
The Babayaga

Snape like the rest was a stunt.

The ground moved on its own throwing the students and professor like to side, 2 chains came out of the ground and went straight into the 2 associates which Voldemort has assigned as DADA and muggle studies professor, Killing them by thighing around their necks.

Meanwhile, snape recovered and tried to attack Liam but failed to even move, he looked down and saw his hands and legs tied by chains which were moving everywhere covering his entire body.

Harry and rest also soon recovered from being thrown to the side and saw Snape captured.

Liam walked to snape and whispered into his ears that he knew about his plan with Dumbledor and that he would support him and gave him a fake elder wand which was powerful enough for Voldemort to believe it's real, the fake was made out of the black mass of Hope, thus giving Liam complete control.

After doing something Liam let go of snape who using his death eater state escape.

Liam calmly walked to the front and created a chair out of the ground in front of everyone.

Harry came running to Liam screaming about why he let Snape go.

Liam calmly listened to him, when Minerva came and interpreted Harry telling him to give Liam and opportunity to speak. The rest of the members of the order of the phoenix too came forth surrounding Harry.

Suddenly a loud magnified voice of Voldemort ran thought the entire school: I will give everyone in the school the opportunity till dawn, Hand over harry potter or die.

Before anyone could reply Liam too in magnified voice replied: Come tomorrow morning, We are ready to hand over him over to you then.

Voldemort while laughing: It seems we finally have someone intelligent. Very well tomorrow morning them.

Liam looked at everyone in the front and said: Well that gave us some time, we should arrange personals first we can talk later.

Liam then nodded and looked at Minerva and Filius: Professors I would like to ask if you could kindly take Slytherin students back to their house rooms.

Filius understanding the situation nodded fully believing his student similarly Minerva too nodded.

Liam moved looked at the order of the Phoenix members then turned to Madam Poppy Pomfrey and Argus Filch said: I would like to ask if you could kindly escort all the students who either don't want to participate or are too young to participate through Hog's head Inn outside Hogwarts.

Argus Filch and Poppy Pomfrey both inadequate personal who couldn't fight thus understanding Liam's words went into action and quickly asked everyone who wants to stay and who wants to leave.

Liam then looked at Harry and other members of the order and said: Well we can either sit here and discuss why I let snape go or you can go and destroy the Hocrexe which I believe is in the room of requirement's room of hidden things itself.

Harry understanding the seriousness of the situation nodded but before he could speak Ron shouted: Who made you the boss? Seating their ordering everyone. Why don't you go and destroy the Hocrexe while I seat here huh why don't we do that?

Liam looked at Ron tilted his head a bit and then looked at Hermione for a moment then smiled: I see I understand the situation. If you want I can leave right now, no no I can even do better than that I can leave and stay in America for the rest of my life where I will still be a Prince in both muggle and Wizarding world without a care for Voldemort or you and Miss Granger over there.

Liam stood up and simply ignoring everyone and went out of the Hall. Harry seeing a powerful ally leave felt that Ron has shot himself in the foot ran after Liam to stop him but Liam and long disappeared. Without wasting time in arguing with Ron about Liam called for Luna and Hermione to come with him. Hermione was stunt after seeing Liam smile thinking that he knows about the kiss and her feeling felt conflicted when suddenly Harry called for her... putting thoughts for Liam and Ron aside Hermione rushed with harry to the rooms of requirements. While going their Hermione realized they don't have any means of destroying the Horcrux, Hermione decided to discuss with Harry who suddenly remembered the beast who's teeth they used to destroy the first Horcrux. Soon both Harry and Hermione along with Luna ran to the chamber and recovered the fang of Basilisk. They found Liam standing in front beast playing with its fangs.

Liam moved his eyes toward them and smiled to see them finally here. Harry came forth and asked Liam what he is doing here. Liam explained by taking Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem crown out that he too has been a long time searching for all the Horcruxes and why he left earlier because he didn't want to argue with Ron, then went on to explain that Harry too is an accidental Horcrux who need to die from Voldemort's hand which is why he had earlier agreed to hand over Harry. He also explained Dumbledore's final gift stating that as per his research the stone is inside the golden ball which Harry needs to use to dead and came back alive ending the Horcrux, Harry confused explained that all Dumbledore has left him was the Golden Snitch which he caught in his first match. Liam asked Harry if he could have the ball which Harry, after something agrees, Liam taking the Snitch, was now in possession of all three deadly hollows see the undermarking on the ball asked Harry to kiss it, Harry found it weird but looking at how serious Liam was kissed the ball while Liam head it. The ball started to open and the Ressurection stone came out. Liam explained to Harry that he was always supposed to die according to Dumbledore's plan which is why he was chosen and called a hero for his sacrifices. Understanding Liam's words Harry too accepted his death. Liam asked Harry to rotate the stone three times and give it to him. Harry did just that as he knew he was going to die anyway, He closed his eyes and rotated the stone three times when he opened his eyes he saw his mom dad Sirius standing there he smiled at them and asked Was death painful to which Sirius laughed and replied no it was quick and painless soon the surrounding changed he saw Liam, Hermione, and Luna standing around him. Harry nodded his head at Liam understanding.

Liam taking the Helga Hufflepuff's Cup from Hermione put it next to Diadem taking a fang in both his hands stabbed both the Horcrux. Soon the dark mask came and attacked Liam who raised his hand and pushed back everything with magic.

Voldemort feeling the pain of having 2 of his Horcrux destroyed at the same time turned mad and order his legion to attack Hogwarts.

Voldemort and his legion soon arrived in front of Hogwarts which was coved in a defensive spell all over. Voldemort motioned his death eaters to begin the attack but a voice interrupted him: Lord Voldemort, I have come with Harry Potter in my possession.

Voldemort surprised and help went forth to find Liam bringing a bound Harry. Liam seeing Voldemort quickly kneed thanking him for the opportunity to prove himself, Voldemort in his arrogance dismissed him while starting to play with Harry. Using curses to torture him, Liam just kept his head down while kneeling and waited for the show to end. Finally, after some sadistic pleasure, Voldemort killed Harry ending the show. Liam understanding that the show over rose up, standing straight and started laughing as Voldemort felt the pain of losing one more Horcrux, Liam waving his hand took the wand away from Voldemort who was wailing in pain while rest of the death eaters rushed up to defend the dark lord. Liam waved his hand using his magic power to the fullest and locking the space preventing anyone from escaping whether they were magical cretures or Humans. Liam then put both hands on the ground using his complete powers pulled spikes out of the ground which piercing all the death eaters and creatures in various parts of there body making their body hang mid-air thus killing them slowly while immobilizing them as they slowly and painfully lose their blood. Leaving only Voldemort, and Snape.

Voldemort seeing this got stunt all his army completely discriminated completely. Liam finally moved to Voldemort using his hand to lift him high in the Air while using his other hand to forcefully bring out Nagini and then suppressing her onto the ground and stabbed her with a fang of Basilisk in the head. Voldemort screamed and shouted after which his body started to break into pieces and finally he turned to sand.

Liam changed the ground near him into a chair and seat their and waiting for Harry to wake up while watching as Death eaters and creatures die slowly while Dementor's above stood there and did nothing same with snape who watched everything happen in horror.

Soon Harry woke up, seeing which Liam too stood up. Liam took Harry back in complete silence, Harry didn't ask anything too.

In Hogwarts, all the professor's seeing Liam, Harry, and snape return alive were delighted and rushed to them, Liam explained that Voldemort and his army is also dead and that all the Horcrux are destroyed too. Liam just said this not explaining how, when, why or anything to anyone. Liam nodded to Filius who also nodded at him.

Liam went up to Hermione and told her he wants her to be happy and seeing that she has feelings for Ron he doesn't want to trap her into a forceful relationship, he kissed her over the forehead and said Goodbye. He looked at Harry who also looked at him, nodding at each other, Liam started walking away, after some distance stopped and Looked Back one last time at the Hogwarts Castle, Liam turned his voice into magnifying and spoke in a rough cold voice: When you harm a Human anywhere with intension, always remember the boogeyman will come for you.

After which he turned into Dementor and roar, all the other Dementors rushed up and roared too, changing back to Human form he looked at Harry giving him a little smile and then turned around and disappeared, Dementors too disappeared. Leaving a whole crowd of stunt people.