
Lighting the match

Josie's training had increased in harshness over the two weeks since they acquired the bracelets. James' had also grown in greater amounts and at a much faster rate. Now there were eight smaller trees making a circle around the larger one in the centre. Flowers of all different colours and shapes had bloomed and the odd bird or two could be spotted. The house in which Josie was staying in had also changed. It was now a two story cottage with a chimney. Inside there was a living room with two chairs and the small wooden table, a kitchen with cupboards that never seemed to be empty, and a dining room with a dark oak table. Upstairs there was a bedroom with a single bed and a wardrobe that had shirts, jeans, coats, dresses, and many other clothes yet Josie preferred her uniform. It was a grey onepiece uniform with reinforced padding and a black, shortsleaved shirt underneath. Josie would wear it with the top half rolled down and use the onepiece as trousers and keep the shirt on.

Josie and James were meditating in the field under the large tree.

"Close your eyes, relax your body and breathe in through your whole body. Think of nothing but the flame inside you and how it yearns to be released. Focus on it, don't control it but instead move with it and influence it to contain itself." explained Josie sitting in front of James. James breathed in and with it he thought of nothing. From the darkness a raging flame rose and lashed at him. He began to move in unison and became one with the flame. He began to influence it as Josie said and it began to shape into a calm but powerful pillar of fire. Suddenly, James felt something warm on his lips. It was like he was being...KISSED! He opened his eyes immediately but all he could see was Josie sitting on the floor as she had been before.

"I think I'd better go now. Thanks for the lessons." said James, slightly flustered.

"Sure, maybe next time we could try and see if you're able to use blitz." replied Josie.

"Blitz? What's that?" asked James.

"Blitz is a technique used by fire elementals that greatly increases their speed and power by cloaking themselves in an aura of fire."

"Sounds cool, maybe we could try it tomorrow." said James as he walked to the door. Josie sat and watched James leave and touched her lips.

James awoke in his bed just as his mother entered the room.

"Are you coming down for the news?" asked his mother trying not to bring up bad memories.

" Yeah, I'll be right down." replied James, still pondering about if what he felt was a kiss or not.

James walked down stairs and sat down on the sofa and the news began:

'It hasn't been long since the first meteorite hit our planet's atmosphere and exploded. Yet another has already been spotted and is headed for earth as well. In other news...'

James was shocked. Was the scout already on their way to earth. He had to do something. He let out a yawn.

"Sorry mum, I'm feeling really tired, I'll watch the news with you tomorrow night." said James. He got up, went to his room, and immediately jumped out the window.

"Josie! They're already coming!" Shouted James.

"Hmm, what?" replied Josie who was half asleep.

"The scout! They're already coming!"

"Oh shhhhh, can you see them in the sky?"

James looked up and saw the meteorite. It looked like it was going to land in the fields ahead of him.

"It's going to land nearby." said James, running as fast as he could.

"They're probably locked onto my ship's signal. It may have survived like the bracelets did."

"Let's get going then!"

It didn't take long until the meteorite broke into the atmosphere and began to burn up. This time, some kind of rockets blasted out and slowed it's decent. It landed a while before James arrived but the military was already there. They had their guns trained on the craft and were ready to shoot at any sign of hostility. James was stopped by a uniformed woman who he was able to slip past and run towards the craft.

"HEY, YOU! GET AWAY FROM THAT THING!" yelled what seemed to be a general of some sort.

Suddenly, a door opened on the craft and large man walked out. He was about 6 foot and a half and wore a more armoured version of Josie's clothes. He then spoke on a deep and malicious voice.

"Hello people of earth, I am Gordal. What a welcoming party you've prepared for me! I must say, offering a child is a new one." He said.

"I'm not an offering, I'm here to stop you and the other nations from taking earth as a battle ground!" Shouted James. His energy began to flare as he felt the battle edging closer.

"What?! Don't make me laugh. A child like you couldn't possibly lay a single finger on an elite like me! As for your worthless planet, I think it would make for a wonderful foot stool of the darkness nation."

"Who is this kid" whispered a guard

"I don't know, maybe he's just crazy" whispered another.

"I'll give you to the count to three to get your fat butt off this planet before I incinerate you!" threatened James.

"Ha! I'd like to see you try!" replied Gordal.


"Two!" James raised his hand and began charging a fireball. This came as a surprise to everyone, even Gordal.


"Let's go then shall we?" asked Gordal in a mocking tone.