
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · Fantasie
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254 Chs

Time passes very fast (4)

A year later.

Two years have already passed since bounty was placed and no one dared invade to the headquarters of the sects and kill the supreme elders as it was too risky. Within each sect there are hundreds of Elders and few thousand disciples in the Realm Gathering qi, if their sect's War Array were activated, it would be a force that even an Elemental Realm would fear.

So everything in his region was back to normal, as for the Elemental Opening pills they were treated as a payment for the Deadpool services and Alexander didn't care much since if he wanted to make the pills he could make thousands of those pills. For him, it didn't have much value.

In these following years, the cultivation of Alexander has advanced by leaps and bounds achieving the Body refining level 9 peak and ready to enter the Gathering qi. Meanwhile his grandparents and mother with the help of Alexander and in the same way that Audrey advanced to the Realm Gathering qi, advanced half a year ago and now they are all at level 5 and continued advancing a thousand miles per day.

Alexander's body was perfect, hard as a rock and flexible as rubber there are even certain movements didn't seem to have bones. Seeing this Helena asked for his guidance and began to refine her body in the same way Alexander did.

Today was a happy occasion for Alexander,

"Hahaha, I'm a genius, I'm a genius."

Helena was staring at what he was doing, Alexander had just finished another batch of potions, It was normal every day to make four batches in the mornings and the rest of his day would be devoted to training, not to mention that each batch was Supreme Grade.

But when Helena approached the cauldron with the freshly made liquid from the potions, the scent of sweet aroma was in the air and dense medicinal fragrance pervaded and she couldn't help but exclaim: "Transcendent quality".

Within alchemy the supreme quality was not the highest, there are three more grades, being ten times more potent than the previous one. These were: Transcendent, Quasi perfect, and perfect.

In modern alchemy, there are two types of errors, major and minor. While the older ones generate impurities in the pills/potions, the smaller ones make it loses the medicinal efficacy. Besides, correcting minor errors was hundreds of times more difficult than the older ones and only the more perfectionist alchemists will correct them.

In these lands the pills/potions of superior grade were already rare and those of supreme grade only appear rarely in auctions but those of transcendent grade and above are even rarer in the three great worlds without speaking of the last two grades, they are almost impossible to acquire.

In her clan there are only a few elders that are capable of producing such high tiered drugs, there were mostly times that it was based on pure luck. However this 7-year-old was able to do it, but soon shook her head and thought it was luck but she was wrong.

At first, Alexander had a success rate of 25% but gradually rose up until it was up to 100% after three months, meaning that every day was produced 2000 bottles of Body refining potions of transcendent grade and after the dilution was 2 million High-Grade potions, equivalent to 2 million silver! Alexander could earn 2 million silver every day!

Alexander contemplated very well about where he was going to sell it to and decided to sell it to the army of the Alba Kingdom through his grandparents, The army of the kingdom had several million people but many consists of ordinary people and only a few would be martial artists, and mostly their strength does not even exceed the third level.

Doing this would not only give him money but also strengthen the general strength of the kingdom, killing two birds with one stone, and the best thing is that he was not afraid of a coup d'etat since his grandparents were very strong now. Right now, Audrey's strength a few months ago could even rival the elders of the sects. But that was kept as a secret and only a few people knew about their progress. Many have thought that they were at level one.

Alexander also have a selfish motive for doing this, if one day he decided to place an Array of Gathering qi covering the entire kingdom this would make people with greedy eyes coveted the Alba Kingdom and desire to devour it so he needed to lay the groundwork for it, he was not an idiot who does things without thinking the consequences.

People who act without thinking about the consequences are foolish and have no patience and they want everything fast. Alexander in his previous life had seen several hundred young people who acted like that and always hid behind great powers that valued their talent for as they matured, some ended up dead while others lived but Alexander was not that kind of person.

If he wanted to do something he planned and if he had to wait, he didn't mind waiting a couple of years to achieve his goal.

So Alexander discussed with his grandparents about this and when they found out about it, they were happy, having a smile from ear to ear, they didn't distrust their grandson's words because they knew his ability first hand because during the last months they had taken his potions.

When his grandparents asked how many potions Alexander could make, he only replied: "How many can you afford?"

Upon hearing this, the elderly couple could not help but look at each other and said they would need to talk to the generals of the kingdom to discuss it, Alexander told them that all the potions he would sell would be high grade. And for every ten potions they bought, he would give one as a gift.

Days later Alexander received his first order, 10,000 high-grade potions, and the delivery was within a month, but if they knew that Alexander produces 200 times more in a day, they spit blood just thinking about it. The high command thought that ten thousand was already an amount that would take Alexander a great deal of effort to complete.

At the same time, they took measures to form an Elite squadron within the army.

Every month Alexander gave 11,000 to the army in exchange for 10,000 silver coins. Little by little, he began to accumulate his wealth because he knew that the higher your cultivation, the higher the cost of resources.

A year later.

In a beautiful palace, it has an incredible view of the sea, two Elders were talking while drinking tea. One of them wore white clothes as white as snow, it was the characteristic of the James Clan while the other had the clothes characteristic of the Sea Palace. Meanwhile, not far from them there are a boy and a girl of an 11-years-old girl talking intimately to each other.

Seeing the scene the pair of elders could not help but exclaimed:

"Nathaniel and Sybilla are certainly an ideal couple."

"Yeah, you're right, old friend."

So the Elder who had a symbol of the sea palace on her clothes said: "When will we announce their marriage?"


Edited by Leafking900

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