
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · Fantasie
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254 Chs

Duke´s Melancholy

Three weeks later.

Snow Kingdom, Clan Webber.

In a luxurious room, a middle-aged man thought about what had happened in recent years.

The Webber clan was a Clan with more than 500 years of history. At first, it was a common Clan in the Snow Kingdom, but thanks to the efforts of their ancestors they managed to climb from Knight to Duke, contributing enormously to the Kingdom.

But now the Duke and the clan were going through a difficult situation.

It had already been more than a month since the execution of the Great Elders of the Sea Palace and a few weeks since the talent of the Third Prince was revealed creating a stir in the region.

The Seventh talent with a chance of making its way to the Elemental Realm had been born and many were concerned about that, especially two clans, One was the Royal family of the Snow Kingdom, while the other was the clan of the ninth concubine, The Webber Clan.

At this time the family was in a difficult situation. The current duke, head of the family and Anna's father, did not know what to do.

Years ago he had expelled his daughter from the Clan under pressure from the Elders to avoid offending the Sea Palace but now because of this decision they had offended a potential genius who could reach the Elemental Realm!

What saddened the Duke most was that the genius was his grandson. Which he knew only in name.

The Duke knew that his children would never forgive him for what he did to Anna and in fact now ignore him. A few weeks ago the Elders of the family issued a call for all the family members to come together this made all the members scattered throughout the Snow Kingdom return home.

Except for three people, Helewise Webber, Joseph Webber, and Anna Webber.

Their three children.

Seeing this, The Duke sighed. A few weeks ago he sent a letter to his children to come otherwise he will lose face to others but the message his children gave him was: "I don't care about your face" By not attending this convocation.

The Duke knew that he had done wrong to expel his daughter from the clan only under pressure from the Elders but what could he do?

He was just a martial artist at Body Refining Peak and has tried for over ten years to make way for Gathering Qi without success.

Duke's position may be respected by many plebeians but in the Webber family, those who had the true authority were the council of Elders of which his father was a part.

To be on the Council of Elders one had to be on the Gathering Qi Realm without exception. This made the Council of Elders the most powerful warriors in the Clan.

The Duke knew why his sons were so angry and that was that he does not defend Anna even though his son, Joseph was much stronger than the greatest expert of the Council of Elders.

The greatest expert in the Webber family was a third level Gathering Qi while Joseph was a Sixth level Gathering Qi. In other words, Joseph can easily beat him.

This meant that if the Duke or his father wanted to oppose the decisions of the Clan they could easily but did not.

At first he thought it was the best thing he could do for the good of the family and that his son would understand that the Webber Clan could not offend a colossus like the Sea Palace even if it was for his sister but now by that decision he had lost his strongest ally leaving him with nothing to the Elders of the Clan.


That was the first word the duke thought of as he remembered what had happened.

Right now he repents of his decision and there is no return for him.

Because of this decision, he destroyed his family and although his wife does not say so, he knows that he never approved that decision.

Now the Elders called a meeting to learn how to deal with the threat Anna posed to the family.

Hearing that the Duke laughed his Grandson was as strong as a Ninth level Gathering Qi, The Webber family could not even deal with a Sixth level Gathering Qi much less a Ninth level.

Then there were the paternal grandparents of his grandson who were in the Elemental Middle Step.

If the subject of the call were "Surrender" I would find it more reasonable and feasible but those old men had a very big ego and still thought they could deal with such a strong enemy.

Can an ant win against an Elephant?

No, of course not.

Your daughter could make a colossus like the Sea Palace suffer and if she can handle them she could obviously take on the Webber Clan. The only reason she doesn't is that of respect for her last name.

Because the Duke knew that for his daughter he was already dead. She had been asking the family for help for years and was always ignored. The only reason her daughter didn't make this public was to create the illusion that was still being backed by the Webber Clan but now she doesn't need it anymore.

Most likely those Old Farts would give the idea of hiring an Elemental Half Step Assassin but there was a problem.

Where did they get an Elemental Half Step Assassin?

and if they did.

Will the Webber Clan be able to afford their prices?

Those old men were only giving their last drowning kicks and refused to admit they were wrong.

Thus in silence, an attendant approached and said, "Duke, it is time for the meeting."

The Duke nodded and gestured for the attendant to leave.

So I sigh.

Now he and his father had lost their greatest ally and had no right to speak at this meeting.

So he would only be one more spectator. This caused him to clench his fists but there was no other choice.

He had chosen this path and had to live with it until the day of his death.

All he had left was his title, so he had to do everything he could to keep it.

So the duke went to the family reunion that would only serve to demonstrate the authority of the Council of Elders and that his position was no longer relevant.

In the end, he couldn't help but whisper, "I thought I was too smart, but I was really an idiot. "

Hello, I want to say that I go to the day with the chapters and that this is the 2/10 of the extra chapters.

Happy day!

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