
Legend of the fated mates.

Werewolves, packs, fated mates, the moon goddess, the Alphas & their moon gifted Luna's, Omegas, Lycans and rogues, just to some up the most famous, well known and popular shifters of the "other" world. A world beyond our wildest dreams and imagination, a world where anything can happen, above and beyond, a world full of unending possibilities and unending fantasy! But besides those famous moon howlers, there are more living creatures out there! But they are sometimes being forgotten since they are living beyond the shadows of the famous wolves. Creatures who are much alike as their famous howling neighbors.... They are also shifters. Shifting between their human form and their true form, having also mates and feel the same way about them just as the wolves! But what if fate brings two people together. Two very different people coming from two very different worlds, not to say from extreme opposites! This is a tale about one of those "forgotten ones", a tale of love, passion, sacrifice, hope but also of fighting for your right of place in the world and for your hearts desires but above all, about the discovery of one's true nature that transcends all boundaries! A tale of two sisters, humans & two shifters, a grizzly and a lion pulled together by fate!

MarjoryBloom84 · Urban
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18 Chs

7. His offer.

Days are passing and little by little Ava gets her strenght back although she still feels some soreness between her tight but that's normal after being forcefully raped like that!

She and Betty are still staying with Grissom and his parents house and they have been very gentle and kind and caring to the both of them, something they always dreamed off having with their uncle and aunty but never got.

But still it feels a bit strange somehow especially with Grissom walking around who looks nothing less than a Greek God, with his sexy body and mesmerizing eyes who always have a way of looking her right into her soul!

Since they had that talk that afternoon he hasn't talked about the whole mate thing again which she was happy about since she didn't know what to answer him especially not after he had confessed to her that he loves her! Although it was warm and mushy from the inside she still can't believe that his feelings are true since she just met him!

But she has to admit that he is ondanks handsome and she feels things whenever he is around her, things she never felt before! But she would admit that to herself for now!

It was just after lunch when Ava's phone started to ring.

"Hello Grissom" she answered happy that it was not her uncle or aunty again since they had been trying to talk to her trough calls non stop since the thirty day after her being raped.

But she had cut all the calls not wanting to talk to them.

"Hello princess, how was lunch?" He asked her sweetly making her blush and giggle.

"It was very nice, thank you and yours?" She asked him back.

"Meh, just normall, i am on my way home to pick you up so be ready in ten!"

"Oh, we're are you taking me?" She asked curiously while watching Betty doing some readying in her school book.

"I'll tell you when I'm there see you in a bit princess." He says and then cuts the call.

"How's studying going Bett?" She asked while putting her jacket on.

"Is going good! I'm so happy that they brought our stuff here!"

"Yeah i know! Me too! But i don't know how to repay their kindness! Sometimes it's feels like a dream, ist to much!" Ava's says honestly.

"Nothing is too much for my diens mate my dear Ava! As long as you are here he is very happy after all he has been looking for you for a very long time!" His mother said after she just entered the living room.

"I just wish o could repay your kindness towards us, we are just strangers who take up your space and..."

"Ava! Please stop saying that! You hurt our feelings! We genuinely care for you two and i have always wanted a daughter so please! Don't feel like you are a burden to us because you are not! All i ask in return is to take care of Grissom and to love him from the heart!" His mother says making her gulp.

"That's just it, what if i can't, what if i can never love him the way he loves me, then what?" Ava muttered the same question again.

"My dear come sit, let me explain something and ask you something s as well.....we understand that this whole mate thing is different and difficult for you since in the human world it often goes not as fast in love like in Grissom's case. The thing is that they believe that every creature when the become of age finds their special someone to call them their own, somebody specially destined for them and that's what he believes, his bear Bruno knows it the moment he smelled your scent and that's how he also had tracked you down in the club that night, they just know and they will do anithing to protect you and love my dear"

"Okay, that's nice I guess....but what if i just want to be friends? I just feel like.....like what my uncle did to me with forcing that job on me and Betty, i didn't had a choice and look what that gotten me!" Ava exclaimed.

"Ava, I'm very sorry for what your uncle did, we all are and Grissom even the most of us but that's how this thing works this mate thing, he dienst have a choice, well i does have but to reject your mate comes with nasty consequences!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well it's good to know this though i hope it will not happen in your case but their is a choice, but a very painful one!.....in the fa tasy realm if a creature rejects his given mate the person experiences phisicall and mental distress and in the first cases even death!"

"What!! Death, so i will die if i tell him that i don't want to be his girlfriend?!" Ava said shocked.

"Well you are fully human so i don't know what effect it will have on hoi but for sure it will have effect on Grissom, he will probably get very sick and could die.....but please let's nit think of those sad things! He loves you and i think you like him to so give it some time and you will grow to love him too my dear!"

Ava sighed not knowing what to say after knowing this.

"I...i doike him but love....i don't know yet...." She whispered softly.

"That's good! That's okay Ava, just let him take care of you, let him love you because we can all see that you need that badly in your life, am i right?"

"Yeah that's true! But thats why this is so new for me and after whatucas did to me....how can Grissom even still want me and love me?"

"Because i don't give a shit about what that monster did to you princess! You are MINE! And notjijg can change that! I hated that he poo his ugly paws ok you but that doesn't change the fact that i love, that i desire to have you all for myself!.....please nonatter what you are stijl my beautiful little mate! My princess!! Nothing will ever change my love for you!" He whispered ok his ik front of Ava, cupping her face in his hands.

Moments are passing and it feels like time stood still around them. Nothing mattered in that moment then just him and her, together bound by fate as the stared deep into each others eyes that was a mirror to their souls.

Suddenly they heard a soft chuckle and their moment was broken by his mother who looked pleased at the both of them.

"Come my little one, i have a suprise for you!" He says as he takes her by the hand and walked with her out of the house towards his car.

Along the ride they both stay silent although he sterke glazes at her making her slightly blush. This man!

"Can i ask you something?"

"Always love!" He relied while still focused on driving.

"If this mate bond thing didn't exsist and you would just eandomely crossed paths with me.....would you still want to be with me?" She almost whispered.

"Yes i would and do you know why? Because you a re beautiful, kind and intelligent and i like that in a woman, you're everything i ever wanted nonatter the natebond or not Ava!"

He briefly looked at her and she saw the honesty in his eyes and gulped, shocked to whiteness that.

So he still would have chosen her if they were just normal people.....she thought by herself.....maybe.....just mabey she could see where this was going?

After some time he parked at his own private parking spot and helped Ava to get out and together they went upstairs.

"Where are we?" Ava asked curiously looking around her.

"This is my company little one, i am CEO Grissom of Grussom Technicks" he said with pride.

"Adcourse.....I've heard of your company in the news sometimes....okay, so what am I doing here?"

"Well my dear, i have an offer for you but let us first ho to my office where we can talk some more ok!"

"Okay" she said and followed him from behind while they passed a variety of people male and female of which most of them looked with desire at Grissom what for some unknown reason sat not well with Ava...

"Please come inside and take a seat" he then said after he had opened his office door for her.

As she sat down he walked over to his kitchenette to get something to drink.

"Do you want some tea?" He asked while she looked amazed around his office.

"Uhm can i have some water please?"

"Sure no problem!" As he made a cup of tea for himself.

"Damn it's finished!" He muttered suddenly while stares at the empty honey pot in his hands with a cute pout.

Ava looked his way and saw the pot in his hands while he tried with his fingers to get the last drop out and what amde her giggle.

"Sorry.....you know....bears and honey..." He said shyly.

He threw the pot away and sat down behind his desk, scratching behind his ears, feeling slightly nervous.

"Uhm well let's get to business!.....it has come to my knowledge that you and your sister were forced to work in that club right, well i don't my mate to work in such dangerous place so i have talked to my friend and colleque Lionel who you will meet soon, and he agreed on my idea if offering you a job here at my company as our personal assistend, but mainly my assistend.....so what do you think?"