
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · Fantasie
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254 Chs

What are you trying to say?

Seeing this predicament Alexander could help but to already made a prediction for the future and hundreds of cliché phrases and pickup-lines came to mind.

"How can a beauty like you be with someone like him?"

"Hey, Miss, this young master invites you for a drink."

"How can you be so close to someone that I, xxx, considered as my wife, I'll kill you!"

"Younger sister doesn't know how to look at a guy like that."

"Like a scumbag like you can be around her, Scram!"

"You're not worthy of her"

Alexander couldn't help feeling a little discomfort, in the previous life he had seen much-talented youths fought over a girl. Some had used sinister schemes to get the girl while some use normal method.

Besides, there was always some idiot would challenge their rival:

"I challenge you to a duel and whoever loses will stay away from her forever."

"On condition three months from now, I'll gladly accept your duel." And the most brainless was the challenger would accept the condition.

I never understood why the challenger would accept the condition. I mean if you can kill your enemy today, it doesn't mean you can kill him tomorrow. Think about it everyday cultivator will improve and get stronger but of course each their own speed.

As an example in my previous life, no matter how hard I cultivated in ten days my effort less than a genius can get in an hour. In addition, talented genius always surrounded by cultivation resources, in which he couldn't have.

In his previous life, he can be considered as a wealthy man than average cultivator but compared to the resources of powerhouses he was nothing more than a beggar.

In this world, there are many factors which can influence it: wealth, territory, resources and etc. Just thinking about the problem arises when he brings the girl around, Alexander couldn't help but want to cross-dress.

That would save him a lot of trouble.

Although he had much dissatisfaction in his mind, Alexander didn't show any of it he just said "Hello Helena, I am Alexander. From now on the ill count on you".

As she was looking at the boy. She saw in his eyes was not filled with affection for her like the eyes of children in her homeland and there was even a slight contempt, this had piqued her interest.

She also couldn't help but little surprised.

There was a child who was not charmed by her? In her homeland she was showered with countless proposals by the young master and some even proposed to have an alliance marriage, in the end, her father rejected every one.

Soon she recalled every word that her father left her "Though you are going to the lower realm, remember the person who you will meet will not be an ordinary person. I hope you can learn from him."

Her father sent her here was to find a master. At first, she was somewhat skeptical about it, to her knowledge the beings in the three great worlds surpassed in every aspect of the beings in the lower realm. Upon seeing this child remained calm in front of her and not captivated by her charm. This had piqued her curiosity of lower being.

"Likewise, young master I hope I can count on you in the future," she replied and smile sweetly.

Seeing the harmonious situation Anna also smiled at the scene and she was happy for her son, while Audrey was preparing sandwiches.

So the four soon enjoyed their meal, to Alexander's surprise the girl was unexpectedly enjoying the food. Knowing who her father was he was sure the girl's background wasn't simple. He thought it was natural she would be enjoying all kinds of natural treasures, but she was fine with ordinary food which was why he was surprised.

What he didn't know was the girl thoughts (Delicious! Delicious! Though this is not as good as the food back home and but it's different, hmmm I had enough of spiritual food).

The spiritual food was pricy only few people could afford to eat it daily. Ironically Helena was fed up about it, isn't that funny?

Finished eating Alexander open his mouth and said "mother, can I go and play with Helena?"

Anna pondered for a bit and said "All right, but don't be too hard on her, otherwise, I'll severely punish you. Helena if Alexander does some to you… you have to tell me about it".

"Yes, mother."

Hearing that Alexander sighed in his mind, apparently, his mother had already grown fond of her. This meant getting rid of her is nigh impossible he can only let it be.

"Let's go." Alexander pulled Helena's dainty hand left his mother's room and went toward his room.

When Anna saw this, she chuckled and look at Audrey and said "This reminds me of someone hahaha"

Audrey's expression sunk and said with a gloomy tone, "It was you, you always drag me out to play."

Seeing Audrey's reaction Anna couldn't help but to let out a satisfied laugh "ha ha ha" and reminisce her childhood. Audrey knew Anna's character very well so she didn't try to stop her and let her be.

Watching her miss laughing happily Audrey let out a sigh and also reminisce her childhood memories. The young miss had always annoyed and pulled pranked but if someone dares to bully her, her young miss was always there to defend her. There was one time when a servant from Webber beaten her till she had to recuperate on the bed. Her young miss had expelled him not only that years later she saw the same person was on a wheelchair.

Anna was very kind to everyone, but when someone gets on her wrong side she would be a cruel demon. Just remembering of Anna expression at that time made her back shiver in cold sweat. But of course, when Anna doesn't get punish someone to the extreme easily it only happened when she was so infuriated and she only saw her mad like that once. Not even when the King cut their allowance she wasn't that truly angry at him.

Meanwhile, in Alexander's room.

Two children were staring at each other as if they were examining each other, shortly after that the boy said: "Who are you?"

The girl just chuckled and said: "Your servant".

Hearing her answer Alexander frowned and said:" Someone like you who have a terrifying background, why would someone like you stoop so low and become someone's servant?"

The girl just giggle and said: "It's true that my background is high but very soon everything will change"

"What are you trying to say?"

Hello, I want to thank all those who sent an email to be an editor, soon I will communicate with them, but I have already done so. I'm just waiting for an answer.

Happy day to everyone!

Edited by Leafking900

Fatty_is_cutecreators' thoughts