
Legend of Legendary Summons!

A strange beast—a wolf-pup—born in ruins. Lacking common sense. Will it survive in the world of summons among the cunning and treacherous humans? Or will it become a pet for another summoner? Or, It will take its own fate and do something never done before? You don't have to follow its journey, just read it... Tags: Alchemy, Artifacts, Assassins, Beast Companions, Cunning Protagonist, Demons, Dwarfs, Elves, Evolution, Game Elements, Gods, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Human-Nonhuman Relationship, Humanoid Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Monster Girls, Monster Tamer, Polygamy, Romantic Subplot, Sexual Cultivation Technique, Summoning Magic, Weak to Strong, World Travel Fandom: Long Live Summons! (No worries, you can read this without reading the original) Support Link: https://www.patreon.com/BoredDreamer Release Schedule: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. ————————— Cover by LimeBlock (Note: I do not own the cover)

BoredDreamer · Bücher und Literatur
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76 Chs

Beautiful... Scary World?

Tian Lang woke up after a long, deep and satisfying sleep. An extremely satisfying feeling passed through his limbs, tail, and back before they all gathered in his head. The pleasant feeling made him so giddy that he almost fell asleep again.

Half an hour later, the impact from the pleasant sensation finally subsided and the fog surrounding his head cleared slowly. His gaze returned, and what he saw was only a block of stone... or rather, the stone slab. The small and big mystical runes on the slab were no more. Now, it was a mere stone. Unlike its previous self.

Tian Lang jumped down from the concrete bench. His point of view was slightly higher than usual, his injury all miraculously healed. He almost jumped out of joy but his happiness died down pretty quickly as he looked back.

Ruins of tall structures, deep gushes, widely spread destruction. He glanced at his small furry, stumpy paws and the structures. He wouldn't even amount to shit in front of these giant things. After all, big size equals to higher destruction!

To prove his theory, he left the core zone and found a thick, one meter diameter tree. Using his stumpy paws, he punched the tree with the intention of sending it to oblivion, however, with a dull sound, his paws pierced right through the bark of the tree.

Tian Lang whined in dissatisfaction as he scratched the ground.

He still remembered how those giant beasts swept away huge blocks of lands with their sheer build and yet, when he tried the same, the result was nowhere his expectations. Let alone sweeping the area clean, he couldn't even sweep the tree out of his path.

Didn't this mean size equals to destruction?

He tried to motivate himself, he grew a little. Surely, he will grow more. But all of his self-motivation went down the drain when he saw the leopard approaching, a beast four-times size in its mouth.

Even the leopard was many times bigger than his current self.

Tian Lang whimpered as he silently wept.

Looks like the day before he becomes a destructive pup... or rather, a wolf, was still far away.

The leopard arrived before the pup and dropping the beast, it sliced the dead beast in half before backing away a few steps.

Tian Lang was once again confused. Was the leopard telling him to eat? He just woke up, not long before he also ate heartily. He didn't particularly feel hungry, but after a good nap, it definitely wouldn't hurt to eat.

But did he really want to eat?

Obviously no, especially not from the leopard. As for the last time, he decided to temporarily not remember it.

He straightened his posture and looked ahead. At the gloomy scenery, he remembered the torment caused by the frightening hunger. Who knows if he will encounter any beasts on his path, then wouldn't he have to suffer greatly. Albeit a bit unwilling, he still ate the offered half.

The pup, Tian Lang, had already lowered his head in front of the unimaginable hunger. He might've become a mighty pup, but he was still a growing pup. Without eating he could last at most two weeks, any more than that, he would suffer the Bodily(Stomach) Punishment of the Heavenly(Ruthless) Thunder(Hunger).

Elegantly done with his meal, Tian Lang glanced left and right. In a matter of seconds, he started walking towards a not so random direction.

The leopard watched his figure in confusion. This path barely had anything in particular, even if he wanted to get out of the forest, it would be the longest journey and also irritating. Still, it followed Tian Lang without any qualms.

And meeting the leopard's expectations, the journey was indeed an irritating one. There were many deep cliffs and Tian Lang had to search for a new path many times. The leopard also guided him, which made things easier.

The journey didn't leave the duo beasts unsatisfied either. Most of the beasts ran away after seeing them but there were still a few who had yet to know the immensity between heaven and earth, challenging the duo. Of course, they met their end shortly after.

The leopard was akin to a sly snake, without any fierce aura. It even looked a bit weak, due to its injured-looking right-shoulder.

On the other hand, the small pup had an overwhelming aura surrounding him. Even if he wanted to hide and sneak on prey, it would be the same as telling them, "Hey, I'm here, notice me!"

Alas, he had yet to know why he failed to sneak up on any beasts so far. Dejected, he gave up on ambushing. What made his fur green with extreme and jealousy was when the leopard ambushed its prey swiftly and precisely. Those that fell under its fangs died without even knowing how. It also caused him to suddenly put his guard against the leopard, once again.

However, he discovered something new. And that was, enjoying others hard work felt extremely exhilarating.

Two particular beasts, one snake and one boar, engaged in mortal combat, they both tired each other out. The snake was too fast and crafty, and the boar had thick fur and hide. They were both incompatible with their opponents. Even the poison was ineffective on the vigorous boar.

Just then the snake and boar fell on Tian Lang and the leopard's path. As foolish and hot-headed as he was, when Tian Lang sensed the hostile intent overflowing in the atmosphere, he immediately lashed out on them. But just after one strike, he realized, their souls already flew to another world...

Looking at the injuries on their bodies, it didn't take him a great intelligence to understand they had already tired themselves out. However, what he felt wasn't guilt. A strange happy, euphoric, almost honey-coated feeling fluttered his young heart.

But thoughts such as how he should be careful during hunting, or not let others take advantage in the middle of fight still didn't enter his thick, bushy brain.

While dragging out the crystals from the snake, Tian Lang mused. The feeling itself was short-lived but it again re-surfaced when he shoved the crystal on his mouth. Then he looked at the boar corpse grudgingly. He had left no means but failed to take out the crystal from the boar. Its hide was as thick as ancient trees.

Giving the corpse another kick, Tian Lang picked up his pace, only to stop as he saw the leopard doing its trick. Claws extended, they pierced the dead boar's ear and the hide silently, without any resistance revealed its head. With another swift movement, the leopard fished out the crystal.

Tian Lang gawked and quickly turned away. As if, he didn't even see the actions of the leopard, for reasons inexplicable to even his own self. The silent leopard followed behind him as usual. It didn't think it stole the crystal. No, such thoughts never crossed its head. It simply thought Tian Lang left it for him. Although it was almost same as nothing, it still caused the leopard to become happy.

After three days, the scenery around them finally changed. The never-changing gloomy surroundings had a huge difference. Small bits of light entered through the corner of dense foliage, illuminating their vision greatly.

Tian Lang and the leopard had to squint their eyes to see the bright outline created by the sunlight. After such a long time of spending in the eternal forest, they both couldn't adjust to the dazzling radiance. Especially the leopard, it never left the territory of the eternal valley, only watching the bright luminescence from far away.

As soon as they closed-in towards the outline created by bright sunlight, both Tian Lang and the leopard shut their eyes, crossing the barrier and—

—everything changed.

As if they entered a new world, their surroundings became all magical. Bright yellow streaks of light, mountains filled with life and vitality, sounds of water splashing, incessant chirping of birds and insects suddenly overwhelmed both Tian Lang and the leopard.

The leopard looked almost blank. Even thoughts such as 'how can the world be so beautiful' crossed its head. Even the air smelled so pleasant and warm that it couldn't help but greedily suck in more air.

Tian Lang was also a bit overwhelmed. After spending such a long time inside the Valley of Eternal Ruins, he almost got used to the atmosphere there. Even the wind felt chilly and grim, let alone the chirping of birds, he hadn't heard even the occasional sounds of buzzing insects. Only now did he realize how beautiful this world, something he took for granted, was.

Were there more beautiful and satisfying things in this world? He didn't know, however, the seed of curiosity was definitely planted in his heart and soul.

Without minding the leopard he moved closer to the sound of water flowing and splashing on nearby rocks. As it was his first time listening to such a unique sound, he immediately searched for the source.

The closer he got, the thundering the sound became. Ten minutes later, the sound became so intense that it gave a feeling as if the sky was falling apart, as mountains and everything crushed along with it.

His heart thumped wildly, steps hesitated, but still, they propelled forward. Pushing through a few bushes, Tian Lang's gaze moved, and they were stuck forward, unable to move.

Waves of strange liquid fell from a high place. They loudly thundered on the rocky region as they passed by rocks to gently, then connect with the stream. However, the rocks were cascaded in many layers and every rock had a different color and the size bigger than the one before. Red, yellow, blue... variety of colorful rock created a strange yet unimaginable synergy. The rocks made the crystal clear water look of the same color, and as they cascaded down, it looked shockingly beautiful.

The leopard followed, contrary to Tian Lang's excessive careful and uncertain steps, it was quite casual. It also glanced at the magical, yet natural scene for a while, before approaching the stream bank. And drinking mouthful of water.

The natural beauty of this waterfall was definitely one of the best. Even so, it wasn't comparable with the heavenly scene caused by the uncountable runes.

Tian Lang finally woke up from his stupor. He never saw such crystal clear liquid, nor such mystical scenery. When he saw the leopard drinking water, he was struck!

You could eat that?!

Tian Lang copied the leopard's style. How magical would this liquid taste? Expectation and excitement filled his eyes as he instantly followed.

However, what followed wasn't the tranquil expression of the leopard.

So far, Tian Lang hadn't drank any kind of liquid from pools or streams. He had basically no knowledge regarding how to drink indirectly. He plunged his mouth down, along with his nostrils, and sucked in the liquids with great vigor.

And as one would expect, he immediately fell on a coughing fit, all the while retreating from the water bank with the speed he hadn't even used to fight the leopard. His head felt as if something hot pierced thorough and burned everything.

He shivered, almost uncontrollably, as he glanced at the endless stream and the mystical waterfall. The sound of water splashing didn't sound so pleasant anymore. They were so horrifying that every sound shook him from his core.

The leopard looked at him with a worried gaze. Many dangerous beasts lived near the stream. It was more so inside the Valley of Eternal Ruins. Some of them even troubled to leopard to take care of. Such as thin, deadly venomous serpents. They were one of the most dangerous ones.

Leaving the valley, the leopard had yet to learn about the outside world. Whether it was as dangerous as its home or more. Which was why it took everything clearly, not daring to be careless.

Yet, it couldn't find anything wrong with Tian Lang. He looked perfectly fine... albeit a bit strange. Why would he suddenly look at the waterfall with fear? The leopard shrugged as its ears suddenly twitched.

Bursting with speed, the leopard suddenly jumped on Tian Lang as if wanting to kill its mortal enemy, but at the last moment it shifted its body, silently dropping and disappearing in his shadow.