is Friday, the last day before the weekend and Ava can't wait for the weekend to start! Celebrating with Betty her first week as a personal assistant to the most enigmatic and sexy grizzly bear in town and his lion friend.

It was after lunch when suddenly she heard strange noises coming from Grissom's office. So she decided to check up on him, to see if he's okay.

Upon entering she finds him half buried in a pot of honey while licking his delicious lips with the sugar treat still visibly hanging around his mouth.

With his eyes closed, Bruno is enjoying his afternoon snack, thinking he's all alone, not noticing his mate until she steps a bit closer and her flowery scent huts his nostrils. As soon as his brain registrars that it is his mate he opens directly his glowing eyes and looks straight at her with a pout and drilling honey from his chin making her chuckle.

"You silly bear! Now look at you! Your face is full of honey!" She smirked as she walked over to him taking the honey put from him making Bruno growling unhappy.

"No Bruno! Grissom has a meeting in ten minutes so he needs to clean up the mess you've made! So stop eating and later you can eat some more ok!"

*Bruno* "If you give us a kiss first?"

"He wants you to give us a kiss first!" Grissom muttered having swapped with Bruno who was still whining in his head over his lost honey.

"Okay you big bear, come here!" Ava says stretching her arms out to him.

In a heartbeat he was in front of her and nestled himself in her warm embrace while inhaling her sweet scent has grown custom too and loved very much, making his inner bear very happy!

"Good boy!" Ava mumbles in his ears while scratching behind his ear, Bruno's sweetspot.

"I love you, little one!" He whispered in her ear.

"I know Bruno, i just need some more time, i hope you'll understand?"

"Yes, yes we do, just can't wait to hear you say it!" He smiled looking up at her.

"Come let's go clean you up! We only have 5 more minutes before the new client comes in!" Ava said after kissing his cute pout.

"Okay let's go then, don't want to make them wait!" Grissom chuckled.

When Grissom's face was cleaned up and presentable they walked together to the boardroom where Grissom held the door open for her, letting her vet inside first without looking inside.

But the moment Ava sets foot in the board room and her eyes landed on the persons inside she froze on the spot making Grissom bump into her back, not expecting her to stop in front of him like that....

"Little one?" He says softly with questioning eyes looking at her.

But Ava is unable to move or say anything feeling her stomach turning and then not in a good way....

"Well well well! Is this a surprise! Didn't know i would see you again so soon! After the stunt you pulled ik the club!" Lucas sneered staring at the still frozen and very pale looking Ava.

Bruno suddenly got very agitated and started running around like a mad grizzly upon smelling the danger in the room while Grissom slowly stepped in front of a trembling Ava so that she would not see Lucas anymore. Then he grabbed his phone and pressed the button to call Lionel who was on the speed dial.

"Boardroom, now!" He only said with gritted teeth.

Seconds later Lionel stormed into the boardroom and halted to access the situation.

"Come Ava let go!" He softly says as he placed his arm around her shoulders while pulling her with him out of the board room leaving Grissom behind to deal with Lucas.

While Lionel takes Ava with him to his office and gives her something to drink after putting her down at the sofa, Grissom stands in front of the large table that divided Lucas and him.

"Would you be so kind as to tell me why your ugly face is here in MY company Mr. Lucas??" Gridsok says ik a low cold tone while Bruno is swirling around, ready to take over and kill the bastard who rapped their mate....

"How the hell should i know that you are the bastard who broke my nose is the same person i want to make a deal with you animal!!" Lucas bites back at him.

Grissom chuckled coldly at his remark.

"You have no idea what for an animal i can be Lucas and trust me when i say that you don't want to find out either!! Now get up and move your ugly face downstairs out of my building before my partner Bruno will kill you!" Grissom said with his glowing orbs penetrating deep into Lucas eyes making him gulp.

"Fine, fine, I'm going, i don't even want to make a deal with a monster like you!" He says as he walked slowly out of the door with Grissom behind him.

As they are at the elevator Lucas gets inside and turns around before the doors close with a smirk.

"Give my love to Ava, tell her that i want to have a taste of her sweet p**sy again!" And then the door closed and the elevator moved to the ground floor while Bruno came up and banged the doors harshly leaving a huge dent in it.

"Bruno!.....c....calm down....come here!" Ava calls from standing in the door opening from Lionel's office with her hand stretched out to him.

Trying to hold Bruno from coming out with all his strength he slowly walked over to Ava and buried his face in the crock of her neck inhaling her calling scent.

"Come let me get you inside!" Ava mumbles walking with him towards the sofa and sits down on it again with a heavy sighing Bruno next to her.

"Lay down Bruno!" She sussed him as he lay his head in her lap while she caressed his face making him slowly close his eyes.

They sat like that for some time under the watchful eyes of Lionel.

"Is he sleeping?" He asked Ava who looked down at Grissom's face and nodded.

"Yeah, i think he is!" She whispered with a smile.

"That's all you my dear! That's the power of being his mate! You can calm him down and even make him fall asleep!" Lionel says in awe whishing to find his own mate soon as well.

"It is....amazing.....i must admit yes....can i ask you, what was Lucas doing here?"

"Yeah about that! We are very sorry! If we knew it was him we wouldn't have asked to come here for a meeting but he used his first name and not his second which is Lucas....but what worries me more is why on earth he is on the streets while we handed him over to the police?!" Lionel says while thinking.

"Really? That's not good! Please can you make sure he will not come again please?" She says with a fearful face.

"Afcourse my dear! That will be arranged asap, you just take care of the big bear here and relax and then I'll go downstairs to talk to security and after that i will call the police station to see what happened ok?"

"Thank you Lionel, I'll be fine here" Ava replied while watching a peacefully snoring Grissom on her lap.

Once Lionel was out of the room, Ava started thinking.

It is bad news to know that Lucas was arrested before and that he is now out on the streets again! Just when she thought that her life had gotten better and she slowly was getting used to her grizzly boyfriend who was also her boss....but now this again!

Just seeing Lucas's face made her nightmares come back to her in full force.

She tried to fight the images, to go back to the back of her mind by focussing on her breathing but failed!

Slowly her breath became shallow and she started to see black dots appear on the front of her eyes while her body started to tremble violently, waking up Grissom from hie deep slumber.

"Little one? What's the matter?.....Ava? Breathe baby, slowly, just focus on me!" He softly says sitting now straight up in her lap.

But Ava didn't seem to hear him, all she saw in front of her was Lucas's face with an evil grin while he took her virginity violently....

A son escaped her trembling lips while her vision blurred and she fell into a deep dark hole that seemed to swallow her entirely.

Feeling exhausted and weak Ava just gave in and welcomed the darkness with open arms, taking her away from her nightmares while Grissom on the other hand was trying very hard to get her out of her darkness.

But to his utter dismay she lost consciousness while laying in his arms.